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04-27-2011, 06:10 PM
Getting a root canal!!! My first one, how bass the day after? Will I be good for work?

04-27-2011, 06:30 PM
Might, depends on your tolerance for pain. I had 3 teeth pulled (wisdoms no less) and was fine to ride the next day.

04-27-2011, 07:05 PM
i had 4 wisdoms pulled and helped pack out an elk next day then night with the lady and im almost 15 so im sure you old guys are pretty tough ;)

04-27-2011, 09:49 PM
I had my wisdom cut out and was eating subway later that day. Granted my stitches didn't hold but w/e

04-27-2011, 09:58 PM
my oral surgeon made the mistake of righting the pain killer script the day before they took out 4 wisdom teeth that were impacted!after 12 beers and a handful of percs, the night before, it was the worst hangover in my life!I swelled up like Marlin Brando in the godfather

04-27-2011, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by DnB_racing
I swelled up like Marlin Brando in the godfather


Tommy Warren
04-27-2011, 10:20 PM
I got my front teeth screwed into my mouth after a fight....the worst part was the needle in the roof of my mouth....had a few root canals and all my wisdom teeth pulled....they weren't so bad

04-28-2011, 09:52 AM
update: sat in the dentists chair for 4 hours yesterday, ****er kept leaving in the middle of it to go help other clients. They did a ****ty job on the temporary cap.

now its 830, and im up to try and go give work a shot. Too bad i talk for a living.

04-28-2011, 02:13 PM


04-28-2011, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by OldGuyonaQuad


Mine dont use that. Oral surgeon knocked me out to yank my teeth-was sooo worth it.

As for getting fillings, years ago after getting braces I had 8 teeth filled. he drilled 2-3 at a time in a few visits and I told him to keep giving me novacaine cause I could still feel it. He told me he gave me so much if he gave me anymore it could be bad lol. Its not even so much the pain, its the dang smell and noise.

04-28-2011, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Mine dont use that. Oral surgeon knocked me out to yank my teeth-was sooo worth it.

As for getting fillings, years ago after getting braces I had 8 teeth filled. he drilled 2-3 at a time in a few visits and I told him to keep giving me novacaine cause I could still feel it. He told me he gave me so much if he gave me anymore it could be bad lol. Its not even so much the pain, its the dang smell and noise.

omg the smell and the noise would make me sick, yea the novacaine hurt so much and did so little that I had most of my fillings done w/o it. That was way back when my dentist first brought the n2o in and suggested it for me since I would refuse the novacaine. The other thing I hated was one side of my face feeling numb for the next 8 hours.

04-28-2011, 03:32 PM
Oh the numbness is fine, that burning smell of drilled teeth and the noise that reverberates in your head bothers me.

Pulling the teeth is by far easier and way less pain imho.

04-28-2011, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Mine dont use that. Oral surgeon knocked me out to yank my teeth-was sooo worth it.

As for getting fillings, years ago after getting braces I had 8 teeth filled. he drilled 2-3 at a time in a few visits and I told him to keep giving me novacaine cause I could still feel it. He told me he gave me so much if he gave me anymore it could be bad lol. Its not even so much the pain, its the dang smell and noise. the Novocaine doesn't work well if the tooth is infected at all,
if your tooth is sensitive to heat or pounding like a heart beat, that's a sign of infection,
before doing any work you should be on antibiotics,if not it will hurt more and not heal well

04-28-2011, 04:13 PM
Im pretty sure none of them were infected (been there done that and I know what it feels like), I just have a high tolerance to novacaine and similar anesthetics.

They tried to give me some when they put some stitches in years ago, I could still feel everything. The ER Doc just told me if he gave me anymore I could OD on the junk. It took them 2x the dose to knock me out to yank my wisdoms as well.

04-28-2011, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Im pretty sure none of them were infected (been there done that and I know what it feels like), I just have a high tolerance to novacaine and similar anesthetics.

They tried to give me some when they put some stitches in years ago, I could still feel everything. The ER Doc just told me if he gave me anymore I could OD on the junk. It took them 2x the dose to knock me out to yank my wisdoms as well.

See I told you taking all of those quaaludes back in the 70's would eventually come back to haunt you :D

Most Oral Surgeons seam to prefer not working on an infected mouth if at all possible.

For me it just wasn't worth it to get the shot. The needle itself hurt as much if not more then the drilling and I didn't notice that much of a difference pain wise. Maybe I too have a high tolerance for novacaine or I just psyched myself out because of the loud noise, the smell and having a mans hand shoved down my throat.

04-28-2011, 04:25 PM
my dentist is a hot woman with um..large umm...well you can guess the rest.

Id like to stay as awake as possible when she works on my mouth. The worst part is I think she flaunts them purposely...oh ive already said to much...

04-28-2011, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by CJM
my dentist is a hot woman with um..large umm...well you can guess the rest.

Id like to stay as awake as possible when she works on my mouth. The worst part is I think she flaunts them purposely...oh ive already said to much...

ok looks like it's time for new caps ;) :D

hey you didn't wake up with your shirt pulled out and zipper down too, did you? ;)

04-28-2011, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by OldGuyonaQuad
ok looks like it's time for new caps ;) :D

hey you didn't wake up with your shirt pulled out and zipper down too, did you? ;)

No, sadly not. But that doesnt mean she finished up before I woke up.. :blah:

04-28-2011, 11:14 PM
last time i got gassed at the dentist they said count to 10 for me, as they were puting the mask on, i just grinned real big, took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, and closed my eyes. I woke up with 6 less teeth. I think i even high fived the helper for the gas on my way out.

Honestly when i go to the dentist or Orthodontist i usaully just fall asleep on my own. They wake me up when they need me out of the chair.

04-29-2011, 03:06 PM
i've had 2 root canals, both of my front teeth on top. Knocked them out when i was younger playing basketball, long story short i went for a layup and the kid knocked my feet out from under me. My teeth were the first things to hit the ground:eek2: the one tooth was knocked right out by the gum line and luckily the other tooth only broke halfway up.

I just recently got my second root canal on my second front tooth and while he was cleaning out the hole he didn't end up drilling far enough and hit the nerve with just a piece of tissue/paper. Damn did that f'in hurt:mad:

now i just got into another accident, on the quad this time, and i knocked out both of my teeth again. Now i need to get my one tooth pulled and get a post. FML

wisdom teeth weren't as bad as everyone said, once i woke up from the surgery i felt good as new, i was ready to go out to eat.

so now im stuck with braces for a year just to have them taken off and get a tooth pulled then a post put in...

Just think man, you dont have it as bad as me lol. I've got more money into my mouth than all my vehicles and toys put together

04-29-2011, 03:45 PM
^ My mom has that problem, she basically paid the dentist so much he bought a new car lol.

But her teeth are lousy due to heredity, almost all of them are drilled or fake at this point. Some have so much filling in them (old silver kind) you can see it thru the thin layer of whats left of the tooth.