View Full Version : 300ex Electrical Questions

07-18-2011, 12:05 PM
On and off I have been rebuilding my 99 300ex for 2.5 years now, yes it has been torn down that long. I just recently was able to start putting it back together. I finished the motor 2 weeks ago and installed the harness last week. Not even a click when you push the button.

Now I did mod. the harness to do away with some wires that were not needed. I have been doing some research and need a couple of things verified:

1. To do away with the clutch switch, splice the 2 wires connecting to it together...

2. To do away with the stock killswitch splice the black/white (coming off the switch) wire to the black wire (coming off the switch)...

3. To do away with the reverse limiter connect the neutral and reverse switch wires together... *This one sounded a little off to me but just though I would check.*

Now this is just what I have researched and found. Any confirmation of these would be great!!! I am really trying to get this thing up and going asap.

07-20-2011, 12:33 PM
your clutch wire mod is ok, that is how you bypass that one. as for the others, i would un-do them and see what happens. i thught the speed limiter was in the cdi box, but i could be wrong. start with undoing those and see if that works