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View Full Version : All The Recent Accedents / Injuries

05-12-2011, 07:51 PM
I mean this in the most honest and humble way possible.

Seems like there have been a lot of serious injuries lately. Is it me and this is more then usual, or is this about the norm.

Ive only recently started following racing more then at the local track, mainley in part thanks to Exriders.

05-12-2011, 08:03 PM
I would say that this stuff comes in waves and only seems like everyone is getting hurt. We go a long time between injury’s and then again sometimes they come all at once.
We have had a rash of mishaps lately in our org. but as a whole we have been lucky in not having too many.
In the last race we had a bunch of riders go down and get hurt, but up to that point we have been lucky.

Tommy Warren
05-12-2011, 09:32 PM
its a dangerous sport...and its race season

05-13-2011, 06:11 AM
The guys are FLYING! Be it MX or GNCC or Flattrack, most every class is flat hauling the mail! The competition level is so intense and the riders so equal in so many classes that when it goes bad, it goes really bad.

Last year was a horrible year, we lost so many riders and had so many injured for life. It is a fact of life in this sport and in offroad type racing (dirtbike and atv). It is what they do, its what they love and they take the risks.

I honestly try and not to get to know to many racers that I dont already know. Ive had so many friends lost or hurt that if I dont know them personally, then I dont have to deal with an accident on a personal level. I cringe, run to help, offer assistance and pray for every rider that goes down but seeing as much as I do, you have to have a cushion or it will get to you.

I say a prayer before every race for every rider and person working the tracks.

05-13-2011, 11:55 AM
I agree. My b/f Earl Bishop was just injured last weekend, almost lost him. But he has raced prolly 6 years and has only had one broken bone, in his hand, and then this accident. So he has been very lucky. He races pro-am and they were flying. 2nd lap racing for 4th place with guys that are all great racers so not much room for error. To him he loves it so much it prolly was worth it to him. He can't even walk yet but I guarantee you will see him again. He loves the sport and the injuries heal.