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View Full Version : Any idea how to get this bolt out??

05-15-2011, 05:58 PM
The hex head bolt that was supposed to be in it fell out at a race. A friend gave me a replacement with a phillips head. When I went to take it out to replace it back with the hex head it turned into crap. So...got the ez out to fit it and of course it broke off in the screw. (ive NEVER had any luck with ez outs) so there it is. Any tricks that someone might know of??

05-15-2011, 05:59 PM
from the top view.

05-15-2011, 06:31 PM
Cut it off from the back using a dremel CAREFULLY and then cut the bolt in half and drill it out taking your time.

As you have already figured out, EZ outs suck. Might want to try a reverse drill bit.

05-15-2011, 07:57 PM
its not really causing me any issues at the moment, just don't like that it happened. Plus eventually I will need to service the shock. I can cut between the gap in the top and cut the bolt (I think) Im just thinking if that dont work and the head of the screw stays in..

05-15-2011, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by jkiserracing
its not really causing me any issues at the moment, just don't like that it happened. Plus eventually I will need to service the shock. I can cut between the gap in the top and cut the bolt (I think) Im just thinking if that dont work and the head of the screw stays in.. that will work, use a thin cutoff wheel on your dremel and even if the head is stuck you will have access through the back, being as the bolt will be cut off and still screwed into the sub frame... personally I wouldn't wait until you need to do it, just in case your in a hurry at that time, plus that would bother me,just knowing its broke would work on my mind lol

05-15-2011, 10:57 PM
Drill it completely out and tap it one size bigger and thread in a heli-coil...

05-16-2011, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by dheemstra
Drill it completely out and tap it one size bigger and thread in a heli-coil...

best way to do it

05-16-2011, 06:54 AM
I'm with DnB on this one. Cut the screw in the gap of the clamp. Use a hacksaw if that's all you have. The head will definitely stay in the outer portion of the clamp (it wouldn't clamp if the head went right through, assuming that's what you meant) and then you can pull the whole thing off and take out the rest of the bolt with a pair of vise grips.

05-16-2011, 07:00 AM
I assume the threaded hole is a through hole? Drill out from the backside; it will work like using a reverse bit on the head, but you'll have a cleaner spot to drill. Hopefully it grabs and starts to loosen; otherwise, maybe a hacksaw would be easier to cut cleanly through the gap. Agree with DnB, do it before you need it, haha.

EDIT: If the clamp is also threaded, cut through the bolt at the gap. Then, remove the reservoir and put a wrench on the clamp itself to unthread the bolt. Then you can use a vice to finish it off.

05-16-2011, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by DnB_racing
personally I wouldn't wait until you need to do it, just in case your in a hurry at that time, plus that would bother me,just knowing its broke would work on my mind lol

Exactly! Im just going to cut it in the gap and go from there.
This is actually not a through hole though. So once that screw head is cut off (and hopefullly out of the way) I still have very limited area to try and drill the remaining part out. I will keep this post updated just in case this happens to someone else. (and it will...lol)

05-16-2011, 08:03 AM
So it's it just a short bolt squeezing the reservoir? How is the clamp attached to the subframe mount? Doesn't sound like much fun, hope it goes alright for you. Maybe try some heat after you get the reservoir out.

05-16-2011, 07:23 PM
cutting it would be my last attempt.pb blaster the threads the best you can for 10 mins to half hour,maybe some heat to outside bracket then use left hand drill bit.

05-16-2011, 10:31 PM
drill it out with a small enough drill bit and you might be able to save the threads. ive done it before just gets the bolt really thin then it collapses