View Full Version : decalset edges don't stick

05-24-2011, 01:15 PM
Does anyone have a tip on how to reglue a decalset.
My duncan racing stickerset is brand new, but has been lying on the shelve for a couple of years before install.
I installed it this weekend, it sticks good, except for the edges where the fenders bent a little bit, the edges come loose.

Is there some type of glue I could use, that doesn't ruin the plastic ?

05-24-2011, 01:57 PM
I am having the same issue, and have masking taped all edges down after heating with hairdryer. Has been taped for over a week, probly ok to take it off now - but I might wait til after the first ride...will let you know if it worked.

05-24-2011, 02:53 PM
heat gun does wonders, I bought an old left over set it was the same way. As soon as I hit it with the heat gun done deal.. never peeled up again.

05-24-2011, 02:53 PM
You could try 3M brand spray adhesive.

05-24-2011, 03:30 PM
thanks guys, I already tried with a heat gun, it holds up for a day, and then it's starting to loosen up again.

I'm going to try and find that 3M brand spray adhesive.

05-24-2011, 04:42 PM
There's a couple spots on Full Bore fenders where it never sticks... I've had two problem areas with 4 sets of graphics sticking, my experience comes to the same places everytime - the the radiator hole cutout and kicker area.

Whatever glue you are trying, you might want to test an area like under the seat so a chemical reaction doesn't melt your plastics on the exterior. That would suck...

05-25-2011, 06:21 AM
indeed, that's what I'm afraid of when using glue...
That it would ruin my plastic.

05-25-2011, 08:36 AM
I recently swapped graphics kits between two sets of plastic. One was on for about 8 years the other I have no idea how long.

A little heat gun and they pulled right off. I ripped one by not being careful, but it went together like a puzzle and looks fine now.

I warmed the graphics and sprayed the back with 3M spray adhesive and put the graphics on. For the most part they are sticking great but I do have some edges that came up and others (around kick starter) that did not. I wonder if the tape until cooled will work because most of my edges are on tight curves.

I might try the glue my son uses for Warhammer figures (small plastic figures you glue together and paint). Those pieces are plastic and the glue should work but it might be too brittle.

05-25-2011, 08:40 AM
The graphic kit I recently installed on my Fullbores has not started to peel yet!In past cases,I have used the 3M-Spray 90,they also have 77 but I prefer 90.The trick to this stuff is,you have to spray both pieces,plastic and graphic,after spraying both surfaces,let them air dry for a minute and then stick!Things could get messy with this stuff,super tacky,so to start,I cut painters tape(green is my fave)around the graphic before I peel back to spray the glue on.This will allow you to spray glue on the plastics in a clean way!I also degrease the plastics and finish the cleaning process by wiping plastics with alcohol before ever applying stickers or graphics!Those kits that have been shelfed for years are a PITA...Good luck!