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View Full Version : How can I get better XC

06-23-2011, 10:54 PM
Just like the title says, does anybody have any suggestions. I know seat time is a must but training wise, any good workout plan that I should give a shot. Any riding techniques I should try out that help you guys go faster. I'm in the first year class and would love to be fast enough to race b next year but doubt that'll happen lol. I just wanted to see what everyone thought for training and good techniques to practice. Thanks guys.

06-24-2011, 12:13 AM
ive raced about 6 or 7 xc races (gncc and midsouth), most of em on my old 250r I used to have and 1 on my 400ex I got now. im no pro by any means, just a weekend warrior. but I will tell you the biggest thing that gets me every race is arm pump and a dry mouth. a camelbak or any kind of water pouch/backpack will help you out alot especially when its hot and dry or dusty, just a small sip of water or anything will give you a surge of energy to keep on pushing to the finish. and for the arm pump, work on your forearms and hands/ grip strength. usually by the end of each race my forearms and hands are what is hurting the most on me. and another one of my problems is I get so excited durning the first part of the race I end up holding my breath alot and not breathing as much and I think that is where alot of the problem with arm pump comes from. I'd say the best thing would be to stay calm and relaxed on the start and not go all balls out and try to get the holeshot. cause you will start passing people that either wreck or get stuck or just pull off to the side of the track cause they went "wide open" from the start and got worn out to fast. cause you got to remember that your riding for 2 hours non-stop and the smoother you can get through the course the faster you will be on your lap times.

06-24-2011, 04:58 AM
I hate to say it... but practice is really what helped me the most. Im like 400man by no means am I a pro, but Ive got about seven races under my belt and each time I race I feel a little more relaxed at the start. I guess Im getting more comfortable, so I stay a little more calm and use less energy being nervous and anxious.
I ride mx practice tracks and that seems to really help with my stamina. We probabl go out like once a month.
I also exercise regularly. I have read that cardio helps with arm pump. something about your blood sort of cleaning out the junk from your muscles. and if you lift weights do light weights with a lot of reps during the on season.