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View Full Version : anyone with icq??

02-15-2003, 07:48 PM
Hey i have icq and was wondering what a good site would be to get some good pictures for my info. those little ones that are on the main part when you look at a persons info. there the same size i think as th ones that go below you name on here on th left. i want one that ahs to do with quads or something like that. or any site that give those little pictures for on here.

02-15-2003, 07:50 PM
whats icq?

02-15-2003, 07:53 PM
its a big chat thing

you have a list of people that you add to it that you know or want to talk too but thy have to have it too

basically just like a messager

02-16-2003, 09:43 AM
hey bud i am telling you for first hand experience .. about three years ago me and a couple of buddies thought it would be cool t0 screw with other peoples crap well we did.. and this fat girl frosty was the most funniest to play with ... she try to get us back but we always out smarted her. but anyhow we crashed three people computers and somehow they got my server eamil address but i didnt resond and i got alot of threatend emails ... but anyways i bloke him and told my server that this guy is harass me and i blocked him from my mail list and ... i deleted ever file from my computer and re installed everything.. a couple weeks later my other buddie got caught hacking in are school (no he was changing the grades) but anyways not going to details because he was not found guilty but he got suspended and was going to get kicked oout of school but since his gpa and iq was so high i think that is the reason why they let him stay,, i am not for sure but i think that is why....

but all of are hacking icq users was so easy... i remember you could go to hack.com and get stuff to screw up their computers it was great.. and easy ..

i got a new computer now i will never install icq it is very dangerous.. i am not saying if you have it you are going to get hacked and get missed with,, i am just saying your chances are greater if you ahve that on your computer.. i would recomend msn .. and no i dont hack anymore i havent done it for years stuff has changed alot its getting harder and harder cause most programs now have trace... and thats not good but also its not legal so they can also get in trouble for it ...

02-16-2003, 09:46 AM
:huh wow

02-16-2003, 11:36 AM
I have it

02-16-2003, 11:41 AM
I have ICQ at home and it's just a waste of time... everyone back home use to have it when it first came out now everyone changed over to AIM ... ICQ isnt that great and is a pain in the *** when it comes down to it... the size for that pic is so damn small it's hard to find a pic that will fit in there... just alittle advice get AIM

02-16-2003, 11:59 AM
yeah i used to hack on icq too. i quit after some other peopel i know that have it learned how too hack and screwed soem things up.

02-16-2003, 01:13 PM
are you sayin i messed stuff up jarred?

02-16-2003, 01:56 PM
ICQ is old school :p .... Everyone used to have it back in the 90's :D