View Full Version : miners or firefighters, got ?'s

02-22-2011, 05:26 PM
does anybody know if this detects methane along with the other gasses? does it show ppm or percentage of methane?


02-22-2011, 05:30 PM
I've seen guys use them underground but not sure if it was exactly that model. Call of the company to ask them is your best bet , or a local distributor.

02-22-2011, 05:36 PM
i probably wont be able to call them until next week because i have underground mine training from 8 to 5 all week. figured i would get some input until then:)

02-22-2011, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by buck440
i probably wont be able to call them until next week because i have underground mine training from 8 to 5 all week. figured i would get some input until then:)

Right on man. Coal mining I'm assuming?

I just completed some underground hard rock mine training a 2 months ago.

02-22-2011, 05:48 PM
yep, room and pillar. southern indiana. do you know any sites to find any headlamp's with the rechargable batteries and belts to hold them, u.s. made?

02-22-2011, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by buck440
yep, room and pillar. southern indiana. do you know any sites to find any headlamp's with the rechargable batteries and belts to hold them, u.s. made?

Do you want the acid filled or like the lithium?

I get my belts locally through a supply company.

Are you guys using mechanized equipment or jackleg and stoper?

02-22-2011, 06:02 PM
lithium i believe. the one with a cable from the battery on the belt to the light on the hat, and unsure about the second part lol. they got to train you quite a bit before you can even go underground.

02-22-2011, 06:03 PM


02-22-2011, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by buck440
lithium i believe. the one with a cable from the battery on the belt to the light on the hat, and unsure about the second part lol. they got to train you quite a bit before you can even go underground.

Most likely acid filled , although they've been trying to phaze them out because of burns if it gets punctured.

Yeah you'll go through a bunch of training before you get to run the machines ... but you'll learn the most when on it. Try to get as much practice as possible.

I spent a month palying with a jackleg (google it or youtube it) and the stoper. The first few times you run the jackleg you'll be muscling the machine .... but trust me , once you get the hang of it, it's a piece of cake and you let the machine do all the work. We were drilling with 8 foot steels on thw jackleg and 6 foots on the stoper. BTW the stoper is the EASIEST machine to run .... crank the air, on the leg, and wide open throttle til it starts jumping. :devil:

02-22-2011, 06:49 PM
all the new people they make them do the roofbolting here for a long time.

02-22-2011, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by buck440
all the new people they make them do the roofbolting here for a long time.

You'll be using both then. Most likely the stoper for the back and the jackleg for the corners and walls. Do you know the drift sizes? I'm assuming not too large in size in a coal mine.

I haven't had the experience of workign in a coal mine but did study a bit in school. Here it's all hard rock mining so our drifts are 15 wide by 15 high.

02-22-2011, 07:22 PM
the mine i'm at is a shaft mine if thats what your talking about. coupl thousand feet deep and at least 2 miles long underground. about 6 ft high and 20 ft wide from what i was told. in ohio there are a couple mines 28 in tall:eek: those guys are some bad mofo's.

02-22-2011, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by buck440
the mine i'm at is a shaft mine if thats what your talking about. coupl thousand feet deep and at least 2 miles long underground. about 6 ft high and 20 ft wide from what i was told. in ohio there are a couple mines 28 in tall:eek: those guys are some bad mofo's.

I was working 4500 underground last week .... nothing like popping your ears while riding the cage. LOL


I'm on the far left. Our crew and our scissor truck in the background with the face we were working on all marked up and ready to wire up and blast.

02-22-2011, 08:44 PM
man you have a lot more room lol. we don't blast around here. we use a continiuos miner machine. all remote controlled:macho. pretty evil machine.

02-22-2011, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by buck440
man you have a lot more room lol. we don't blast around here. we use a continiuos miner machine. all remote controlled:macho. pretty evil machine.

Yeah those things are mean. My buddy uses that out west in the potash mines . So awesome ... in those mines they dont even need ground support since the potash is under a 3 foot layer of salt from an old ocean bed and it's as hard as concrete. Their whole mine has 4 guys for ground control LOL

02-22-2011, 10:42 PM
u guys are crazy lol imma miner but an open pit mine we just mine for granite and have a cushing plant we make the granules that go on roofing shingles after seeing wut yall do hardly consider myself a miner but we still have to follow msha regulations

02-23-2011, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by nkillian9
u guys are crazy lol imma miner but an open pit mine we just mine for granite and have a cushing plant we make the granules that go on roofing shingles after seeing wut yall do hardly consider myself a miner but we still have to follow msha regulations

LOL. Open pit ain't too bad .... a lot healthier environment I'll tell you that much. Nothing like working underground with diesel equipment . Blahh !!!!:ermm:

I've got a lot of respect for guys like Buck440 that work in coal mines. It's about the dirtiest of mining you can get. Unstable ground, coal dust, dirty , small drifts where you're bent over alot of the time .

The problem we have in hardrock mines is the heat and the intense pressures. In the summer it's nothing to get 110 degrees with like 90% humidity. A lot of guys work 20 minutes, then take a half hour off to reduce heat exhaustion. The pressure below 5000 feet is pretty high so we need a lot of ground support and deal with rock bursts.

Glad to see fellow miners on here. It's a tight knit brotherhood that's for sure. :)

02-23-2011, 07:46 PM
Here's for my fellow miners .... this was shot in my hometown by a local country artist. The video was shot at the mine I did my training at .... you can even see the locker I used. Hahaha :p

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Zg7qGpfDdXM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

02-23-2011, 10:23 PM
yeah ours aint bad at all we dynamite about twice a month and haul to our crushing plant we ship out about 1000 tons of roofing granules a day with about a 65% yeild on waste to some that may seem like alot but compared to most mines its nothing at all but we are really slow right now we have the stuff to produce about 1800 tons in a 60hr week we are just a 2 shift operation

02-24-2011, 05:48 PM
65% ain't bad compared to gold mines .... we're talking Grams per TON. Haha. But when gold is selling at nearly $1400 per once , it's profitable.

02-24-2011, 10:08 PM
got my 500023 or wtf ever the certification paper is called. going to get a first aid/cpr/aed class in then im going to gibson county underground coal. mines are so strict here. no chewing tobacco, cigarettes, lighters, paper, matches... they check you once a week and if they find any of them on you your fired then and there. if you step an ince under a unbolted roof your fired. they do hair drug test every month, it's so strict it's unreal but if it keeps us safe im all for it. just about all deaths are preventable in a mine. we learned alot of mining death this week and it blows me away how stupid people can be.

they showed a picture of a guy scratching the inside of his nose with a big drill bit and he turned it on and tore his face off lol, come on now. another was a guy riding the outbound coal belt out the mine and he got caught in it and got tore to pieces. darwin award anybody?

02-24-2011, 10:26 PM
yeah ill prob see that at our annual refresher april third from msha im sure yall have to go to them to