View Full Version : Front Shock Pressure

06-17-2011, 08:56 PM
I just recently put a pair of 06 450r shocks on my 400ex and know nothing about the 450's. They are in like new condition and I was told the seals are good, but when i checked the pressure with a digital gauge the readings were different and it has me wondering if the seals are infact good. Can anyone tell me what the stock recommended pressure rating is? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

06-19-2011, 05:38 AM
You tried to check nitrogen pressure in the reservoir? Sorry to say, but you leaked too much nitrogen out trying to check them, so you will need to have them re-charged. They are usually pressurized to around 150 psi. If the seals were bad they would be leaking oil around the shaft. You have to remove the spring and black plastic cover to see the shaft. Hope this helps.

06-19-2011, 07:32 PM
Thanks, I used a shock recharge manfold kit for my buddys Jeep with a digital gauge so I shouldnt have lost anything, just didnt want to add if I didnt need to. The left read 85.7 psi and right was 78.4 psi. I may just re-seal em at the end of the season anyway. Thanks again.:)

06-20-2011, 06:38 AM
I wouldn't run that low of pressure. I recommend getting them re-charged, should only cost about $10. Keeping pressure on the oil prevents oil cavitation and helps the seals work. Running with low pressure can prematurely fail the seals.

How long is the hose on the manifold recharge kit? When measuring reservoir pressure, you have to fill the gauge and line with nitrogen and equalize pressure with the reservoir. I just say this because I was initially surprised by how quickly pressure is lost, even when measuring it. Hope this helps and good luck.

06-20-2011, 05:57 PM
Yea, he warned me of that cause these are so much smaller then the ones on his Jeep, the hose with the kit was like 10-12 inches, we swapped it out with a piece from my fuel pressure kit that was only 1.5 inches, so the gauge was really close. I was talking to him earlier and he gonna refill em and I'll recheck pressure after 3 or 4 rides. I really appreciate the input man, thanks!!!