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04-27-2011, 10:06 PM
last month someone stole my mtn bike and destroyed it(didnt like me verymuch) well did some detective work caught them on camera proved it to my school...they keep giving me the run around on payment. now they want me to provide receipts on both my bike and lock. WTF how can i be expected to do that? and is there a way i can buy something online and return it and just show the receipt that i bought it?
thanks for the help guys.

04-28-2011, 06:19 AM
If they are at least somewhat intelligent they will look at the date on your new receipt if you try to buy a bike and return it now. I don't think they will appreciate that attempt very much. I would simply bring in a few different price listings from multiple websites and show them that you are not making up any numbers.

04-28-2011, 06:26 AM
yeah my schools dean is currently handling the situation poorly, but they arent disputing price, they are disputing what they stole its like takeing a mustang and saying it was a honda civic. but thank you.
if drexel cannot deal with this by next week im going to have to go to the real police.

04-28-2011, 08:47 AM
Mustang vs. Civic is not a good comparison, its like comparing red apples to apples a little off from red.

04-28-2011, 08:55 AM
Dont even bother with the school, tell them you have had enough of thier BS and your going to contact the police and a lawyer.

10 bucks says the school gets off thier duff and fixes the situation or the other party involved is now going to be in more trouble than they ever imagined.

04-28-2011, 09:36 AM
As a student, if anyone stole something from me and I was in a similar situation you were in, I would tell the school I'm contacting the Police to get is sorted out. Especially since you have video evidence.

You could also threaten to tell the Board of Education that the dean isn't handling the situation like he should.

04-28-2011, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by chucked
Mustang vs. Civic is not a good comparison, its like comparing red apples to apples a little off from red.

lol i think he still got the point across:rolleyes:

04-28-2011, 10:12 AM
well i did contact the police, the "drexel police" they are real cops but every thing they do also goes threw the school, i feel like it would of been better to just contact the philly police instead. also the receipts are for the replacement bike and lock not the old ones.
Ill give them till next wed to get my $ otherwise lawyer time.

04-29-2011, 11:30 AM
Well if you or your parents can afford an education from Drexel surely mom and dad can pony up for a new ride. If not upon graduation with that fine engineering degree you will grab a cush job that will easily pay off your student loans and you can grab another one, no sympathy here ;)

j/k obviously I hate friggin thieves, don't take what isn't yours J O.

When I first bought by '08 I was unloading in my driveway and some duchebag rides by and yells " I'll steal your *****". I wanted to run him down and smash his face in.

Seriously though it was probably that Sjorge450R guy that took it, he goes to Temple you know :D

Oh and f campus police and dealing with the college on matters such as this, they care only about the public image of their sacred University when it comes to cases like yours.

G/L I hope you get properly compensated for your loss