View Full Version : Need help with hop up info for my Brother

03-20-2011, 11:10 PM
My brother has a kfx and wanted me to ask for him about some hop up info.

First he has a powercommander pipe uncorked and running without his air box lid.

He want me to find out the best air intake option and cam option for dunes.

Sounds like FCI is the best aftermarket intake, but what am i hearing about a ltr intake? Does it come close to FCI's intake?

With cams it sound like using a kx is a reliable way to go, or is there a different stage cam that will work better.

I think last of all he wants a DASA pipe. Pros or Cons?

Would this be a nice sand set up?

What kind of increase would we be looking at?

03-22-2011, 06:29 AM
FCI is by far the best intake on the market LTR setup does do a nice job comapred to stock but the FCI is better hands down. KX cams a definatly a good way to go another popular choice would be hotcams stage 2 cams. as far as a pipe goes yes dasa does make the most powwer, its loud but sounds very nice, but people have complained about their packing blowing out to fast but recently they say they started using a new kind thats better. i have a full HMF comp system and love it sounds good, fit was perfect and it definatly makes good power. If your doing alot ofdune riding i would also reccomned a 15tooth front sprocket as it will give you a liltte more top end. hope this helps and good luck!

03-22-2011, 10:23 AM
FCI for sure on intake.

03-23-2011, 06:35 AM
FCI/DASA....He will not be dissapointed.

04-11-2011, 10:32 AM
KOQ intake, Barker exhaust killed them both on the dyno
call SWP 989-621-2521
Call them, you won't be disappointed.

08-08-2011, 06:55 AM
FCI is best in my information