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View Full Version : I give up

02-17-2003, 06:15 PM
I just took my 416 out. I was still breaking it in and the rod broke. I need a new engine. Anybody selling one?? Thanks, Anthony

Big - D Racing
02-17-2003, 06:26 PM
What compression were you running and what type of piston?

02-17-2003, 06:27 PM
10.8:1 ross. Not enough compression to throw a rod.

Big - D Racing
02-17-2003, 06:31 PM
you had to have some kind of manufacturer problem with the rod. Check with your honda dealer for a warranty.

02-17-2003, 07:08 PM
I dont know what it was. I might just save and save and save and buy a yz 426 motor to put in it. It might be a year before that happens but thats what I want to do. Im gonna take some picks tomorrow. Its depressing. Cracked the mount for the starter, and has a huge hole in the top of the cases. I got home and we had it tore down in a little over an hour. I had to see what happened.

02-17-2003, 08:10 PM
what is left of the engine that can be reused?

02-17-2003, 08:12 PM
That really sucks man.Im putting in the same thing you have.I hope i dont have any problems.Did you check to see if there was any play in the rod while it was apart?

02-17-2003, 08:24 PM
You shouldnt have any problems. A lot of people run that setup with either a ross or a je piston. You will love it.

The head is good, just needs new valves. The valve cover is good. The right case where the clutch is, is good. I dont know about the botton end. I know i would need a new rod but i dont know if the crank is bent or anything. I dont know if it would be worth it to try to rebuild the whole thing. I would need new cases, probably a lot of parts in the bottom end, a new cylinder, new piston, new rod and that might be it. Man, im depressed.

02-17-2003, 08:45 PM
well maybe your best bet is to buy a whole engine. that way you'll have extra parts. I sold mine for around $700. look around on ebay and stuff. Hey man sorry to hear it. but don't worry about it. chit happens. I felt the same way every time i blew my 250r. But remmebr when you make internal motor mods theres always a risk

02-18-2003, 02:16 AM
I did the same thing to my CR500R. My bottom end rod bearings blew apart, and the rod busted out the bottom of the casses, in the middle of a race no less. Anyway after pricing all the parts i ended up buying a new crank, same cost as having my old one rebuilt. The case halfs I gave to my neighbor, a profesional welder. He ground out all the bad aluminum and build it back up with weld bead. When I got them back, I used a di-grinder to clean them up, and then used a diamond router bit on a drill press to machine the case meeting edges. I finshed them up with valve lapping compound on a glass surface to get them realy smooth. I then reassembled as if the were brand new parts, I did replace a few bearings and seals. It worked out realy well. I used the bike for another 2 years befor i sold it. It has been four years since this happened with no proublems. I did the same thing to my buddies ATC250R as well. Totla cost was around $400.

Your mottor might be worth fixing, give you a chance to rebuild your crank with a stronger rod. Or if not I might be interested in buying your remains of an engine. Sorry to hear about your bad luck. I know when my engine let go it was one of the worst feelings.

02-18-2003, 07:01 AM
if you do decide to buy another engine i'll give you 40-50 bucks for your stator cover. let me know if you do.

02-18-2003, 08:21 AM
Im pretty sure im just gonna buy a new engine. I think that would be the best thing. Hopefully I can find one for about 700 or so. A new one from service honda is 2000. Thats just too much. I will sell anything off my old engine that is still good. I will probably sell my cam too. Not too sure about that though. I might keep it for my new engine. It only has maybe an hour and a half on it. If anyone needs anything, i will check to see if it is still good and then make me an offer. Later, Ant.

02-18-2003, 05:37 PM
if you wanna sell the stator cover off of it shoot me a pm. i need a left center case to if thats not broken. let me know. thanks

02-18-2003, 06:24 PM
If its still good, its getting sold. PM me an offer. Later