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05-30-2011, 05:48 PM
Today my dad got a call from he sheriff, local forester, and some of our friends that live by a piece of forested property that we dont live on. alot of people ride through that area and right by the road to get to other places to ride is my grandpas homestead house where he was born and raised. from what the sheriff has told us they tore the house up pretty bad broke a bunch of stuff and went through the whole 2 story house AND barn and shed..we've had problems with people vandalizing before but never like this..by the way this place is only accesible by quad or dirtbike no trucks unless you have a key to th gate. the house is about 10 miles back in the woods and we always let people ride through our property to the public forest that surrounds us..but now i think we need to shut them out..i hate having to shut down places due to guys tearing stuff up but its really been damaging our property and some of our roads.. ideas on how to keep them out? sorry i had to vent this just really ticks me off :mad: i dont see how people can have this little respect for other peoples stuff..stealing family momentos, firewood,tools,small furniture and not to mention the destruction of property.. HOW can i keep these jerks out or atleast cause them a little hell? all ideas would like to be heard

05-30-2011, 06:05 PM
I have learned taking the law in your own hands is not the way to go about it. No offense to anybody that is a police officer, but I don't like em, but that seems to be the way to keep em out.

05-30-2011, 07:31 PM
get some deer camera's. and post no tresspassing sighns . so when you catch them they cant play dumb it helps in court. and the peaple who ride on your property the ones you trust . ask them for help especialy if they hunt there . its hunting season use cameras to shoot them. my buddy had same problem years ago.. some kids on dirt bikes where tairing up his bean feilds he got them on film took it to there parents .they didnt want the law involved so they gave him 2 seasons worth of profit. and he had a talk with the kids. he allowed them to ride there when crop season is over and not during deer season

05-30-2011, 07:37 PM
Deer cams are a best bet. Id also start spending some time out there randomly, weekends, nights, days, etc. You will catch whomever it is this way.

Chances are its kids, grown adults do not usually vandalize-they steal stuff.

05-30-2011, 08:12 PM
A hungry pit bull would work great!!

05-30-2011, 09:26 PM
we have trespassing signs on all entrances and roads. and im pretty sure its kids too.. had our friends walking in there and kids on a crf230, blaster, warrior and 300ex were doing laps around the house in the yard.. i've seen em when we're camping out there for logging on the weekends and they'll see you and cut right around the other way and take off. we caught them once slinging gravel off the road throwing there wheelers side to side and we had a talk with them..later that day the blaster kid was doin wheelies down his drive way across the road from our propertys gate..I've been trying to get my dad to talk to there parents but it was there dad that was caught poaching deer on our property im pretty sure...so im not sure how much they'd care..

05-30-2011, 09:29 PM
well its vandilization and stealing but i know kids have been in there..this time of year we catch em more since we're out there everyweekend and some weekdays later in summer. place is a little under 2 hours away so a nightly trip isnt to easy.

Tommy Warren
05-31-2011, 01:19 AM
just install random strings of barb wire at about neck height around the property and put little tiny (1inch by 2inch) n trespassing signs on them. if you have it well posted then you can't get in trouble if they....get in over their heads mmmuuuhhaahahaha:devil:

05-31-2011, 06:32 AM
dont run cables or wire a long time ago senater of delaware george bunting his child was decapetad. the story i heard was the women of the property ran a cable across her lane. to stop the kids from riding on her property .

05-31-2011, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
just install random strings of barb wire at about neck height around the property and put little tiny (1inch by 2inch) n trespassing signs on them. if you have it well posted then you can't get in trouble if they....get in over their heads mmmuuuhhaahahaha:devil:
my dad was thinking some old logging cable a little higher then a wheelers bumper :chinese: hmmmmmm

05-31-2011, 09:01 AM
put down boards with nails in them. IT will pop their tires and they will get the message quick. Don't hang wire, that's just wrong. I know a kid who got killed because some guy didn't want him riding. He didn't see it and hit it going pretty fast. no one deserves to be killed or seriously injured. Also if someone did get killed from you doing it you will be sued faster than you can believe.

05-31-2011, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by blaster99
put down boards with nails in them. IT will pop their tires and they will get the message quick. Don't hang wire, that's just wrong. I know a kid who got killed because some guy didn't want him riding. He didn't see it and hit it going pretty fast. no one deserves to be killed or seriously injured. Also if someone did get killed from you doing it you will be sued faster than you can believe.


That's what most of the people do around here. My friend hit some with his truck ,that he just put new tires on, definitely stopped him from off roading in a farmers field. Told him he shouldve asked first.

05-31-2011, 12:15 PM
Yep old boards with nails gets the message really quick.

Like I said, stay there randomly and try and catch them in the act. I had problems with idiots at my cabin, they rode into the woods to hunt (and poach) and had to walk out cause there 4x4 quads were mysteriously gone and then sitting on my front lawn. They got the message really quick.

05-31-2011, 03:34 PM

05-31-2011, 09:12 PM
i actually did try the board trick last summer..haha kept em out for a few weeks then they were right back at it..maybe the shingles would be a nice touch..

06-01-2011, 10:59 AM
Get a paintball gun or BB gun and pump the feet per second up really high. Just sit and wait till one of them comes along. Fun for you, probably not for them. Especially since their probably not wearing proper riding gear besides a helmet and maybe boots.

06-01-2011, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by lasher45
Get a paintball gun or BB gun and pump the feet per second up really high. Just sit and wait till one of them comes along. Fun for you, probably not for them. Especially since their probably not wearing proper riding gear besides a helmet and maybe boots.
haha once we caught em and they all had matching white wife- beaters and then shorts and sneakers..not all had helmets.. BUT OH WAIT the kids without had sunglasses! haha

06-01-2011, 06:33 PM
I have dealt with stuff like this on hunting leases in the past. I had a nice piece of land leased several years ago that no matter what I did, I just could not keep the local idiots from coming through and stealing feeders & stands, damaging the camp, etc. It was a 2 hour drive so I couldn't just go check on it every day. Drove me crazy! The best solution I came up with was to give a local sheriff deputy and the local game warden permission to hunt on the property. I figured just calling the cops would get me an occasional "ride by & check", but allowing them hunting rights would give them an interest to keep the idiots out and it worked like a charm and eliminated the problems. From then on if I lease a piece of land I always find a local law enforcement to come hang out. You'll never stop all the crap, but having johnny law coming & going at odd hours helps way more than nails & barb wire. (but the nails are fun to put out LOL)

06-01-2011, 10:42 PM
we've talked to the sherrif a few times now and they've been caught by our local forester who turned them in but i guess they didnt get the message? they still come but they said they're hiring another sheriff to patrol all the back roads and such so hopefully that'll help it out!

06-02-2011, 12:35 AM
Some of you guy’s are morbid and sick. Setting any type of booby trap no mater where it’s located is illegal. Causing someone bodily injury is not the way to fix the problem.
Has anyone ever heard if a fence?
If there breaking in on posted property then call the law and make a report. Then you may have to catch them red handed and have them arrested. Don’t back down and drop the charges after the fact. Send a strong message that you are keeping watch on the place.

I’ve had to deal with something similar that required a lot of my time and I had to get the police involved repeatedly for quite some time before I got the results I wanted.
Unfortunately that’s what it takes sometimes, but booby traps and violence seem like the rite thing but it will in most cases back fire and cause you more trouble then you wanted.

Also don’t be spreading the word around you know something has happened, keep all information between you and the police. Keep everything hush hush. Someone may slip up and reviele information that will help out.

06-02-2011, 08:38 AM
many of the suggestions have just been turned violent imo but a few are..and yes we HAVE put up a fence and they ran it right over to go around our bigg gate

06-04-2011, 08:29 PM
If by "we" you mean anyone who rides an ATV and does whatever gives all ATV riders a bad name - that's incorrect because that's like saying if someone were to rob a store and get away in a car, that's like saying that all drivers = robbers. Recreational riding has nothing to do with being stupid... most of the time, and certainly it doesn't brand others, and if you encounter someone who says "you're a bad person because another rider did _______" then it's your duty to slap the stereotype out of that person's mouth.


06-04-2011, 08:58 PM
your right rbgnwa45 ... peaple kill not guns... but a lot of peaple dont see it that way

06-04-2011, 10:26 PM
yeah yeah i agree but when people get mad and have a bad experiencethey make assumptions and generalizations..example: Racism

06-04-2011, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by selbygirl
your right rbgnwa45 ... peaple kill not guns... but a lot of peaple dont see it that way

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xC03hmS1Brk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

he does