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04-29-2011, 11:25 PM
Well, I actually went to the mall today to get some clothes for summer and to pre-order Dirt 3 :devil: . Well, as I was walking into the mall, a Mall Cop (oohhh.....scary...) stopped me and told that no one under the age of 18 was allowed in the mall after 6:30 without a adult or guardian... He then told me to please leave the premises... lol I quickly made sure to inform the old man that i was most definetly older than 18 and i then proceeded to show him my I.D... It pissed me off that the age is that high... I could easily understand 16yr's old or even 17.. But i think that if you can join the army and die for your country at 17, you should damn well be allowed to go into a mall...... I ended up driving and extra 15 minutes to a different mall after giving that mall cop and the manage a piece of my mind... Lets say they will NEVER EVER get my buisness...

04-30-2011, 06:53 AM
i'm 21, 6-1, full beard, 230 lbs, tattoos, and i get carded for chew lol.

04-30-2011, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by buck440
i'm 21, 6-1, full beard, 230 lbs, tattoos, and i get carded for chew lol.

Yeah... that is stupid...

04-30-2011, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by buck440
i'm 21, 6-1, full beard, 230 lbs, tattoos, and i get carded for chew lol.

i know exactly what you mean, im 25 and have the same thing happen to me trying to buy cigs... bad habit that i need to quit anyway

04-30-2011, 07:45 AM
im 24 and look like justin beiber, you wanna talk about getting carded..oh yeah. it happens.

04-30-2011, 07:50 AM
I feel sorry for you guys, I almost never get carded for anything.

On my 21st b-day they didnt card me at the liquor store which shocked me, I got carded at a few bars but maybe 6x since I was 21, I used to sneak into bars and not get carded when I was under 21 too.

I think it helps I always looked older and from the age of 15 I had grown a goatee. Maybe it also has to do with the fact I dont dress like a kid with nice clothes either? Im wearing beat up jeans, work boots and t-shirts.

04-30-2011, 10:11 AM
Fines and punishments have gotten so severe for companies that serve alcohol to minors, and punishments to employees as well. My company has a zero-tolerance policy. You serve somebody under 21, you're fired. And with the job market like it is, you're not just going to go next door and get hired.

If you don't have an oxygen tank, I'm carding you...

04-30-2011, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by trailrider894
Well, I actually went to the mall today to get some clothes for summer and to pre-order Dirt 3 :devil: . Well, as I was walking into the mall, a Mall Cop (oohhh.....scary...) stopped me and told that no one under the age of 18 was allowed in the mall after 6:30 without a adult or guardian... He then told me to please leave the premises... lol I quickly made sure to inform the old man that i was most definetly older than 18 and i then proceeded to show him my I.D... It pissed me off that the age is that high... I could easily understand 16yr's old or even 17.. But i think that if you can join the army and die for your country at 17, you should damn well be allowed to go into a mall...... I ended up driving and extra 15 minutes to a different mall after giving that mall cop and the manage a piece of my mind... Lets say they will NEVER EVER get my buisness...

Similar thing happened to me and a group of my friends around Christmas.
Me and a maybe 5 of my friends go to the mall to buy christmas ****. Walk into the main area and all the sudden the biggest wanna be cop you would ever see comes up with his mirrored aviators and big Texas ranger hat on and tell's us no groups of over 4 teenagers and that we'll have to split up. So we split up and just meet back up at the food court to eat. Soon as we get back together, the mall ranger comes up with some mall cop with a suit. Guy in the suit goes "did he tell you no groups of bigger than 4?" I say yea, and explain that we're just meeting up to eat. mall ranger goes " Doesn't matter". I ignore the mall ranger over there, and continue talking to the guy in the suit. Apparently there's the new rule about the groups because kids were going around in groups of like 10, not buying ****, and just pissin people off. Now, this is a mall in a relatively "Dark community"(Monroeville), so I understand why theres the rule. I tell the guy " I don't know if you've looked at our group(6 white kids wearin either carhartts or flannels) , but we're not exactly gang bangers or anything." ****in mall ranger goes "We've dealt with gang bangers before". Guy in the suit tells us we have to leave anyway, because we didn't listen to the Mall ranger. Mall ranger wouldn't let us walk through the mall to the other side where our cars were at. We point out that its snowing and cold as hell out and ask the guy in the suit if we can walk through the mall. Mall ranger speaks first and says " I don't care, its not that cold out, you'll survive". I go "settle down sweetheart(never fails to piss dudes off) I wasn't asking the one that failed highschool, I was asking the one who failed college." Ended up just walking outside to the next door over and walking through the mall.

04-30-2011, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by ProspectorJim
Now, this is a mall in a relatively "Dark community"(Monroeville), so I understand why theres the rule. I tell the guy " I don't know if you've looked at our group(6 white kids wearin either carhartts or flannels) , but we're not exactly gang bangers or anything." ****in mall ranger goes "We've dealt with gang bangers before".

i had that issue with my brother whos 29 and a few of my friends when we went down to visit him. my brother was like seriously im effn 30 years old get off my back.

on another note i probably would have busted up laughing and said " you sure look like you've dealt with a group of gang bangers before"

04-30-2011, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by CJM
I feel sorry for you guys, I almost never get carded for anything.

On my 21st b-day they didnt card me at the liquor store which shocked me, I got carded at a few bars but maybe 6x since I was 21, I used to sneak into bars and not get carded when I was under 21 too.

I think it helps I always looked older and from the age of 15 I had grown a goatee. Maybe it also has to do with the fact I dont dress like a kid with nice clothes either? Im wearing beat up jeans, work boots and t-shirts.

hell yah, same here. i been to a few bars underage and never got carded. i got kick out after i got pretty drunk later on but nobody said anything when i walked in.

04-30-2011, 05:06 PM
i thought monroeville was the next step down from fox chapel? not like it's braddock or arnold...

04-30-2011, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by cdrookie
i thought monroeville was the next step down from fox chapel? not like it's braddock or arnold...

no its not braddock, but its gotten real dark over the years. Alot like pitcairn if you know where that is.

04-30-2011, 06:30 PM
Getting carded is just them doing there job. Bars, liquor stores, clubs and covenant stores are all required to card anyone buying something that requires you to be of age.
Now an age limit at the mall is ridicules.

04-30-2011, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47

Now an age limit at the mall is ridicules.

Agreed lol. Thats just asinine, Id have loved to see them try and make me leave as a teenager0its a mall not a matter of national security lol.

Im not sure what stores your malls have either, but around here unless I want to go to sears I dont EVER go to the mall. The stores have nothing I want and the stupid teenage kids are all over eating each others faces and smoking outside like idiots. So its pointless to even go.

04-30-2011, 09:15 PM
Are you guys purposely being dense? I could not agree more with that rule..kids now a days are only getting worse, they think they are growing up much faster than they actually are. There was a huge *** brawl/riot in the mall by my house last summer, right before it closes, and it was a bunch of little whipper snappers

04-30-2011, 09:16 PM
Well I can see a point with the kids. Many parents drop off there kids at the mall and leave them with no supervision. Why anyone would go to a mall is beyond me, everything is marked way up, I can get the same thing somewhere else for a lot less.

I dated a girl that would only wear jeans that came from a mall store (not sure of the name) for $95.00 I took here to Academy and showed her the exact jeans with the exact same style # and they were $19.00. she tried to say they weren’t the same but they were exactly the same.

Chicks are stupid!

04-30-2011, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by buck440
i'm 21, 6-1, full beard, 230 lbs, tattoos, and i get carded for chew lol.

a buddy had a full beard in middle school and was buyin us chew and never got carded...

05-01-2011, 05:49 AM
Originally posted by cdrookie
i thought monroeville was the next step down from fox chapel? not like it's braddock or arnold...

I work in New Kensington, which of course is right next to Arnold. They're up to about a shooting a month in those two stinkhole towns. Years ago that used to be a thriving Italian town, with Alcoa headquarters there. The dark wave moved in, most businesses closed and moved... Years later the blacks and whites are the same... Degenerates that keep the remaining bars/clubs and Sheetz going... Selling drugs/prostitution almost openly. New Ken city council is slowly having condemned buildings torn down, beautification program going, and trying to attract business into the small industrial district that remains. We'll see how all that works out... The blight remains...

05-01-2011, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Chicks are stupid! this brings up a wholeeeee different point. haha


05-01-2011, 09:57 AM
Women are equal and you should respect them.....Not really they can.......................