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06-08-2011, 02:23 PM
Ok I was with a bunch of friends last weekend (who are all 21) long story short, I got caught using a fake ID. I was respectful to the cop like usual (I've gotten in enough trouble to know that always pays off) but he was very disrespectful. The fine ended up being $438.50. Which is rediculous in my opinion. It was an hour away from my house so I don't wanna plead not guilty if it's not worth it because I also have to miss a day of work. Ive gotten out of speeding tickets before, so I know its always worth it to fight that. But I have no idea if I can get a fake ID citation reduced at all? Does anyone else have any experience with it?

And I always figured what's the worst that could happen with fighting citations but I got I trouble for revving my car when I was passing through a bridge like 2 months ago. There are no houses around this bridge and it was at about 8:30 pm. But I got a disorderly conduct fine of $100 and I fought it and came out with a $175 fine. So it cost me $75+$180 for taking off a day of work

Tommy Warren
06-08-2011, 03:42 PM
if you have a dirty record already its better to take the fine and be thought a fool, than fight it and remove all doubt:D

06-08-2011, 03:56 PM
A lawyer will get it reduced, maybe thrown out if your lucky. But then you wind up paying them as well.

Call a lawyer and see what they say,t hey often offer from consults.

06-08-2011, 05:58 PM
you should call the courts and see if you can use a public pertender// offender.. with all these illegal immigrants using fake ids . im totally against drinking . i got in enuogh trouble with it when i was a kid,, but i feel if there is a war going on and if you can fight at 18 then you should be able to drink or enter a bar at 18. i would try to fight it . eny thing to keep your record clean , once your in the system some times its hard to get out. believe me im been down that road and it sucks, take care tommy

06-08-2011, 06:15 PM
I got a TOC and I wasn't even driving. Cost me $316. Your lucky it didn't cost more. What u did was premeditated. You were caught with a fake ID with your pic on it. What u gonna do say thats not mine. lol your guilty just pay it

06-08-2011, 06:50 PM
Was the cop also the ID-checker? :huh How exactly did you get caught? You should have told the cop that you had no ID. Tell me you didn't willingly hand over a fake ID to a cop.

06-08-2011, 07:40 PM
Ha exactly. Ive gotten cought with a fake before and you just leave the bar. The bouncers are not cops and can not hold you for anything.

06-08-2011, 07:45 PM
Did u have a goofy name on it like Mclovin lol

06-08-2011, 08:23 PM
It seems to be an epidemic these day’s where people will do something there not supposed to and when they get caught they want to weasel out of it some how.
You had and used a fake ID. And you got caught! You’re Guilty! Pay the fine.
You knew the risk and you took it, shut up and take your lumps!
You’re lucky you weren’t arrested!

06-08-2011, 08:50 PM
no i didnt hand it over, the bouncer was looking at it then went straight outside to a cop that was on the street. and dont get me wrong, i know im guilty and everything and it wasnt right. i agree with that. but now that i got the fine, im just trying to save some money if possible. everyone wants to do the same.

and my records not bad at all besides driving stuff. a lot of it :( and one tresspassing citation where i was caught swimming in a quarry

and i do agree with what you said about the drinking age being high. and of course i agree because im 19 my opinion might change when im older. but it seems kinda rediculous, i have friends that have spent time over seas and seen and done things no one should ever have to do. and they were 20. but they cant get home, go into a bar, and sit back and have a beer. whatever, its not gonna change anytime soon and i cant do anything about it

but yea ill get ahold of a lawyer and see what they say. but how much are you gonna pay a lawyer? my friend just payed like $800 to a lawyer to get out of losing his license for an underage.

06-08-2011, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by jesseweaver
no i didnt hand it over, the bouncer was looking at it then went straight outside to a cop that was on the street. and dont get me wrong, i know im guilty and everything and it wasnt right. i agree with that. but now that i got the fine, im just trying to save some money if possible. everyone wants to do the same.

and my records not bad at all besides driving stuff. a lot of it :( and one tresspassing citation where i was caught swimming in a quarry

and i do agree with what you said about the drinking age being high. and of course i agree because im 19 my opinion might change when im older. but it seems kinda rediculous, i have friends that have spent time over seas and seen and done things no one should ever have to do. and they were 20. but they cant get home, go into a bar, and sit back and have a beer. whatever, its not gonna change anytime soon and i cant do anything about it

but yea ill get ahold of a lawyer and see what they say. but how much are you gonna pay a lawyer? my friend just payed like $800 to a lawyer to get out of losing his license for an underage.

how good was the quality of the fake id? Did it have the hologram and everything? just curious

06-08-2011, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by ProspectorJim
how good was the quality of the fake id? Did it have the hologram and everything? just curious

must not have been good enough!!:macho

06-08-2011, 09:06 PM
Best way to avoid all this B.S. and issues to begin with, is ..... Don't do the stupid thing in the first place... Speeding tickets, CNI's, Disorderly Conduct With a Motor Vehicle, etc.... Those are just petty things everyone gets atleast once in there lifetime... But a Fake I.D.? are you really that desperate? I mean sure beer is good, but not worth the risk if you ask me... Have a buddy buy the beer then drink it at home.

Don't commit the crime, if you can't do the time.... or more commonly said... Don't commit the crime, if you can't pay the fine....

Hate on me if you all want, but i speak the truth.

Besides that, get a lawyer... in some states, if found guilty it is a felony to be in possesion with a false photo I.D...

06-08-2011, 09:11 PM
I am just utterly stunned by the stupidity of kids now a-days... I have a buddy with 8.... yes i said 8 MIP's and at least 3 DUI and he's not even 21 yet... Seriously, i don't get the point of getting hammered out of your mind then waking up the next day and not remembering a damn thing that happened that night.... Most chicks come out knocked up and the guys arrested.... Grow up guys...

06-08-2011, 09:14 PM
haha it was good, halogram and everything. i have no ided how they caught it. i was in the bar like an hour earlier then we went somewhere else and came back and it was a different bouncer and he was good

and yea i agree, dont do it in the first place, that would be the best idea. but when all of your friends are 21, 22 its a little more tempting. and when they're all going out for your best friends birthday its hard not to want to tag along.

and all of my other times i got in trouble weren't bad at all, im just always in the wrong place at the wrong time. ok they were bad i guess because i broke the law but its not like i was ever stealing or anything like that. revving my car one time under a bridge? swimming in a quarry with some friends where everyone goes every nice weekend to swim? burning out in my mustang in an empty parking lot where i had permission to do so? dont take me the wrong way because i dont have the best record ever

06-08-2011, 09:18 PM
you can get a ticket for revving? :rolleyes: that's just stupid.

how did you get in trouble for doing a burnout if you had permission?

06-08-2011, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by trailrider894
Best way to avoid all this B.S. and issues to begin with, is ..... Don't do the stupid thing in the first place... Speeding tickets, CNI's, Disorderly Conduct With a Motor Vehicle, etc.... Those are just petty things everyone gets atleast once in there lifetime... But a Fake I.D.? are you really that desperate? I mean sure beer is good, but not worth the risk if you ask me... Have a buddy buy the beer then drink it at home.

Don't commit the crime, if you can't do the time.... or more commonly said... Don't commit the crime, if you can't pay the fine....

Hate on me if you all want, but i speak the truth.

Besides that, get a lawyer... in some states, if found guilty it is a felony to be in possesion with a false photo I.D...

Honestly, for me at least, its about not having to depend on other people. I try to depend on people as little as possible. I don't have a fake id though, I just make moonshine instead:D

06-08-2011, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by jesseweaver
haha it was good, halogram and everything. i have no ided how they caught it. i was in the bar like an hour earlier then we went somewhere else and came back and it was a different bouncer and he was good

damn dude, was it one of the ones that actually scans too?

06-08-2011, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by ProspectorJim
I don't have a fake id though, I just make moonshine instead:D

Atleast your not that stupid...

I drank for years, then i quit... Best thing that ever happened to me... Still not 21 either, but it changed my life, and i can tell you i have more fun now and i actually remember it than i did when i had hangovers all the next day and don't remember the night before...

06-08-2011, 09:38 PM
The drinking age is set at 21 for a reason. I do think that someone with a military ID and is serving our country should be exempt and be able to drink.
There are some people under 21 that can drink responsibly but the majority can’t.

The little stuff you have been caught doing is normal and understandable. But if you were older and more mature you generally have enough since to not do something in a place where you can get caught.

We all do dumb chit, but the older you get the more you reserve those things for a time and place where you won’t get caught. That’s where maturity comes in, as you get older you generally think of the consequences a bit more and weight the risk before you jump in. It doesn’t mean as older folks we don’t do our share of dumb chit, we just look over our shoulder first.lol

I guess there nothing wrong with pleading down to a lesser charge if you can.

06-08-2011, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by ProspectorJim
damn dude, was it one of the ones that actually scans too?

nope it didnt scan so i always let others in first to make sure they didnt scan.

06-08-2011, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
The drinking age is set at 21 for a reason. I do think that someone with a military ID and is serving our country should be exempt and be able to drink.
There are some people under 21 that can drink responsibly but the majority can’t.

The little stuff you have been caught doing is normal and understandable. But if you were older and more mature you generally have enough since to not do something in a place where you can get caught.

We all do dumb chit, but the older you get the more you reserve those things for a time and place where you won’t get caught. That’s where maturity comes in, as you get older you generally think of the consequences a bit more and weight the risk before you jump in. It doesn’t mean as older folks we don’t do our share of dumb chit, we just look over our shoulder first.lol

I guess there nothing wrong with pleading down to a lesser charge if you can.

yea i understand that and i've learned enough since i was 16 and i am a lot more careful now. but its still tempting for me to rip wheelies on the r6 and stuff but im careful to not do it where i know cops sit. but when they're coming the other way towards you behind a car and you're doing a 75mph wheelie in a 35 zone they're a little harder to see. once again, wrong place, wrong time. i didn't get in any trouble for that one though ;)

06-08-2011, 10:07 PM
Yeah 21 is a dumb drinking age I think. It's 19 or 18 in Canada (depending on the province). I know kids up here who started drinking in the 8th or 9th grade. While I think that's stupid... I think by the time you are in grade 11/12 (that's junior/senior year), most are responsible enough to drink... and most do (up here at least).

Good luck with the ticket. A girl I know got booked with one last summer, she just paid it though.

06-08-2011, 10:08 PM
Drinking is fine in moderation. Finding that limit takes some experimenting and we all have drank too much at least once.lol And hey I still enjoy a good buzz every now and then, but it’s rare for me to drink anymore and I keep it to a limit of 2 drinks or beers.

There’s nothing wrong with having a good time, we all need a time out every now and then to have a little fun. Just be more careful when you do.

Your learning the hard way. Just like me and so many others.lol

06-08-2011, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by trailrider894
Atleast your not that stupid...

I drank for years, then i quit... Best thing that ever happened to me... Still not 21 either, but it changed my life, and i can tell you i have more fun now and i actually remember it than i did when i had hangovers all the next day and don't remember the night before...

yea, I mean I've never been part of the crowd that drinks till they black out. happened once and I gotta say, ****ty experience. From my experience its usually kids who live in a neighborhood that do that kind of stuff and are almost desperate to drink. Me and pretty much all of my friends live in the woods and we have been hangin out and drinkin nearly every weekend for a few years without incident... except for this one time with some moonshine. **** gets crazy with moonshine. Most of the time its us just hangin out , shootin the ****, and sippin on some good stuff.

06-08-2011, 10:14 PM
The school of hard knocks has a very mean teacher.
First comes the punishment , then comes the lesson.

Tommy Warren
06-09-2011, 01:33 AM
the legal age in quebec is 18. nothing like going to the titty bar and seeing a bunch of 18 years olds squeel like little girls when they see their first rack. Its immature and annoying. I started going to the local country bar at 14 I used to wear my buddies university jacket and I had a dirty goatee back then....I remember getting drunk with my carpentry teacher on wing night wednesday. seemed cool at the time but now it seems stupid...I haven't drank since february:)

buddy willard
06-09-2011, 06:57 AM
if you can't do the time. then don't do the crime!

06-09-2011, 08:16 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by trailrider894
I am just utterly stunned by the stupidity of kids now a-days... I have a buddy with 8.... yes i said 8 MIP's and at least 3 DUI and he's not even 21 yet... Seriously, i don't get the point of getting hammered out of your mind then waking up the next day and not remembering a damn thing that happened that night.... Most chicks come out knocked up and the guys arrested.... Grow up guys... [/QUOTE

Alcohol did all that. Why is it legal & cannabis isn't?? hmm

06-09-2011, 09:02 AM
you can fight it and beat it with a public defender if the public defender is not an idiot. it`s kind of a gamble but in the long run you would much rather that be dismissed on your record than to be found guilty. you never know what you have to disclose in your future where that could cost you a possible job later on.

06-09-2011, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
The drinking age is set at 21 for a reason. I do think that someone with a military ID and is serving our country should be exempt and be able to drink.

Definitely agree with this. 18 = old enough to kill then old enough to drink.

Alternatively...minimum age for serving in a war zone should go to age 21. If you can't drink until 21, how can you possibly be expected to participate in killing other people?