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View Full Version : karma...motorcyclist crashes in helmet law protest

07-05-2011, 04:00 PM

Personally, I have no issue with motorcyclist not wearing a helmet as long as they sign a waiver with their insurance company and no tax payer dollars are spent for anything deemed head injury related. If you end up "mentally challenged" then too damn bad. I hate that so many of these end up holding out their hands wanting help from the government...who tried to protect them in the first place.

Wear a helmet and get injured, then I have mercy and no issue with the government covering the hospital stay when your insurance company stops paying.

07-05-2011, 04:05 PM
Personally, I have no issue with motorcyclist not wearing a helmet as long as they sign a waiver with their insurance company and no tax payer dollars are spent for anything deemed head injury related. If you end up "mentally challenged" then too damn bad. I hate that so many of these end up holding out their hands wanting help from the government...who tried to protect them in the first place.

Wear a helmet and get injured, then I have mercy and no issue with the government covering the hospital stay when your insurance company stops paying.
I Can't agree more!!!

Tommy Warren
07-05-2011, 04:14 PM
a great reply I found below the article :

Just a note from a guy who has TRAUMA CENTER & PARAMEDIC experience- If you crash & die, that's fine, your choice if you want to leave your loved ones mourning, I don't care. But! Not all die, & certainly not quickly. They linger in comas in the ICU for months, maybe they get shipped to "skilled" nursing facilities where they live the rest of their "lives" drooling on themselves with 90 year old dementia patients til they finally die of
pneumonia or infection related to a bedsore. And who keeps them alive this whole time? Who pays for the trips to the hospital, daily diaper changes & around the clock care? Those of us who are still able to work & pay for insurance & taxes. I'm not into the government telling folks how to live, some ya-hoo putting this expense on me so he can feel the wind blow through his hair isn't acceptable to me either. I don't ride, but if I did, you can bet I'd have a helmet (& full safety gear) on EVERY TIME.

07-05-2011, 05:09 PM
my wife works in a step-down unit for trauma...I hear stories like this all the time.

07-05-2011, 07:26 PM
I work in a level III trauma ICU and see it daily. Wear your helmets. I give every atv, dirt bike, motorcycle, etc rider the same talk. Broke bones can almost always be fixed and will heal. Head injuries not so much. Time and quick medical care are pretty much your only defense for a good prognosis. I'll try to find the pics of the car vs gsxr750 of interstate 99 the other week. Kid got rear ended in a construction zone by some lady in a suburban and was helmeted. Poor kid is only 18 and will likely never be the same again.

Originally posted by Tommy Warren
a great reply I found below the article :

Just a note from a guy who has TRAUMA CENTER & PARAMEDIC experience- If you crash & die, that's fine, your choice if you want to leave your loved ones mourning, I don't care. But! Not all die, & certainly not quickly. They linger in comas in the ICU for months, maybe they get shipped to "skilled" nursing facilities where they live the rest of their "lives" drooling on themselves with 90 year old dementia patients til they finally die of
pneumonia or infection related to a bedsore. And who keeps them alive this whole time? Who pays for the trips to the hospital, daily diaper changes & around the clock care? Those of us who are still able to work & pay for insurance & taxes. I'm not into the government telling folks how to live, some ya-hoo putting this expense on me so he can feel the wind blow through his hair isn't acceptable to me either. I don't ride, but if I did, you can bet I'd have a helmet (& full safety gear) on EVERY TIME.

07-06-2011, 07:05 PM
not just a helmet. WEAR FULL GEAR. Road rash is something you do not want to experience and leaves terrible scars as well. I see squids riding around in shorts, flip flops, and tshirts all the time on their rockets just askin to lose half the skin on their body.

07-06-2011, 07:34 PM
I don't understand in PA why they would remove the helmet law. I used to not wear my helmet but after seeing someone who wasn't, I always wear it.

07-06-2011, 07:41 PM
sad that the guy had to die, but the situation is kinda funny.

I have no problem with the no helmet law, my dad won't wear one if the state doesn't allow. BUT a helmet has saved my life to many times to not wear one. I wear a helmet or I don't ride.

07-09-2011, 03:13 PM

Here's the pic. Was rear ended on the interstate by the suburban.

07-09-2011, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by KXRida

Here's the pic. Was rear ended on the interstate by the suburban.

i don't think so unless 2 guys died...http://news.yahoo.com/ny-motorcyclist-dies-ride-protesting-helmet-law-143217859.html

07-09-2011, 11:19 PM
I always wore a helmet, jacket, jeans and boots on my bike. Best i ever saw was a guy in Philly wearing leather racing Jacket and pants with racing boots and no helmet. I mean really why wear the rest with out the helmet. Also saw a guy with his girl on the back the other day. She was wearing a helmet with a tank top, short shorts and flip flops. I mean really. Where is the common sense with some people. A 5 mph fall and she's messed up.

07-10-2011, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by buck440
i don't think so unless 2 guys died...http://news.yahoo.com/ny-motorcyclist-dies-ride-protesting-helmet-law-143217859.html

Read my post a few up and you'll see where the pic is from

07-10-2011, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by KXRida
Read my post a few up and you'll see where the pic is from

ohhhhhhh i seeee:)