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View Full Version : Allergies!

05-31-2011, 04:36 PM
i cut grass for 5 hours today and i cant breathe and am sneezing like hell, ive got them bad but everything my doctor recomends wont phase them, nor will benedryl, i even went and got a mild steroid shot and it isnt even helping this year, any advise would help, i know there has to be other people out there with this problem that has found some sort of cure

05-31-2011, 04:51 PM
i take zertec D, the D is important:p twice a day. you have to sign yourlife away for it at the pharmacy. only stuff that works for me.

i feel your pain brother. try it out and i hope it works

05-31-2011, 05:05 PM
I have allergies earlier in the year (just got over them bout 2 weeks ago) and absolutely nothing works. In past years allegra and zyrtec have worked but this year not even antibiotics will work. If they aren't long term (through summer) allergies I would just say wait it out, it sucks but is so worth it when it's all over.