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06-21-2011, 06:13 PM
finally installed my motocomm headset with my midland radio in my helmet, (after having them sit on my counter for 5 months) lol

did some testing with them last night, yep must have looked like a tool walking down the sidewalk with a motocross helmet on talking to my self. seam to work great, i walked down 4 blocks and could hear my girl great the whole time. i figure we should never really be that far apart on the trail anyway.

anyone else have them?

06-22-2011, 12:33 PM
So what head set did you get? Is it a set (two units) for rider to rider talk or can you talk with more than one person if you all have head sets?

Family Guy
06-22-2011, 04:56 PM
beags86 I would like to know more as well on which radio your using and how it functioned while riding. My ol lady was just asking about this setup this weekend.

06-22-2011, 06:34 PM
i bought the 551 headsets. the first number being 5 is what you need for a motocross style helmet. the last 2 number being for whatever radio you buy for it you also can chose from the full size switch or the mini push to talk switch. i chose the mini switch.

you have to by them separately (which sucks because they are 59 apiece bucks on top of the cost of the radios)

the ability to talk to more then one party is more of the radios capability then the head set. the head set if just the headset.

right now i have bought the midland gxt1000vp4. which you can use multiple radios on if you would like.

i haven't tested while riding yet, but i will update this thread after this weekend.

i bought the radios on sale at bass pro shop for 79 and the headset on amazon.com for 54 apiece.

headset link:

radio link: