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04-21-2011, 08:13 PM
I trained with Joel over the winter, the kid eats, sleeps and ****s atv motocross. I watched all the hard work he put into over the winter. Then to come out this season, and blow a motor every other moto is frustrating. This kid is coming off the pro-am ranks with a championship under his belt. People are expecting him to do good, and when bikes are finishing motos, that really hurts the kids confidence. All of you can say you ride etc, but you dont know whats its really like to be 18 minutes into a moto and have something go wrong with the quad. That is the biggest let down and buzzkill ever. This kid is 18 years old. This is what he does by himself. No factory support, he is a privateer. he was not getting support from kawi. Hes fed up with the DNF's and wants to show everyone the speed he has, when he can ride a bike that holds up. So why not make a switch and see if it solves the problem.
I support Joel 100%, hes like a lil bro to me, and i am pumped to see him get use to the honda and rip some holeshots

04-21-2011, 08:29 PM

04-21-2011, 08:31 PM
well put.

04-21-2011, 08:40 PM
I can't remember a race in the past few years where he wasnt leaving a smoke trail....I for one am glad to see the change(Rich will live longer and Joel should get back to doing what he does) and expect him to do very well. It would be nice to write about him running upfront instead of watching him have issues.

And remember, this is the internet, you could have Joel swear on a stack of bibles that the seat was the cause and people online would swear he lied and it was a tire!

04-21-2011, 08:42 PM
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tZYCSbCb2vM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hetricks new Honda. Three wheeler with super swampers and a ski on the front.

04-21-2011, 08:45 PM
I have not figured out what the big deal is anyway...so he went with another brand......who cares? As one of Joels sponsors, we really don't care if he races a stick horse, as long as he is upholding his end of the bargain, and he is. People have many engine problems that have NOTHING to do with the mechanic or engine builder, if you blaming a crank coming apart on the engine builder then I guess you need to blame him for the broken axles, chains, bent rims and so on. I am sure Rich wants nothing but the best for his son and did everything in his power to make sure
his motors were 100%. So before we start bashing why don't we just be glad he is out there still racing giving us a great show and not giving up!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck Joel!!!!!!!!!

04-22-2011, 04:17 AM
Thumbs up!!

04-23-2011, 03:56 PM
You know what I was the person who originally started that thread. I was just being nosy and wondering why he switched to a honda. I think its great he switched from the kawi to a reliable machine. Some of these people on here just have to run with things in such a negative fashion. I wish the best for joel and hope he starts getting the finishes that he deserves. All I can say about the haters on here is SOME PEOPLES KIDS !!!!!

04-23-2011, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by arsenal35
I think its great he switched from the kawi to a reliable machine.

Theres the problem haha, all the kawi riders get mad because him switching makes it look like the kawi is unreliable. Which it is when the motor is built to what the pro's need to run, stock there just as reliable as honda's. Sure you can MAKE a kawi as fast as a mildly built honda, but it will cost alot more and you will lose reliability. like people say well you just need to get the special carillo rod for the kawi and its just as good, so now your running a $6-700 crank in the kawi, when in the honda you can just run a stocker:macho Honda's just simply hold up the best to the pro riders abuse. Theres really no argument to be had there haha

04-23-2011, 07:32 PM
I think everyone should just let the kid ride what he wants haha. I ride honda now and yes they are reliable, but trying to start a war over kawi vs honda vs suzuki vs kymco vs whoever is just dumb and not the point of the thread. No need to be bashing on other brands, we should be happy we have so many choices as to what kinda 450r (or whatever sized quad) we want to ride. If he thinks riding a honda is the right choice for him, then its his choice jeez.

04-23-2011, 08:49 PM
I think its funny that everyone complaining about people criticizing the switch are just perpetuating it. It isn't a big deal, but getting on here and arguing about it is just making more out of it than what it is. :rolleyes:

04-24-2011, 07:21 AM
i hope he gets the holeshot next race, should be really comfortable on new ride by STEEL CITY, can't wait.

04-24-2011, 07:57 AM
all i ever hear is bad about the kawi motor.. buddy of mine jus got a motor fully done and the first race it went and all i hear is how noone can get power out of them..

05-08-2011, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by walker054
i hope he gets the holeshot next race, should be really comfortable on new ride by STEEL CITY, can't wait.
How about two holeshots, wonder if he likes the new ride yet?

05-08-2011, 11:31 PM
Haha i really wanted to post this but dont wanna do anything wrong, this was a touchy subject for some reason. Huge congrats to Hetrick though, its about time hes up on the podium.

05-09-2011, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by Dupontster
all i ever hear is bad about the kawi motor.. buddy of mine jus got a motor fully done and the first race it went and all i hear is how noone can get power out of them..

I could change your mind. We have 4, 2 of them with built walsh motors, and 2 with the big 3 done. The walsh motors have almost a season on them with no problems. The only real problems we've had is sprocket bolts on mine, and a buddy's pc3 connector broke threw the wire it was on. Alot of people on the kfxhq seem to have no problems also. Just sayin.

The honda is a good bike, but to me its kawi all the way. Its an awesome bike.

05-09-2011, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by sexysilverado45
I could change your mind. We have 4, 2 of them with built walsh motors, and 2 with the big 3 done. The walsh motors have almost a season on them with no problems. The only real problems we've had is sprocket bolts on mine, and a buddy's pc3 connector broke threw the wire it was on. Alot of people on the kfxhq seem to have no problems also. Just sayin.

The honda is a good bike, but to me its kawi all the way. Its an awesome bike.

I was loaned 2 to run a local winter series on in 09-10, I can't say I had very much good luck at all. Both stock internals with PC3, FMF full system, and FuelATV intakes. Also had revalves, dampner, beadlocks, tireballs, tires, QuadTech seats, etc. The first one had 3 practice rides on it (2-3 hours each) and lost compression half way through the first race. Ended up bending a valve somehow or another (Given I'm not exactly gentle on my rev lmiter).

The second lasted 3 more full races, then on the last lap of the 4th seized up due to bottom end failure.

When they ran right, they felt OK... a little down on power, but just not my style. Maybe it was just my riding style, but it seemed to really be in a deadspot at throttle where I like to ride, it was more of a bottom-mid power than up top, and I like my top end power.

05-09-2011, 09:04 AM
Seems like he made a good switch 2 holeshots and on the podium.

05-09-2011, 08:34 PM
Speaks volumes nuff said

05-12-2011, 02:32 AM
I have thought alot about goin to kawi cuz the way the bike felt stting on it was so natural but what turned me away was all the bad storys.. so i ended up back on a honda lol