View Full Version : walsh savior swinger question

04-12-2011, 06:30 AM
anyone have any experience with using a savior setup?

I have a savior a pep zps's on my 450r and i think im have some issues. it appears the spacing on the swinger where the link mounts is to big. its allowing the link to float left n right while riding. Where the shock mounts to the link it egg shaped it from this. (it wore indents in it) It makes hte shock feeel binded up and slows the rebound down. Ill attach a photo with the gap im talking about. I was thikin of makinn spacer to put in it to take up the slop. any thoughts? anyone ever had this happen?

I just had the shocks serviced so its not the shocks.

04-12-2011, 06:35 AM
heres a pic. its hard to tell by this pic. but at times when its slid all the way over it looks like u could fit 2 or 3 quarters in the side stacked up.

also when it was put on we had trouble gettin the nut to grab onto the threads of the bolt cuz the bolt barley was long enuff to fit thru both side. (cus it seems improperly spaced)

04-12-2011, 11:05 AM
I have 2 of them and both are the same. This is not a problem as there is a certain play in needles bearing like this , the bearing pin is tight in there so its ok.

The problem you have is the linkage hanging too low under the bike so it gets beaten by all the rocks. If you say the hole is messed up then you need to replace the knuckle part from walsh ( very expensive )

I will find the time to post a picture of what I did to help protecting this part of the link.. I tap a 5/16 hole in the flat part of the knuckle to bolt a 1x 1/8 steel flatbar that wraps around the lower end of it where the shock mounts.

It keeps the bearing working good , so the suspension works good too.