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View Full Version : CR vs RM

zach R 7x
05-19-2011, 10:37 AM
We are building a mod and have not yet bought or built the motor,I have a line on a cr85 and a rm 85 motors and want to buy one of them in the next week.

I was wondering what everybody's thoughts were on them , pro's or con's.
Thanks for any imput

05-19-2011, 11:16 AM
Never had an RM to compare, but heard allot of good things just found it harder to find parts and a good motor. We run a CR motor and parts are easy to find and buy. (did recent rebuild w/new piston, bearings. seals, crank and some minor cleaning up. polishing the cylinder) all top line parts and work and costs allot less than $1k for everything w/labor which was one of our selling points) Complete Motors are relatively cheap to find (under $1k normally unless extreme build and can sometimes find for around $500) The CR is pretty darn fast right from the factory and sometimes just only needs mild porting to make it competitive. I asked around allot before we purchased our mod and I heard it more than once that most could get most of the season with just maintaining the cr motor (maybe once new rings and change the oil and clean the filter) for a full race season. It is finally nice to just show up at the track and not have to work as much (tuning,etc) and actually enjoy the day at the track.

zach R 7x
05-19-2011, 11:32 AM
Thanks for the input, I have been leaning towards the RM the past few months and found a couple for less that $700, but recently I found a great deal on a CR and I have always been a Honda fan, but did not know much about the 2 strokes and haven't talked to anybody that is running one in a quad. I am certainly leaning towards it for sure but really wanted any advise between the two before I descided. Whatever I do run will be stock this season , when my son get's used to shifting and comfortable on the quad ,we will do engine work.

05-19-2011, 02:45 PM
We run a RM and a YZ in our mods. The RM has more bottom end and the YZ more on top. There was a CR/TRX90 mod in our class two weeks ago but it wasn't much of a race, so I couldn't really compare the two. For us, RM parts are much easier to get since Suzuki is still making 2 strokes. Honda abandoned that market a few years ago.

We are going to standardize on the RM going forward, so if you are interested in a YZ and trackside pipe I could make you a smokin' deal.


zach R 7x
05-20-2011, 04:41 AM
Originally posted by gistmarrs
We run a RM and a YZ in our mods. The RM has more bottom end and the YZ more on top. There was a CR/TRX90 mod in our class two weeks ago but it wasn't much of a race, so I couldn't really compare the two. For us, RM parts are much easier to get since Suzuki is still making 2 strokes. Honda abandoned that market a few years ago.

We are going to standardize on the RM going forward, so if you are interested in a YZ and trackside pipe I could make you a smokin' deal.


Sent ya Pm

05-20-2011, 07:45 AM
Since 1996, in the 90 mod class, Honda's have dominated.
I don't see that changing.

05-20-2011, 08:14 AM
Does any one use the Kawi motor?

05-21-2011, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by LT80
Since 1996, in the 90 mod class, Honda's have dominated.
I don't see that changing.

Seems it will change this year.

05-23-2011, 06:53 AM
This year at the nationals in the 90 mod class, Cam Covil is running a RM motor and Brett Musick is running a Baldwin CR motor and they are the two fastest so I don't think that you can go wrong with either. More people do run the CR motor for what ever reason. It is my understanding that the CR makes more power but the RM is a smoother power delivery. It still comes down to rider in my opinion.
I thought that Cam's Dad,Tracey, has some CR motors and parts that he was trying to sell a few weeks ago.

zach R 7x
05-23-2011, 08:04 AM
I ended up buying the CR motor, I have always been a Honda fan. Plus it ended up being a great deal that I had a hard time passing up, but good deals always seem to come back to haught me LOL!
Thanks for the insight guys, can't wait to get this thing running!