View Full Version : Work out suggestion!

07-06-2011, 08:43 PM
Hey y'all I've never really worked out before but I I'm trying to build up my upper body strength and I need some suggestions. I've started doing 50 sit ups 50 push ups and lifting a little weights every morning and night and I'm looking at buying protein but I think I need a better routine before I start that. I'm 5'8 and 140 I'm skinny haha what'd yall suggest?

07-06-2011, 09:01 PM
lift really heavy ****...all the time....eat babies and kittens.....and sleep like jabba the hut....

in all seriousness, there has been a million and a half topics like this done on here in the past...if you do a search...there is already a ton of good knowledge on here, depending on what your goals are, like loosing weight, gaining muscle, conditioning, running, getting prepared for the military, p90x, etc....

..there are a few pretty well informed members on this forum, like myself..

but if your are really serious about getting strong, and putting on muscle or what ever...hit up bodybuilding.com's forum......there is an infinite ammount of info there from people who have mastered the craft

good luck