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03-07-2011, 11:00 PM

i came across this looking for a brembo master cylinder...go figure, dude got paralyzed racing or riding streetbikes updated his blog until the day he killed himself

i dont know how to feel about it, i know what he went through ...on one hand i respect him taking control of the situation and on another hand ii feel he was a coward...very intelligent guy and good writer

03-07-2011, 11:09 PM
:( thats so sad... Thats all i can say...

03-08-2011, 12:19 AM
Suicide is no real way out imho. Damn shame what he did. However I cant begin to imagine how he felt about the whole situation. Words mean nothing when it isnt you who is writing them and experiencing the situation.

May he RIP.

03-08-2011, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by SRH

i came across this looking for a brembo master cylinder...go figure, dude got paralyzed racing or riding streetbikes updated his blog until the day he killed himself

i dont know how to feel about it, i know what he went through ...on one hand i respect him taking control of the situation and on another hand ii feel he was a coward...very intelligent guy and good writer

I didn't read through it all, busy day at work today, but will definitely give it a good read through later when I get time.

I will say, glancing through it quickly I saw this interesting line...

while my mind is still intact and strong my body is permanently broken and my spirit unable to recover , clinging to my broken body like a faithful dog to his dead master, unable to move on .

None of those represent you. I've never really met someone with such high spirits as you Bill. I'm sure there are days where you're not always in such high spirits, but considering all you've been through I think you've done very well for yourself, and I respect that. :cool:

03-08-2011, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by 400exrider707

None of those represent you. I've never really met someone with such high spirits as you Bill. I'm sure there are days where you're not always in such high spirits, but considering all you've been through I think you've done very well for yourself, and I respect that. :cool: [/B]


Tommy Warren
03-08-2011, 03:12 PM

03-08-2011, 03:21 PM
Ugh, heart wrenching story....I found this link for a tribute for him.

I'm so torn about the whole topic, I for one do not judge him for what he did.

and X4 for you being so courageous Bill!


03-08-2011, 09:19 PM
thanks guys, but there is alot of guys in similar or worse situations that have maintained there attitude

its interesting to me that he lost all hope so quickly , id relate the feeling to someone close to you dying times 10, it sounds selfish but there is no escape for quite sometime of the feeling you died its like being removed from the situation and mourning it 24/7

i really feel like doctors are responsible for ppl lulling into depressions after something liek that happens, there more than willing to prescribe pain killers, anti depressents, whatever you like....that stuff messes with your head bigtime, i refused them thank god and i credit that to getting my life back together so quickly , you would think doctors would understand you have to face it, but they seem more than willing to put a patch on it

03-09-2011, 10:38 AM
Holy smokes, do you know what kind of riding he was doing?

Tommy Warren
03-09-2011, 10:47 AM
doctors see quitting time and dollar signs just like the rest of us... they put in as little effort as possible...just my opinion

03-09-2011, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
doctors see quitting time and dollar signs just like the rest of us... they put in as little effort as possible...just my opinion

I'm sure there are some, but really in every field there are those who are doing it because they want to, and those who are just collecting paychecks. I don't think you can lump it into one thing like that.

Are you blaming Eric's situation on his doctors? I'm kind of confused by this statement.

03-09-2011, 11:35 AM
Reading that left me speechless. I do not know what he felt and do not judge him for the choice he made. He seemed to be a very inteligent man that was a great writer. I hear about people that end their life because of financial troubles and such. That is a situation where you call a man a coward and have no simpathy. This man was faced with a challenge he could not bear any longer and was ready to have his legs back when he got to the next stage of life.

My uncle was beaten by skin heads years ago and was paralized. They told him he would never walk again. Through his strong heart he told them that wasn't an option. He went to a rehab center in Dallas where they worked with his legs every day. To this day, he now walks, drives, and spend his life the way it was. He has a lack of motor skills, but he did not accept the life he had.

I feel for people that are paralized because that is a situation that I hope to never have to face. But i also don't think it is a situation that can't be resolved. On the other hand becoming a vegetable, yes please pull the plug.

03-09-2011, 01:39 PM
who is this guy? i searched the name and nothing came up.

03-09-2011, 05:34 PM
Thats sad.. I feel for his family. My family went thru a similar situation when my uncle was found dead..somebody murdered him...to bad for him, he was really smart but didnt use his brain. Drugs are what ruined his life...

03-09-2011, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
Reading that left me speechless. I do not know what he felt and do not judge him for the choice he made. He seemed to be a very inteligent man that was a great writer. I hear about people that end their life because of financial troubles and such. That is a situation where you call a man a coward and have no simpathy. This man was faced with a challenge he could not bear any longer and was ready to have his legs back when he got to the next stage of life.

My uncle was beaten by skin heads years ago and was paralized. They told him he would never walk again. Through his strong heart he told them that wasn't an option. He went to a rehab center in Dallas where they worked with his legs every day. To this day, he now walks, drives, and spend his life the way it was. He has a lack of motor skills, but he did not accept the life he had.

I feel for people that are paralized because that is a situation that I hope to never have to face. But i also don't think it is a situation that can't be resolved. On the other hand becoming a vegetable, yes please pull the plug.

thats not true, your uncles spinal cord was just not damaged badly, doctors really cant look at a spinal cord and say yup or nope to walking any damage they just give the worst diagnosis because they dont want to give them false hope

only difference between a "vegetable" and paralysis you see with eric is the level your spinal cord is damaged, ppl always think its just the legs, some ppl are chest level, and even higher.... waste down doesnt sound bad but have fun trying to roll over in bed with no ab muscles or core strength

from what i understand that guy eric in the blog was just riding streetbikes

there is really nothing you can do to completely prevent that kind of injury either, i really had very little knowledge it could even happen when i got hurt, i seen ppl in chairs but never put it all together