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05-30-2011, 12:42 PM
anyone have input on them? believes in them? feelings towards this kind of stuff...

Tommy Warren
05-30-2011, 01:11 PM
not true not possible not gonna happen

05-30-2011, 01:54 PM
I believe, I personally had a few experiences. What are some of you're stories?

05-30-2011, 02:33 PM
BOO!http://planetsmilies.net/not-tagged-smiley-10015.gif (http://planetsmilies.net)

05-30-2011, 03:11 PM
i know one thing I can not stand the stupid haunted show, OMG the floor creaked.

05-30-2011, 03:52 PM
Ive had a few experiences, never anything negative or "frightening" but I know I have seen or been in contact with ghosts.

Mostly at my fiancees parents house when we used to stay there.

One night I woke up an turned over in bed and at the foot of the bed was a woman with long white hair standing in a white night gown. Didnt see a face or any recgonizable features. But I know there was something standing there.

Her brother rolled over in bed and thought his dad was sleeping with him. Which he thought was whack cuz he was 18 at the time, Then he took a second look an relized it was not. He said he just covered his head an went back to sleep.

Her father has punched at something that he thought was someone doing a b&e in there place. but it was nothing.

And most recently we moved into an old dance hall above my parents that weve renovated into a home for the time being. And upstairs theres about a 4ft crawl space in our walls. With little doors on the ends. We had a party and a couple slept in our back room/storage room and the girl was pretty drunk when the went to bed and had to pee in the middle of the night. She thought the washroom was in the little door. she got in and someone took her by the hand out into the actual washroom.

05-30-2011, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by 660LE

Her brother rolled over in bed and thought his dad was sleeping with him. Which he thought was whack cuz he was 18 at the time, Then he took a second look an relized it was not. He said he just covered his head an went back to sleep.

I call BS on this one. If I woke up and thought someone was in my bed and I discovered it was not a real person, there’s no way I’d be going back to sleep with them still in my bed.lol

Tommy Warren
05-30-2011, 04:49 PM
if ghosts were real there would be little dog, cat, rabbit, goat, and dinosaurs ghosts everywhere. how can a "spirit" that weighs absolutly nothin make the floor creek or knock **** off of a table?

I myself would love to see a t-rex ghost though.

05-30-2011, 05:01 PM
My place has ghost and he was a doctor back in the day, his name is fritzgerald and is really attracted towards my sister cause she's in the medical feild

05-30-2011, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
if ghosts were real there would be little dog, cat, rabbit, goat, and dinosaurs ghosts everywhere. how can a "spirit" that weighs absolutly nothin make the floor creek or knock **** off of a table?

I myself would love to see a t-rex ghost though.

animals would have no reason to leave a spirit behind, they dont think like humans do. all they know is eat and sleep

creeks and knocking things off tables etc. are the ghosts/spirits trying to get your attention. they do it themselves. they cant physically talk to you so they make noises and move things

i believe in ghosts and spirits. makes life seem more interesting

05-30-2011, 05:06 PM
watch "my ghost story" on BIO, its pretty crazy. its not 4 dudes standing in a dark room waiting for something to happen for 30 minutes. its actual stories of things that have happened, some even have pictures and video of it

05-30-2011, 06:28 PM
There is no proof.

I would like to believe in many things but until there is actual scientific proof I would say its all fake.

If you want to read some interesting stuff look for an author named Hans Holzer. He wrote over 100 books on para-psychology and had some interesting hypothesis.

05-30-2011, 07:30 PM
Who really knows if they exist. Perhaps (hypothetically) we move on to another dimension, another plane of existence.

I will agree that there are things that happen that just cannot be explained scientifically. The stories of things happening in a house like cabinets opening, dishes and things flying all over, etc when no one else could possibly be touching them is the kinda stuff that makes you scratch your head and go "wtf?"

05-30-2011, 08:11 PM
I use to say the same stuff about ghosts ! Until I stayed at a five room home on golf course in AZ that was used to house richer elderly people that needed round the clock care ,my wife use to work as a nurse with the owner and we came to town from MD stayed the night in it . It was empty people pasted away and house was up for sale .that night I moved a bed from other room so the three of us slept in same room so around 200 am my dead mother calls my name louder and louder I heard my mom calling my name JOHNNY,JOHNNY you know what that special tone and the way only your mother calls your name as a kid but as I woke to it my wife was awake and scared to death Took me a week to get her to talk about it I think there real but just dont understand them and why they exist !

05-30-2011, 09:26 PM
I have a friend that I went to school with. He lived next door to a dance hall that had been there since the mid 1800’s. His dad was a cop and he and his wife (my friend’s mother) worked the dance hall every weekend. Yes it is still open to this day almost 200 years.
I and all the kids I went to school with went to the dance hall on most Saturday nights.
But having a friend that lived there we spent a lot of time there when no one was around. And I do remember being down stairs and no one around but me and my friend, we would here beer bottles being dropped and foot steeps like someone was dancing.
The thing was there were no bottles up there, we had cleaned the whole place and we looked but there were no bottles anywhere in site.
We even saw beer cans falling of tables all by them selves. It was very weird to say the least.
Spooky spooky!!!

Tommy Warren
05-30-2011, 09:55 PM
this one time at band camp I shoved a flute in my......oh different story nevermind

05-30-2011, 10:09 PM
i rented a house for a short time and every once in a while over a period of 18 months ITEMS would fall off of diffrent shelves in the garage while working in the garage. once i can write that off, twice thats really weird. the third time i said "REALLY,,,,, I WILL WORK OUTSIDE THEN". so i am convinced that something didnt want me in there. i got the hint

also heard a crazy noise like the house shifted for 8 seconds

05-30-2011, 10:19 PM
My ex GF's mom (corinne) grew up in a town about 2 hours south from the town we live in now and anyway corinnes mom ( renia) still owned the house last summer and another place and i went down to meet my ex's grandma renia and work on her farm ( hay season) and she took me over to the house she use to live in that corinne grew up in and after i got back home my ex's mom asked if i felt anything weird and i said it was like i was being watched from the woods ( it was a old farm house with about 10 acrs and a barn and a few ratty buildings and a woods also) and her mom was laughing to no end and i was like what? and she told me that there was a little boy that was trampled in the 1800's by a herd of cattle he was 8 or something like that and then she told me that she is a twin and that one night she was out having a smoke and saw the little boy by the woods and just blocked him out, she finished her cig and went in side and her sister screamed, at the time her sister was prego so she thought her water broke. not what happened... she was working on a Crossword puzzle and she wrote Henry at the bottom of the page. (the little boys name) there was his dad that was with them that night and he would make my ex's mom (corinne) sister ( i dont remember her name) relay what he wanted to say by writing it down on the paper... i asked her twin about it and her eyes got huge and just wouldnt talk to me for the longest time. but since they are twins they both have green eyes, her sisters eyes were brown that night after she wrote henry down. .

05-30-2011, 10:48 PM
Me and my racing buddy were going through the middle of nowhere one night right around 12. When i say nowhere, i mean no houses within ten miles, nothing but trees and an old abandoned dump. When we passed the dump we saw a girl on the side of the road, so of course we turned around to see what was going on. When we go back by, we both saw a guy behind her with his hand in the air, so we go back by one more time and theyre both gone. We went home and went to sleep, and the next morning told my mom the story. We however did not tell her where we were because i was 16 at the time and not supposed to be in that area late at night :cool: After i told the story, she said that she went to a hangout one night with some friends at an old abandoned dump and she kept hearing a scream in the woods. She finally asked her friend who was screaming and her friend said "oh please dont start that crap, some girl got stabbed in the back in the woods supposedly and now everyone says they hear screams". Turns out she was at the same freaking abandoned dumpyard, completely true i swear on anything. Thats the night i began believing that there is something to ghosts. And trust me, i was the biggest critic out there until it happened

05-31-2011, 12:18 AM
We have a cottage up north, we bought it from a old lady who had been on the lake her entire life, and after she had passed they sprinkled her ashes in front of the cottage we purchased, my dad knew her growing up and gave her boat rides to her other cottage in her later years.. She loved cats (so much she stuffed them and hanged them) and hated dogs. Nothing ever happened unless my brother came up with his dog, we would hear loud bangs coming from her basement downstairs 2-3 times a night that woke EVERYBODY (5 of us) up. This happened for years until Sheena (bro's dog) passed, and when hes come since then nothing has ever happened since.. I didn't sleep in that basement until I was 16 lol!

Now in our house in Toronto.. A father and son built both homes side by side in the late 60s.. the son passed from cancer and we bought the home off the deceased's dad.. I can't say much ever happens, but when it does its weird beyond thought. One day I made some coffee (huge metal coffee pot) put it at the back of the counter and went to my room, heard no sound but when I came back the pot of coffee was spilled all over the ground.. I hear weird things when I'm alone in the house late at night (around 3:30am) in the furnace room in basement.. scratching or something..

If you want to hear the craziest story that happened to my grandmother in her apartment just let me know.. it has me questioning it.

Tommy Warren
05-31-2011, 01:16 AM
you can't leave us hangin now:grr:

05-31-2011, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
you can't leave us hangin now:grr:

Yea let's hear it

05-31-2011, 09:22 AM
At our old house, we kept returning home and finding the tea kettle on a burner with the burner on. We went through several due to being burnt.....luckily no fires.

It started happening so frequently that we started both checking as we left and made sure it was dead center of the stove, burners off etc, doors locked, no one home, cat locked in basement.

When we would return it was back on the burner and steaming due to the burner being on. We finally threw out the kettle and never had one again.

Cody would sit and jabber in rooms and when we asked him who he was talking to, he repeatedly said "That man".

Do I believe? Dunno. Sure was a first hand expierence at something we could not explain.

05-31-2011, 09:23 AM
Well a few years ago my uncle passed in the middle of the night from heart failure (he was only like 62).. that night my grandmother had a "dream" where the phone rang and it was Jack (my uncle) on the phone, they had a talk and at the end he said "tell them I'm ok".. the next morning my aunt called to tell her what had happened, and the first thing my grandma said was "I'm sorry about Jack"

05-31-2011, 03:19 PM
they are real. i have some crazy stories about ghosts

05-31-2011, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by muddy400EX
animals would have no reason to leave a spirit behind, they dont think like humans do. all they know is eat and sleep

creeks and knocking things off tables etc. are the ghosts/spirits trying to get your attention. they do it themselves. they cant physically talk to you so they make noises and move things

i believe in ghosts and spirits. makes life seem more interesting

they talk to you. i have had them audibly speak to me before

Tommy Warren
05-31-2011, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Pappy

It started happening so frequently that we started both checking as we left and made sure it was dead center of the stove, burners off etc, doors locked, no one home, cat locked in basement. [/B]

LOL I would have loved to hear a story about how your cat was making tea when you weren't home:D

Tommy Warren
05-31-2011, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by krt400ex
they are real. i have some crazy stories about ghosts
my god...you can't just tell people you have stories and not tell the stories....thats the point of the thread:grr:

05-31-2011, 04:25 PM
We used to own a old 2 family just outside of boston. After we sighned the papers the little old lady we bought the house from told us it was haunted. She always saw a young lady on the front stair case in a robe with a candle.... We thought she was just old and nuts. Yea right ghosts pffttt.
One day I was talking to the tenant on the second floor and she said place was great the only problem was the wax on the front stair case. She said she would always clean it up but with in a few weeks it would be on the hand rail and treads. :huh I have no idea how many times I cleaned up the wax on the stairs but I did it many times before we sold that house. We never told anyone who rented and they always commented on the wax.

My great aunt passed in our house. I was with her on the day she died. Four hours before she died she told me her mother was there in the room with us.:eek2: I told her her mother was dead. She said to me "I know she is dead. Today Iam going to die. My mother is here to help me."
Who knows if she was there or not but it was one of those times when all of the hair on the back of your neck stands up.

05-31-2011, 07:37 PM
I live in a house that my grand parents lived in when they were alive. I also live on the same property that my uncle lived on when he passed away here at his trailer home. I also live on the same property that my dad and mother lived on for 50 years (mother is still living) dad passed away in 85.
I’ve been here in my grand parent’s house for 20 years; I have never seen or heard anything spooky.

05-31-2011, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
I myself would love to see a t-rex ghost though.

X2!!!!!!! :D

Tommy Warren
05-31-2011, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
I live in a house that my grand parents lived in when they were alive. I also live on the same property that my uncle lived on when he passed away here at his trailer home. I also live on the same property that my dad and mother lived on for 50 years (mother is still living) dad passed away in 85.
I’ve been here in my grand parent’s house for 20 years; I have never seen or heard anything spooky.

you have to use your imagination like everyone else on this thread;)

05-31-2011, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
I live in a house that my grand parents lived in when they were alive. I also live on the same property that my uncle lived on when he passed away here at his trailer home. I also live on the same property that my dad and mother lived on for 50 years (mother is still living) dad passed away in 85.
I’ve been here in my grand parent’s house for 20 years; I have never seen or heard anything spooky.

Originally posted by Tommy Warren
you have to use your imagination like everyone else on this thread;)

Well I decided when I moved in that I was not going to let anything spooky like that bother me. I mean after all these were my family members that always looked out for me growing up. So even if they come around they would never hurt or scare me in any way.
Well X that my dad was a BIG prankster my whole life so if anyone wanted to come back and scare people it would be him.lol

05-31-2011, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
you have to use your imagination like everyone else on this thread;)

Listen, for being an older member (age wise) you sure do act immature. For someone who does not believe and poke a great deal of fun on this subject you seem to request a lot of people's stories and stick around the tread a lot. If you do not believe in this stuff than great. State it then shut it. There is no need for you to mock and make fun of other people's experiences.;)

Tommy Warren
05-31-2011, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
Listen, for being an older member (age wise) you sure do act immature. For someone who does not believe and poke a great deal of fun on this subject you seem to request a lot of people's stories and stick around the tread a lot. If you do not believe in this stuff than great. State it then shut it. There is no need for you to mock and make fun of other people's experiences.;)

I just like to hear the stories and try to figure out what really happened. Like I said...there is no such thing. I just like to hear what people thought where ghosts. And I'm entertained by spooky stories. people have been trying for years to prove that they exist and have failed....why? I think you know the answer

06-01-2011, 06:12 AM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
I just like to hear the stories and try to figure out what really happened. Like I said...there is no such thing. I just like to hear what people thought where ghosts. And I'm entertained by spooky stories. people have been trying for years to prove that they exist and have failed....why? I think you know the answer

youve just never had anything unexplainable happen to you. maybe ghosts just think your boring :blah:

06-01-2011, 06:16 AM
Originally posted by krt400ex
they talk to you. i have had them audibly speak to me before

ya i know some people have had that happen, i think some can and some cant maybe? iono lol

ive had voicemails on my phone from 2-3 in the morning, couldnt have rang because my phone ringing always wakes me up from a dead sleep. and no "missed call" or number to go off. and the voicemail is static and can barely hear a voice in the background

Tommy Warren
06-01-2011, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by muddy400EX
youve just never had anything unexplainable happen to you. maybe ghosts just think your boring :blah:

I live next door to a cemetary...it should be a hot spot for hgosts I presume.....but nothing....I've walked through there at all times of the night and when I was a kid I would play in there with my friends for hours I even camped in there when I was a teen. Its much scarier for me to camp out in the woods with animals I know exist than it is to camp in a cemetary with....well nothing

06-01-2011, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
my god...you can't just tell people you have stories and not tell the stories....thats the point of the thread:grr:

hahaha, there is aplace in nj called shades of death road. you park next to a lake and there are indian burial grounds across the other side of the lake. myself and two friends went one night(sean and megan). this what when i was skeptic of whether or not this stuff was real. he decided he was going to provoke them to show me they are real. i had an led maglite and he walked to the edge of the lake with it and shined it to the other side saying, "come and get me you heathen basterds"

at that moment it sounded like an army hit the water but there was not even a ripple. they marched across the lake and physically pushed him. he then walked back to the car apologizing out loud. at this point in time, i realized i had a high sensitivity to spiritual activity. hair standing up, chills, electricity through my body, etc. we were sitting in the car smoking a cig and we could hear footsteps all around the car. then i heard footsteps walking up behind the drivers side door. i felt something breathe on me. i asked sean what it was(he can see them). he told me it was the indian chief and that it was time to go.

we proceeded to leave and i had the feeling it was running next to me down the road. sean confirmed it. now, he wanted to stop and say hi to a couple friends who lived on the road. they were taking a walk so we pulled over when we saw them. he was outside talking and suddenly i realized that there were spirits standing under street lights and next to a dozer in a machine yard. at this point i learned that i was sensitive enough to pinpoint them even if i couldnt see them. i got out of the car and walked to the back where sean was and i sense something standing directly between a street light and a bush. it was mad. i asked him what was standing there. he told me again it was the chief. so i told him we were leaving.

he decided he was going to walk the girls back to their house. so i followed in the car. the driveway was 100ft up the road. i turned the car around and they disappeared from existence. i pulled into the driveway and they randomly reappeared in front of my car. directly in front of the car. sean jumped in and was like "go you drove through the chief." apparently the guy was blocking my vision of sean and the girls.

on the way back i was going to a gas station to get a sub for sean. we hit an intersection where i would have made a left. the spirit spoke to me and me only. told me to go straight. sean wanted a sandwich so i made the left anyway. not half way through the turn, the spirit liften sean out of my sean and pinned him against my headliner strangling him. spirit lets go and sean goes into a vision. his pupils were visibly spinning BACKWARDS in his head. we got the sandwich and then i had to go to the bathroom. i walked inside while sean was eating, the spirit followed me inside and as soon as i entered the bathroom it left me. i came back outside, and it had locked the doors in my car so i couldnt get in and it was strangling him again.

finally it lets go and sean opens the car up. we're on the way to the quick chek in town by me, sean tosses a cig out the window at which time we hear what sounded like an elephant hit the roof of my car, the spirit took sean by the arm and attempted to drag him out of my car. i rolled the window up with his arm outside to try and hold him in(it was dead of winter mind you. very cold). the spirit held him like that the entire ten minute ride back to the quick chek.

that was my first experience. i have had many others since then. quite a few very scary ones. but that was the one that turned me into a believer

Tommy Warren
06-01-2011, 05:55 PM
few things wrong with that one..

1. why did he roll his window down all the way in the winter to throw a cig?

2. indians don't know english so "come and get me you *******s" would have sounded like mindless jubberish to them.

3. I've never heard of a ghost travelling that far

anyways lets hear some other stories:)

06-01-2011, 07:31 PM
ive never seen ghost .. but as a kid i heard storys of black aggie if you guys get a chance google it..

06-01-2011, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
few things wrong with that one..

1. why did he roll his window down all the way in the winter to throw a cig?

2. indians don't know english so "come and get me you *******s" would have sounded like mindless jubberish to them.

3. I've never heard of a ghost travelling that far

anyways lets hear some other stories:)

learn some history and you'll see that the people who didnt like native americans when america first started to get populated called the native americans heathens. sean said it to hit a soft spot and it worked. ghosts do travel that far. if people can, why cant they. and he didnt have his window all the way down. it was half way down. still enough to get pulled through the window. you're replies in this thread are beginning to get very aggravating. skeptic? thats fine. but dont call me or anyone else here a liar by calling things out of their stories that dont add up to you.

06-01-2011, 07:45 PM
a month ago sean and i went back because our friend rich wanted to see this stuff. on the way down i had a vision that he was going to get dragged out of the window of my truck(warm weather this time just so you know). told him to leave his window up. he didnt listen. wanna know what happened? there for five minutes and a 230lb 6'5" tall man gets pulled out my window. rich had to hold him by his belt to keep him in the truck. i told you i have many more scary stories. that was just the experience that made me a believer.

06-01-2011, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by krt400ex
learn some history and you'll see that the people who didnt like native americans when america first started to get populated called the native americans heathens. sean said it to hit a soft spot and it worked. ghosts do travel that far. if people can, why cant they. and he didnt have his window all the way down. it was half way down. still enough to get pulled through the window. you're replies in this thread are beginning to get very aggravating. skeptic? thats fine. but dont call me or anyone else here a liar by calling things out of their stories that dont add up to you.

Thank you!

But that road is about a hour maybe a little less from me. I heard a few people talk about it.

The guy I use to work with told me about a place in NJ that was haunted. It was a railroad track and I think a train crashed because the driver could not see where he was going. I guess his light went out or something and it was at night. But anyway he said that he went up there one time on a dare with a few of his buddies. The story goes of you place you're car's rear tires on the track and turn the car off along with the lights. They you will see a light off in the distance and you hear a train coming. The light and sound come closer and closer and the car won't start if you try to start it. Well he did this and that as exactly what happened. He actually popped the car in nutreal and had to bounced and try to roll the car off the tracks. When it did roll off the tracks it started right up and the left in a rush.

Tommy Warren
06-01-2011, 08:18 PM
so now they attack people and disable cars:eek: I'm just sayin though no disrespect to you guys if you feel so strongly about it I just kind of find it funny. anyways I live beside a cemetary on the corner of "devils door rd" (actual name) and I aven't seen anything. and KRT400ex if you get an interaction every time you go there why not take a video camera and get it on film?

06-01-2011, 08:48 PM
every town has stories .you guys remeber the big foot sightings. or the guy who exscaped from prison with a hook for a hand

06-01-2011, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
I live in a house that my grand parents lived in when they were alive. I also live on the same property that my uncle lived on when he passed away here at his trailer home. I also live on the same property that my dad and mother lived on for 50 years (mother is still living) dad passed away in 85.
I’ve been here in my grand parent’s house for 20 years; I have never seen or heard anything spooky.

First be really relaxed have it be quiet have one smaller light on and focus on them and call the one you were closet with name as ask them to come to you.... keep your. Mind clear if the don't show them self they will talk to you like it is a thought in your head....
You'll knowbif they come.

But you have to believe....

06-04-2011, 09:40 PM
Oh man, where do I begin... I tried this before, but didn't use any paragraphing lol. I'm sure nobody read it.

I have personal proof that there's an after-life, but it'd be pointless to tell to most of you because even in the face of truth, most of you would try to disregard what I say, telling me that I'm lying or something, but I'm so far beyond caring about what you's believe because I can whole-heartedly let faith go and say that I KNOW. One thing I've learned in the past couple years is that no matter what spiritually happends to you, you can't just expect people to switch up their belief system (even if it's weak) just because you expect them to believe your spiritual occurances. Why would I lie? I in no way shape or form want to convey an ego-trip, I'm not a wishfull thinker, nor am I bored out of my mind. I'm just a 23 year old Canadian male with too many hobbies. One of the things that I'd really like to get across to people is that they can have their own unexplainable experiences, because what you read or see on TV just isn't enough, there's always a doubt, you can initiate this for yourself, and that's why I think spirituality is more of a personal thing, completely different from a shared religion.

I'm psychic-medium (although I hate "dubbing" myself), I can predict things, I have predictive dreams about once a week, and I do readings for people in psychic chat rooms for free, sometimes with tarot. I'm non-religious, almost non-spiritual in the sence that I don't practice religiously or really even give a hoot about things in general. Whatever happends, happends, it was supposed to. I was told by a good psychic that my distant relatives were psychic gypsies, and I'm actually Algonquin indian.

Most of you have questions like "how could a spirit possibly move something physical when it itself weighs nothing?"

The point here is that you've tried to disregard the truth even when staring at it. Imagine for a second that it can actually happen, and the point you failed to consider is that your assumptions of how things work in the spirit-world are wrong. The spirit-world isn't limited by things such as gravity, space, or anything really. Saying that it's not possible is like saying life isn't possible, so instead of asking yourself if these subjective events are real, start by asking yourself if you believe in the whole God concept first. Ask yourself why the universe would possibly be even remotely interested in garnering intelligent life. The way I see it, it's much harder for me to believe that a world so limited exists. We all travel to the spirit-world while we sleep, probably about once per month, and upon waking you think it was a dream (your brain tries to mimmick what's happening when you're out of your body). How can the brain interpret things that aren't even happening around it? That's how the spirit-world works. As soon as you're out of your body you're unlimited by time & space, therefore whatever comes into your consciousness while out of your body will come back with you into your body. Memory over "there" works differently as it forgets nothing and remembers everything.

If you have questions about anything than they're already answered, you've just havn't googled the right things or even watched TV lately. Try watching paranormal state, and then remember what I said about denying truth. I've got Chip Coffee on facebook even, he's a great medium and a stand-up guy, ask him if the show is scripted, and you'll get a damned ear full. Case in point, you have to trust who'se telling you whatever. The best medium, the most validated, the most paranormal dude ever, claims that he cannot walk out of his house without seeing all kinds of spirits. He likes to tease them at the mall by making eye contact and then shuffling around them when he passes (as if to avoid bumping into them).

The proof is already in front of us, and much of it's in video format. Havn't you ever seen Crossing Over with John Edward? If you think it's cold-reading than you havn't watched enough episodes, let alone one, I'll call BS on you even watching one if you say it's cold-reading because he doesn't just fish around and say things like "P? F? G? K? A?", "A"!, "okay I'm getting an Alex". Literally everything that man says during that show is highly indisputable, and nothing is ever wrong, even when the readee say's it is.

You want scientific proof? While it would be so easy for me to say just look around at our world being real and therefore a spirit-world is real, it would probably be more convincing to tell you that the spirit-world is of a higher frequency, and just like the rotating blades on a fan, you can't see them until they slow down. Your memory of the other-side was wiped when you were born, and for good reason. They have it so good over there that if you had an inkling of what it was like you'd probably throw yourself off a building and say to hell with this place. I think the disconnect was meant to be. I think lives are meant for seeing how we fare on our own, without the help of an all-powerfull being, I think this is our education. Couldn't god just implant all of that into us? Yeah, but there's a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path... thanks Morpheus.

A couple years ago after my grandfather passed, I was in his house looking for his gun cabinet key. Nobody could find it, it was over 10 years since anybody had seen it. I walked into the basement, heard my grandfather say "shoe box". I firstly looked in a shoe box (among lots of junk) in the same room, unzipped a leather shotgun shell case, and the key was in there. It took me like 1 minute to find what others had been looking for for years, and he wanted me to have his guns.

For some reason, about 5 strangers from different countries have contacted me in my dreams, and then when I woke up I was shown who they were, either because their memorial was shown on TV or because I googled what they told me to, that was my confirmation. I used to think that I just left the TV on and my brain was making me dream certain things like maybe there was a re-run on TV and I'd see it later, but as soon as I started questioning the validity, more spirits contacted me in ways that I cannot possibly disregard for validity, they made sure of that.

You may think that the "you have to believe" thing is rubbish, but it's not, that's the first thing I called BS on. There's a reason for it, and it's not just a wishy-washy love-fest thing that has to do with God, it has to do with you and the problems that can arise from mediumship. A lot of mediums cannot just fathom random things, so spirits get them to go through their own memories for them to interpret, that's what I do. The problem with not believing is that the less you believe, the more you'll think whatever you came up with as an answer was really just you, when it was infact a spirit using your own resources to get through. The more you believe, the more real it gets, and it's so hard to take thin-air seriously, ain't it? I used to sit and wait for things to happen, but they never did. It was half me, half "them" that got the ball rolling.

... and now I have a daily-occurance psychic ability, either by prediction or by channelling someone. Sometimes I watch a spirit-rescue on TV and channel the person being rescued, and they show me what I'll see next. It's not hard to do, sometimes you have to just let your imagination run totally wild.

The spirit-world is so advanced, catering to consciousness, that you can think something like "man, I wish my spirit guide was here". A second later, across vast distances of space & time, your spirit guide is beside you. Yeah, they can hear you think from across the universe. Neat, huh? What did you think being "one" meant?

06-05-2011, 03:31 AM
I'm not saying I believe or don't believe. I'm not sure. But scientists believe that there are alternate universes right in front of us that we can't see. Everytime something happens in one universe the opposite happens in another is the thought, so there is an unlimited amount of universe splits. So who is to say that a "ghost" can't just learn how travel between universes and we just can't see them? Makes me think it's possible although the concept is hard to grasp.

06-05-2011, 11:21 AM
"You want scientific proof?"

Yes...and we are still waiting for it.

06-05-2011, 11:56 AM
you are gonna get a PM

06-05-2011, 01:49 PM
We have ghosts here at my house. Just today I was in the living room and could hear my quads running...figured someone was trying to steal them. Went the back door and nope...I'm just crazy.

06-05-2011, 05:33 PM
eny of you guys seen that movie three men and a baby ,,, thers a part in the movie .. i think its ted dansing holding the baby and if you look at the curtan in the window you see a boy standing there a ghost ... im shore you can you tube it... years ago we rented that movie just to see that part . back when ther was vhs,,, it was creepy

06-05-2011, 06:09 PM
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vF2f__k0Pnw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


thats crazy

06-05-2011, 06:50 PM
What in the hell was that!:huh

Tommy Warren
06-05-2011, 07:40 PM
sorry guys;)

The figure is actually a cardboard cutout "standee" of Jack, wearing a tuxedo and top hat, that was left on the set. This prop was created as part of the storyline, in which Jack, an actor, appears in a dog food commercial, but this portion of the story was cut from the final version of the film. The standee does show up later in the film, however, when Jack stands next to it as the baby's mother comes to reclaim her child. Snopes contends that the figure in the first scene looks smaller from its appearance in the latter scene because of the distance and angle of the shot, and because the curtains obscure its outstretched arms. As for the contention that a boy died in the house, all the indoor scenes in the film were shot on a Toronto soundstage, and no residential dwellings were used for interior filming

06-09-2011, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
so now they attack people and disable cars:eek: I'm just sayin though no disrespect to you guys if you feel so strongly about it I just kind of find it funny. anyways I live beside a cemetary on the corner of "devils door rd" (actual name) and I aven't seen anything. and KRT400ex if you get an interaction every time you go there why not take a video camera and get it on film?

we did the other night in a house. heard clearly on the video a deck of cards being shuffled. we didnt have cards and no one else was there. the spirit in the house was an old man

06-09-2011, 07:02 PM
Upload it!

06-09-2011, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by muddy400EX
creeks and knocking things off tables etc. are the ghosts/spirits trying to get your attention. they do it themselves. they cant physically talk to you so they make noises and move things

I will put my hand on the bible and tell you, yes, they can talk. I think I made a post on here when it happened a couple of years ago. But over a 3 day period a "ghost" was opening and slamming my doors, opening blinds that I closed, throwing gatorade bottles, and the grand finale was when i checked the whole house one night and looked at my girl friend to tell her that no one is in the house.. He started laughing in our faces............. I swear on my new born babies life this is real.

And its kinda strang I get on here and see this thread because while I was at work today my girlfriend was home alone and something opened up the bed room door and the dogs went psycho and she ran over there and nothing was there. she shut and locked the door. and heard the board outside the door sit there and creak for hours.

needless to say I have my .40 sitting on top of my dresser and my 12ga. standing next to my bed. I know if it was a "ghost" it wouldn't do anything. but hey, it makes me feel better.

06-10-2011, 01:14 AM
Haha I like the part about the guns... don't mean be be a dick but even I have the hairs stand up on the back of my neck and get a really defiencive

06-10-2011, 09:52 AM
they are as real as a muffler bearing.

06-10-2011, 10:56 AM
this is just my opinion. i dont mean to offend enybody .. if i cant see it i dont beleive it ,,, say if you where in a bar parking lot. and you went in the bar and and told every one you seen god in the parking lot . most of them would believe you and say he was there to save you, but if told them same story but you seen an alien from outer space. most of them would tell you where crazy or you where drunk

06-10-2011, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by selbygirl
say if you where in a bar parking lot. and you went in the bar and and told every one you seen god in the parking lot . most of them would believe you...

yah, i don't think so lol.

Tommy Warren
06-10-2011, 04:01 PM
maybe god is a ghost:eek: with all kinds of tools to make the earth and animals in 6 days.....and on the seventh days he hangs out in bar parking lots making people look crazy:D

06-11-2011, 11:05 AM
This turned out to be a funny thread. Are there ghosts, who knows. But it can be lots of fun to check out places that others think are haunted.
Down the rd. from my house out in the woods there used to be a abandon mental hospital. Multiple buildings, tunnels, cemetry, etc.
Its was next to a prision and the prision uses some of the tunnels and buildings now.
You used to be able to sneak into some of the buildings and tunnels. We would go through as much of the facility as possible. When the place closed it was like they just locked the doors and left. When you went inside you could go into the cells, operating rooms, offices, etc. The offices were crazy because the file cabs still had the paper work in them. I would grab a hand full of files, pull a chair up to the desk and sit down and read them. There was some crazy chit in those files. Just horrible info about what other did to be commited and how they were treated while they were there.
Some of my friends could go in and not be phased at all. Others would swear they saw and heard things. One of my friends (adult) was so freaked out he pissed himself after he said he saw "someone" in a tunnel. lol
Was it haunted dont know. Was it lots of fun, oh yea.

06-11-2011, 07:48 PM
This is probably the closest thing to reality TV ever.


