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View Full Version : Gotta Love Neighbors!

04-18-2011, 08:08 AM
Well most of you know I live in North Philadelphia (which btw, I am moving out of next month and headed to Center City) and obviously I have street parking. Anyway. this morning at 7am i go outside to put my trash cans to the curb cause its trash day and my neighbors comes running out of her house and starts yelling. (Quick side note about this lady. She once tried to get our cars towed because we parked in 'her spot' which is located directly in front of her door and she refuses to park elsewhere. SHe acts like she owns the block and i still park there if its the only open spot) Back to the story. So shes like, is that your white car and points to my buick and im like, why does it matter. She replied, well, one of the neighbors said they saw you hit my car and i now my fender is f'd up. I legit dropped my trash bags and started laughing. I responded with, try again lady. I am anal when it comes to cars and I would never hit someones car let alone not tell them about. She goes on to say that I have some damage on my car that looks like its her paint. Once again I laugh and tell her to do what she wants as the cops are not going to be doing anything considering the damage was done days ago. Im not going to make any derogatory claims against this women, but when a white guy told her off this morning at 7am, she looked like she was gonna cry and ran into her house and slammed the door.

Regardless, im just posting because I find it funny that people think they run the world. Also, she told me that if someone doesnt pay for her car that she is gonna start smashing chit. Should I call the cops about that just incase something does happen to my car in the upcoming weeks before i move out? I hate rude people:o

04-18-2011, 08:17 AM
just put a home security camera on it. the police will only do something if you have proof of a crime not that you thing a crime might happen.

04-18-2011, 08:20 AM
I have a neighbor who is a parking nazi just like that. He will park all his cars in front of his house so no one can park there and have nothing in his driveway. His wife also drive a school bus (short bus) and they always pull it rite up to the property line and when you back of of my driveway you can never see.

04-18-2011, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by OutlawBill
just put a home security camera on it. the police will only do something if you have proof of a crime not that you thing a crime might happen.

I may be doing that. The thing is, I know for a fact that nothing is going to happen between me and the cops considering 1) I didnt hit her car. Nor is the marking on my car related in anyway to her damage and 2) I know the other neighbors have already filed parking related police reports.

How long do some home security cameras run for? I may just get on and throw it in the window to deter her, but usually, I cant park right in front of my hosue

04-18-2011, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Sjorge450R
I may be doing that. The thing is, I know for a fact that nothing is going to happen between me and the cops considering 1) I didnt hit her car. Nor is the marking on my car related in anyway to her damage and 2) I know the other neighbors have already filed parking related police reports.

How long do some home security cameras run for? I may just get on and throw it in the window to deter her, but usually, I cant park right in front of my hosue it all depends on the size or the hard drive just get one that has a motion sensor and is IR for night

04-18-2011, 12:00 PM
the joy of living in the middle of nowhere. i would install a camera just in case. never know when it will come in handy. i would love to see this post come back up in a week shoving the womans words back in her mouth. sorry you have to deal with such idiots

04-18-2011, 01:00 PM
I hate neighbors. The one who lives behind me constantly complains about anything I do. he has called the cops for me tuning up my own truck in my driveway, my parents using a gas pressure washer and me tuning the atv carb in my garage. Fortunately hes called so much they wont come anymore :blah:

04-18-2011, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by Sjorge450R
. Also, she told me that if someone doesnt pay for her car that she is gonna start smashing chit.

Tell her that her insurance company will pay for it and that she doesn't need to smash anyones chit. I will bet that she will tell you that she doesn't have insurance.

04-18-2011, 05:09 PM
she was freaking out at my today and while I had my Voice Recorder turned on I went outside and talked to her. Made her show me the 'damage' on my car and as soon as she pointed it out I laughed. It was a mark on my passenger side quarter panel that has been there since I bought the car and it was no where near the height of the damage on her car....

Needless to say, she wont be bothering me any more.

04-18-2011, 06:22 PM
I wish I had taken psychology in school; I love to do social experiments on people.
Some people are just @sses, but I have found over the years that in most cases when someone flies off the handle at you, it’s usually because they have been having a ruff go of it lately and this is just the last straw.
They take there frustration out on you over something small.
I’d call and report the threat so you’re being proactive and not wait till something happens.
Tell the person that you have filled a report and if something happens they will look at them first. That may keep them from following through with there threat.

I will take a situation that would require one emotion and respond with the opposite just to see what they do. I’ve have even done it on this forum with some of the comments I make. lol I know some of you think I’m a dick but you never know if I’m screwing with you.lol

04-18-2011, 07:04 PM
back when i used to do lawns, i used to park across the road from a certain job(i like to edge curbs and not chip my paint with rocks lol). the guy that lived in the house i parked in front of came out one day *****ing that my truck leaked oil on his street in front of his house. i laughed and told him that i watched his maintenance company dump a half gallon of mixed fuel there the week before(which is true by the way). he never talked to me again. i got a kick over the fact that he called it his street

04-18-2011, 09:10 PM
I argued with so m any people when I was a tow truck driver that I just dont care anymore They can yell all they want, I just ignore them or tell them to shut it in a very nasty manner.

Ive had people yell at me for parking my car on the road in front of thier house. When you point out they dont own the street and the cops wont care they shut up real fast.

I do admit I called 2x and left anote on some idiots car that parked in the intersection near my house. We live in an enclosed area pretty much only one way in and out. But this idiot kept parking at the end of the road where it meets another-liek this

Main road Other road idiots car


Thats actually illegal and the person kept parking there till I called the cops 2x after I left a nice note.

04-18-2011, 09:39 PM
what i hate is being in riding on our property but first you have to go through one of the mills gates because our property is behind it....well during hunting season people like to decide to park in front of the gate.. it sucks waiting,so we try to move it, or we call a tow truck.:)

04-19-2011, 06:27 PM
eye for an eye. if she has any animals take some notes from the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs.

Tommy Warren
04-19-2011, 07:40 PM
kick a hole in her windshield right in front of the driver, next stick a throwing knife in the drivers head rest, finally put a note on her driver seat saying "just practicing"