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03-20-2011, 06:43 AM
we just dropped over 150 bombs on Libya last night, "operation odyssey dawn". khaddafy is claiming it was a act of terrorism on our part and is prepared for a long war and has opened arms depots to all citizens. I know many people are going to have different opinions about this, but i feel like we just go around looking for a fight or reason to "flex our military muscle". But it's "unameeracan" (as chris matthues says) to question why our military pisses away so much money, it's unreal how much we waste, but again were not patriotic if we question this. I know people are going to say this isn't a war but just establishing a "no fly zone" but think about ,if you and your brother are having a argument in your house in Texas and then a Canadian Mounty comes and burns your house down to stop the argument. sure it puts a end to the argument but now you and your brother and all your neighbors are saying what the hell ?? and now you all want to beat the "ahe" out of the mounty. Your not just going to say " thank you for settling our argument, now we can work together to rebuild"..NO your going to be pissed for a long long time! sorry for the bad analogy and spelling and grammar. it's really late and I'm on my phone

03-20-2011, 06:56 AM
to clarify it was 117 cruise missiles, 40 bombs from b2 bombers and a couple f16's that took out some ground troops.. some estimates are 64 civilian casualties so far...150 injuied. yeah i see a Golden fruit basket coming in the mail from this one.. just send a mercenary from one of are Alli countries so it doesn't look like we did it, and pay for that $1,500 50 cal sniper bullet (you know cuz it USA military grade) and take him out.. instead we probably just blew another $50 billion just last night. like using a mac truck to squash a ant.. dumb dumb dumb. i realize he was killing his own people and that's bad but we have problems here to deal with. if one round of small arms fire even scratches one of our planes were going to blow it out of proportion and be at war there for 10 years...

Ruby Soho
03-20-2011, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by quadrider
we have problems here to deal with.


03-20-2011, 08:31 AM
The US always does this crap. We stick out noses in problems that is not ours. We have much bigger things to worry about. :grr:

03-20-2011, 09:45 AM
The ironic thing is we did this because his people killed what? 20-25 people (could be way off with that) but then we just killed or injured 250-300 Innocent people doing this..military using more brass than brains.. and they're saying we're only going to be there for days not months.. where have we heard that before... Libyan oil anyone!! ... OK I'm done ranting I'll go to bed now

03-20-2011, 10:38 AM
I think its starting to look more clear everyday. The world is coming to an end. 2012 is right around the corner.

Tsunamis, 8.7 earthquakes, three wars, $4.00 gas...

03-20-2011, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by quadrider
The ironic thing is we did this because his people killed what? 20-25 people (could be way off with that) but then we just killed or injured 250-300 Innocent people doing this..military using more brass than brains.. and they're saying we're only going to be there for days not months.. where have we heard that before... Libyan oil anyone!! ... OK I'm done ranting I'll go to bed now

Wasn't that like 20-30 years ago too? Talk about a grudge....

03-20-2011, 11:30 AM
Who cares? As long as gas prices don't go up more and they don't bomb us back I can give 2 sh**s.

03-20-2011, 12:05 PM
i just think obamas an idiot thats all i gotta say

03-20-2011, 12:15 PM
I can understand your who cares attitude, but think of it this way,, your truck is broke down in the middle of a busy road with a blown motor and your spending your time shining the rims, the longer you're sitting there the more people are getting pissed at you, and you're not even trying to fix the problem.. by this i mean we have a massive national debt ,no jobs, economy sucks, people are suffering here.No body is working on our problems here at home. there is a reason why the rest of the world hates us, because we try to be the world police and rulers and now we're getting into other peoples business and making up are own rules along the way.This brings more hate towards us, so more wars,= more money getting pissed away for nothing and a even crappier country to leave our kids in the future.

03-20-2011, 12:37 PM
spending time cruising around a 747 every were, JET A fuel cost $5 a gal right now. his Hawaii trip alone cost $750,000 in fuel and sending 3 B52's over to Libya by my ruff estiments cost $4,694,523 just in fuel right there, not including the cost of all the bombs. that's money, getting payed for by you and me the tax payer. think how much he could do at home with that money, or just with one weeks worth of money we put into the wars witch is over $2.5 billion a week. and on top of that we used U.S money to give the Libyans U.S tanks and planes, then spent U.S money to blow them up, only to spend more of U.S money to go back in and fix everything we blew up and to pay them off for the next 50 years to say we're sorry for the inconvenience.
your pay check is better off getting crumpled up and shoved square up your brown eye instead of giving it to these idiots that run our goverment

03-20-2011, 12:37 PM
This is a UN operation, not just the US bombing people. As long as US ground troops aren't committed I don't care all that much. If they want to send ground troops send the french and germans.

03-20-2011, 12:49 PM
and the UN is pissed at us to for doing this, it wasn't what was planed. and there pulling support, mean while kaddafy basically declared war on us, "and them fighting words" for U.S I hope I'm wrong but one US plane or person will get a boo boo and we'll be sending 50,000 troops in there and once they figure out just to take him out we will sent troops in to police while they tryto turn it into a diplomatic state like us.. once we get some where we never leave. we are the herpes of the world

03-20-2011, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by ProspectorJim
If they want to send ground troops send the french and germans.

LMAO that's what I'm sayin

03-20-2011, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by 250rsforlife
i just think obamas an idiot thats all i gotta say

You do realize that The President has no authority to begin a war, correct?

Tommy Warren
03-20-2011, 03:09 PM
how much has he raised your deficit now? 5 trillion.....he's a good man:rolleyes:

03-20-2011, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
how much has he raised your deficit now? 5 trillion.....he's a good man:rolleyes:

every president but washington had a deficit... so start pointing fingers and the people that got the ball rolling.

Ruby Soho
03-20-2011, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by 250rsforlife
i just think obamas an idiot thats all i gotta say

you've got to be kidding me.

03-20-2011, 05:53 PM
this thread is ridiculous. sure as a country we're doing **** wrong but your barely even scratching the surface of the real stories behind the things that piss everybody off. when you have all of the 100% real facts (which will never happen because your not supposed to know how else would they get away with it) then rant and rave all you want. otherwise this is useless. oh and while your sitting here whining like a little girl about the **** thats going on in the world i'll be suiting up for my deployment and cashing in on it.

03-20-2011, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Sjorge450R
You do realize that The President has no authority to begin a war, correct?

yes but do u realize that he can send military forces to anywhere without a formal declaration of war from congress for 60 day an additional 30 days by a request since correct me if im wrong which i could be there is no declaration of war yet

03-20-2011, 05:59 PM
^You beat me to it. The president can do a lot more than you think without a declaration of war from congress...

03-20-2011, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by extremeblastr
oh and while your sitting here whining like a little girl about the **** thats going on in the world i'll be suiting up for my deployment and cashing in on it.

and thats what the military is for, people like you. I'm glad i can pay for your vacation. HOO RAA!

03-20-2011, 07:04 PM
Some people ITT need to educate their selves.

Originally posted by extremeblastr
this thread is ridiculous. sure as a country we're doing **** wrong but your barely even scratching the surface of the real stories behind the things that piss everybody off. when you have all of the 100% real facts (which will never happen because your not supposed to know how else would they get away with it) then rant and rave all you want. otherwise this is useless. oh and while your sitting here whining like a little girl about the **** thats going on in the world i'll be suiting up for my deployment and cashing in on it.

this. Only a few more months til our fun in Ft lwood begins

03-20-2011, 08:11 PM
Several Nations needed to step in before there was a mass genocide by Gaddafi and his regime..... and this fawker is crazy enough to do it also.

When someone says that they will enter everyones home , search them out like rats and kill everyone that does not comply with him and his regime ... then the rest of the world needs to take that as a serious threat.

We've seen in the past that radical leaders and groups can't be taken lightly. We just have to look back to Hitler's actions and the actions in Rwanda.

03-20-2011, 08:14 PM
gaddafi always has the coolest sunglasses

03-20-2011, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by feuerstack411
Only a few more months til our fun in Ft lwood begins

64 days till ship date to be exact. i can't wait to wake up every morning at Ft lost in the woods and get paid to work hard on cutting my six pack the rest of the way out and tightening up my groups with an M4 lol.

03-20-2011, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by quadrider
and thats what the military is for, people like you. I'm glad i can pay for your vacation. HOO RAA! \

sometimes i wonder if its sad i actually consider it a vacation....then i remember its not just a vacation but a MANS VACATION! lol

03-20-2011, 09:37 PM
Think about this.....

If we hadn't shot up libya, you would ***** and complain about us not doing anything...

Since we did, you will ***** and complain about us doing something...

If it means so much to you guys then go out and do something!!! I can sit here all night and complain, but it isn't gonna do any good. You are the voter, you voted the jackass into office, now go use your rights and do something with yourself!!

I am not trying to be a jerk here, but I am sick and tired of people complaining about it all, if its not people protesting, its a war, or a natural disaster that people will dis-agree on and argue about.

Does anyone else feel my pain???

03-20-2011, 10:51 PM
We have more pressing problems here, we need to pull out all financial aid, troops and support for everyone we help besides Israel-as they are the only country that truly supports us.

We dot hat-goodbye federal deficit.

03-21-2011, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by trailrider894
Think about this.....

If we hadn't shot up libya, you would ***** and complain about us not doing anything...

Since we did, you will ***** and complain about us doing something...

If it means so much to you guys then go out and do something!!! I can sit here all night and complain, but it isn't gonna do any good. You are the voter, you voted the jackass into office, now go use your rights and do something with yourself!!

I am not trying to be a jerk here, but I am sick and tired of people complaining about it all, if its not people protesting, its a war, or a natural disaster that people will dis-agree on and argue about.

Does anyone else feel my pain???

Pretty sure the people complaining didn't vote for him

03-21-2011, 06:44 AM
Originally posted by CJM
We have more pressing problems here, we need to pull out all financial aid, troops and support for everyone we help besides Israel-as they are the only country that truly supports us.

We dot hat-goodbye federal deficit.

Israel owes us their life essentially..

they receive the most foreign aide out of any country that we give foreign aide to. we basically give them money so they can protect themselves from the surrounding muslim countries.

...just think about it this way, if we did not provide them with the aide we give them...then we, as a country, would not have all the problems with the muslim nations that we do.

03-21-2011, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by ben300
Israel owes us their life essentially..

Israel should be wiped off the map. We give them so much and they turn around and spit in our faces. **** them.

03-21-2011, 08:59 AM
Without Israel we have no foothold in the mideast. So as much as many dont like them-they are essential.

Thus is the reason the muslims of that whole area dislike us, we support Israel-they REALLY dont like Israel and hate anyone who supports them. Notice, before the creation of Israel we had NO problems from the muslims at all. Course we also kept our noses out of anything and preferred isolationism

03-21-2011, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by CJM
Without Israel we have no foothold in the mideast. So as much as many dont like them-they are essential.

Thus is the reason the muslims of that whole area dislike us, we support Israel-they REALLY dont like Israel and hate anyone who supports them. Notice, before the creation of Israel we had NO problems from the muslims at all. Course we also kept our noses out of anything and preferred isolationism

no matter what we do, we are never gonna change what is happing int eh middle east and with muslim religion based countries...im not knocknig hte muslim religion but those people have been doing that **** for well over 1600 years, and are just never gonna change...there is nothing, that we, or the UN, or NATO, or who ever will ever be able to change about them..

those nations, largely as a whole, are extremely uneducated, and even if we did educate them the point were they understood what htey were actually doing, they still wouldnt change...

they essentially think that anyone who is anything different from themselves are infadels and should be exterminated.....

03-21-2011, 11:54 AM
I'm only posting this picture because I find the look on George W's face hilarious. Don't take it too seriously.


03-21-2011, 12:40 PM
^ Thats closer to the truth than you might just think..

@ben: This is very true, but so long as we support Israel we have them hating us as well. If we pull out I highly doubt it would matter b/c its already been cemented with the radial muslims that we supported them and in thier eyes thats a mortal sin.

Whatever happens in Libya happens, nothing we sitting here can do to stop it. But I willbet our servicemen and women are really not seeing a point in this at all.

03-21-2011, 01:03 PM
i think were on the edge of WWIII...

I think the the US is just looking to pick fights, we should been out of the Iraq a long time a go in my mind, and we arnt done cleaning up that **** hole and we're going off to pick another fight.

a few years ago i was at a party and a buddy was like you notice how all get milatarys fall sooner or later, like the romans, spartans and such... and were all like yeah, and the he was i call the states will be next...
hate to say it but its where we're going, we dont make anything its all sent over seas and if we piss off the wrong people we arnt gonna have a damn thing here...

and this is my exact reasoning for getting loaded with 30-06 and 7.62 ammo... I trust no one in the government... not saying im going around town plastering people but you never know when something REALLY bad is gonna happen and if push comes to shove, Im gonna defend my self...

03-21-2011, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by woodsracer144
i think were on the edge of WWIII...

I think the the US is just looking to pick fights, we should been out of the Iraq a long time a go in my mind, and we arnt done cleaning up that **** hole and we're going off to pick another fight.

Except we didn't start this fight ;)

03-21-2011, 04:11 PM
whats a senter shaft? :P

03-21-2011, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by harescrambles
:D , you think those foil hats really work?

i dunno, but if you snort as much coke as Joaquin did in "we own the night," you could put a banana peel on top of your head and block out a gun going off next to your ear:devil:

stuntin andy
03-21-2011, 06:36 PM
i just want everyone to get along so gas prices will go down lol

03-21-2011, 07:47 PM

Mods, did you remove a comment of mine?

03-21-2011, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by woodsracer144

Mods, did you remove a comment of mine?

Yes they did.... The 9/11 stuff isn't what this thread is about. Keep it on topic.

03-21-2011, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by feuerstack411
Except we didn't start this fight ;)

I think we just did by droping 160 bombs on them (at almost $1 million a pop by the way, you do the math) yes the people that were looking for help are glad we did and going to exspect more help from us, but the guys that got hit with the bombs or got killed are going to be looking to fight back... we jumped in someone else's fight a sucker punched one of them in the back of the head, he's going to turn around and throw a punch back

03-21-2011, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by quadrider
I think we just did by droping 160 bombs on them (at almost $1 million a pop by the way, you do the math) yes the people that were looking for help are glad we did and going to exspect more help from us, but the guys that got hit with the bombs or got killed are going to be looking to fight back... we jumped in someone else's fight a sucker punched one of them in the back of the head, he's going to turn around and throw a punch back

Jesus dude, educate yourself. France and England were the first to engage in any contact. We are currently engaged in a support role only. France/Italy/Canada are sending in fighter craft as part of the UN resolution. We are supporting this by taking out the loyalist army's air defenses to help protect other UN partners. So for once, the conclusion to invade was not made exclusively by the US and we aren't leading the charge.

the guys that got hit with the bombs or got killed are going to be looking to fight back

Libyan Zombie Army?! :eek:

03-21-2011, 10:34 PM
do you know how many of those bombs weren't ours?? 8 of them. that's 5%. so US droped 95% of the bombs. there are 2 French fighters jets we have 16, all operating off of US air craft carriers. sounds to me like we are doing most of the work. France is there in spirit about it, we are not going to see one dime of the money we are putting into that place re payed like they say they will. you can fight it all you want but we pulled the trigger on this "adventure" only to say " Ok we started it now french and other UN nations are going to finish it". there trying to say it's going to be there war not ours... you have to know better than that.

03-21-2011, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by quadrider
do you know how many of those bombs weren't ours?? 8 of them. that's 5%. so US droped 95% of the bombs. there are 2 French fighters jets we have 16, all operating off of US air craft carriers. sounds to me like we are doing most of the work. France is there in spirit about it, we are not going to see one dime of the money we are putting into that place re payed like they say they will. you can fight it all you want but we pulled the trigger on this "adventure" only to say " Ok we started it now french and other UN nations are going to finish it". there trying to say it's going to be there war not ours... you have to know better than that.

Ok sure, we might have dropped more bombs in numbers. But you stated that the U.S STARTED this. When we clearly did not.

On 19 March, the no-fly zone enforcement began, with the French Air Force and British Royal Air Force undertaking sorties across Libya and a naval blockade by the Royal Navy.Air strikes against Libyan Army tanks and vehicles by French jets have since been confirmed.

Initial NATO planning for a possible no-fly zone took place in late February and early March, especially by NATO members United Kingdom and France
Source (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/mobile/world-africa-12672640)

The U.S. has the air assets necessary to enforce a no-fly zone, but was cautious to support such an action prior to obtaining a legal basis for violating Libya's sovereignty.

Also, you a very misinformed.
Only 2 French fighters?

BBC News reported at 16:00 GMT 19 March 2011 that the French Air Force had sent 19 fighter planes over an area 100 km by 150 km (60 by 100 miles) over Benghazi to prevent any attacks on the rebel-controlled city. "Our air force will oppose any aggression by Colonel Gaddafi against the population of Benghazi", said French President Nicolas Sarkozy. BBC News reported at 16:59 GMT that at 16:45 GMT a French warplane had fired at and destroyed a Libyan military vehicle - this being confirmed by French defence ministry spokesman Laurent Teisseire

In case you don't understand numbers, 19 > 2.
Source (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-12795971)

The U.S is firing the majority of the Tomahawk missiles?

The Pentagon and the British Ministry of Defence confirmed that, jointly, HMS Triumph and U.S. Navy ships (including USS Barry, pictured) and submarines fired more than 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles, supported with air attacks on military installations, both inland and on the coast
Source (http://www.webcitation.org/5xJFVgwBA)

I wasn't aware that the U.K was part of the United States.

Also, four Danish F-16 fighters left Italy's Sigonella air base for a successful five-hour long "high risk mission", and three Italian Tornados ECR took off from the Trapani base,

And you think the US is the only country in this?

I can keep going. Nothing annoys me more than ignorance. :)

03-22-2011, 12:09 AM
yes you seem very well educated, i get my numbers from multiple sources and average them and should do more research before i post hard numbers. I know your supporting your employer (I'm guessing your in some form of military, problaly a bean counter since you know your way around numbers and facts? {not a insult but a complement}), you will have a job for a long time so long as we keep getting into these conflicts, but you have to remember where your pay check comes from, the working class people like me and other tax paying citizens. That was the point of this thread, we want to see some U.S problems being solved or at least some attention on how they plan on solving the real 20% unemployment, health care costs. and many other problems we have. and not spend more money helping other people and ignoring problems at home. If the French and the u.k and anyone else wants a war that's fine, the conflict isn't my problem it's the fact we're ignoring our own problems. The pattern of uprising against governments seem to be the way to get anything done so is that whats supposed to happen at home in order to get some attention?

03-22-2011, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by quadrider
That was the point of this thread, we want to see some U.S problems being solved or at least some attention on how they plan on solving the real 20% unemployment, health care costs. and many other problems we have. and not spend more money helping other people and ignoring problems at home.

well this is never gonna happen in the US as long as we keep electing lifer politicians who do not really care to do anything for the country ohter than occupy their elected position, collect a fat cushy pay check, and bask in the glory of being an elected official.

this will also not happen as long as we have a jr. senator as a president, who has never had any real experience leading anything, and this will also not happen as long as our elected officials are so polar opposite from each other and are so hell bent on drawing lines its rediculous....

so you might as well keep on just forking over that cash, cause it aint never gonna change

03-22-2011, 01:03 PM
Hiden money like in the olden days will start up again I think, I know old timers now that are stashing cash and other things

03-22-2011, 02:15 PM
U.S f15 crashes in libya


03-22-2011, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by quadrider
U.S f15 crashes in libya


I was actually going to post that this morning