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02-28-2011, 10:39 AM
This is a good article to read. It enlightens people to the fact that China doesn't directly own the majority of our nations debt.

Non-US holdings of debt is at about 31.5%. Of this, China holds 20% and Japan holds 20%.

link to yahoo article (http://finance.yahoo.com/banking-budgeting/article/112189/who-owns-the-us?mod=bb-debtmanagement)

02-28-2011, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
This is a good article to read. It enlightens people to the fact that China doesn't directly own the majority of our nations debt.

Non-US holdings of debt is at about 31.5%. Of this, China holds 20% and Japan holds 20%.

link to yahoo article (http://finance.yahoo.com/banking-budgeting/article/112189/who-owns-the-us?mod=bb-debtmanagement)

You sure?, last time I checked I owned he US!

02-28-2011, 04:55 PM
The way I learned it 20%+20%= 40% not 31.5%

02-28-2011, 05:14 PM
Its percentage. The non-US holdings of debt is 31.5%. So of that 31.5 Japan and china have 40%. So 60% is held by other non us countries.

02-28-2011, 05:46 PM
I think what he is saying is China owns 20% of that 31.5% and Japan owns another 20% of it, leaving other country's to own the 60% of that 31.5% and that = 100% of the non US holdings of debt which is just 31.5% of our total debt.

02-28-2011, 06:37 PM
K-Dub is right.

Our national debt is 14 trillion. Only 4.4 trillion of that is held by foreign governments. Americans own roughly 68.5% of our national debt. Of the 4.4 trillion, China owns 20% of that. Japan owns 20% of it. As a country, we owe China $891.6 billion dollars...same as what we owe Japan.

People like to post false information as fact. China doesn't own our National debt like people often like to say.

02-28-2011, 08:07 PM
Very interesting.Thanks for posting that Jon.

02-28-2011, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by wvspeedfreak
Very interesting.Thanks for posting that Jon.

You can slow down learning Chinese ...for now:blah:

02-28-2011, 08:14 PM

02-28-2011, 08:16 PM
Wal-Mart(China), the oil companies,Wall Street and a bunch of other pr**ks own the U.S.

03-03-2011, 12:57 PM
Buy American goods and vote a President in office thats looking out for the U.S. and America can own all America! Donald Trump and Sara Palin for President !!