View Full Version : we just lost the youth atv classes at Victory-Sports the Mega Series

04-17-2011, 06:49 PM
Sam G..The owner of Victory-Sports after 4 races into the Mega Series comes to us before are 2nd Moto to tell us this was to be are last race with the Mega Series due to lack of atv's in the class..:( so there goes another series that just shout us out... we cant continue to yell about not having places to race when we dont show up to help the cause... i do feel that it is bull to start a NEW class and after 4 races shut it down.. we had racers at 3 of the 4 races... paid are money to race for a Championship to get it taken away... i feel then i should get my money back for all the races i went to.. what a bunch of crap... i got with hotel and travel expenses and food to get told sorry hey Sam this is bull**** just saying......

04-18-2011, 07:46 AM
Sorry to hear about your race being cancelled. But hey, your asking Scam to take 20 minutes out of his day for kids. Whatcha thinkin??? :devil:

04-18-2011, 07:56 AM
deewut that is a damn shame. we really wanted to be out there, but most of his starting schedule, including last weekend conflicts with the nationals. maybe we can get more organized in the south east for the fall or the 2012 season.

04-18-2011, 10:08 AM
Yes we do .. we need to get something going so are kids have a place to stay safe ..off the streets and know that it will be there week to week ... i guess the thing that gets to me the most is that they just can come in at any time and say oh sorry. but we are taking you out of are series... I seat back and looked at this last night and said to my wife just add up the money that Victory-sports made of the people that was there to race the youth atv and it was over $500 dollars to run 2 motos 8 mins each ... WOW i would love to make $500 for 16 mins of my time ....so i can see what we are hurting here... I really hope that another outfit out here see's this and takes the bull by the horns and says yes will we take you and your kids in ... just feel like we are the step childs of this sport any more....

04-18-2011, 10:39 AM
Dew you hit it on the head with the feeling of being the step child of the sport.
What was so hard about all this was to see our kids faces when we told them their class was being cut. The first question from them was why? The next was...What did they do wrong? :confused:

For the life of me I cannot figure out why he would be doing this?
What benefits does he get from making this decision? Hell, all were doing is putting money in his pockets!

The other thing that Sam would do to our class was he would CUT our rider's laps from 4 to 3 everytime they rode a heat. They never cut the 2 wheel little 50cc minis. I asked the officials about it & they said that was their decision & as usual a concern fell on deaf ears. We paid our hard earned cash just like all the other riders. All I got to say is....theirs a storm a'brewing! :devil:

04-18-2011, 10:42 AM
By the way here is a link of Sam G's announcement of the atv youth class

He has been busy pulling all his posts & links from the internet about this.
Thank gosh he couldn't pull this one off. :D

04-18-2011, 06:49 PM
I think a mistake was made limiting a class to Production status if your looking to grab everyone you can. Let any 70 or 90 in for now to get the attendance up. Split them up later when you have too many. $.02 <---mine

04-19-2011, 07:32 AM
"I have been an ATV enthusiast since the days that I owned and rode a Suzuki 500 King Quad,"

See, he likes atv's.
Must not like kids.
:rolleyes: :blah:

04-19-2011, 07:46 AM
funny LT80, funny. never met Sam, read what others say -BUT bottom line, he promotes all the tracks of interest in the southeast. We got to stop pointing a finger at Sam and figure out how to work the system and get on the line at his gates.

Anyone else own top level tracks or promote race series in the southeast? got Durhamtown and some local moto bike series on 1-2 tracks, but none of those national level tracks. maybe bomber at durhamtown - but again, a 1 track series. Arrrg. sorting though a list of crappy options is not fun.

04-19-2011, 08:00 AM
if we could get a group together and aproach him about trying to set his dates on off weeks as the atv nationals we can fill his gates with are youth... but dont know if he will do anything like that... just feel he has pulled the triger way to soon on this and not let it run its course per say and then be the judge at the end of this season... when i talked to the lady who owns lazy River when we showed up she said she just found out about it like 2 days before the race... She said that she owns a bike shop and she would have posted in her shop and would have been able to get 5 or 6 more kids there.. i just feel it needed more time to get going and both sides here come to a agreement.. Sam said that he got alot of calls about adding them to this series.. i feel it is just falling on wrong weekends and these guy or you guys i should say already have other deals set to run... just feel that the little guys like me that cant go to the nationals are losing out here... but i understand the deal... just wish we could get something worked out with Victory-sports on this deal...

04-19-2011, 09:16 AM
It's all about tha MONEY BAYBE!!!!!!!!!
Always has been always will be, if the numbers were on the gate they would actually ADD classes so they could make MORE money.
And you are running uphill on wet marbles trying to get them to reschedule THEIR series to accommodate a FEW quad riders because THEY are appeasing the motorcycle riders and working around THEIR schedule of LL qualifiers. Victory is a business and have based their decision on low attendance but in my eye's I feel that it is in bad taste to advertise a WHOLE SERIES, get people and kids started and then dump it out from under them
I will give a big shout out for that BOOOOO HIIISSSS
I would sure like to think that they would give championship awards to the CHILDREN based on where they are in points.

04-19-2011, 10:08 AM
Hey Dew I think we as parents of this local quad class will just have to request a meeting with Sam. Forget the collective letter. Every parent & I mean every parent that has a kid who runs in the series needs to be there, sit down, & talk with him. We need to find a solution to this! I have done what I can with my fax to another important organization! The hardest part for us at a meeting with him will be to keep a level head & emotions tucked away. We all have questions as to why he's doing this...it makes NO sense! Full gate or not we paid to enter & we paid for our kids to ride...period! 16 minutes of racing during his schedule is absolutely no big deal. To me it seems he has another motive & it's not money! I hope that our families can organize a time & place to meet with Sam. :ermm: