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View Full Version : broken stud off cylender?

02-15-2003, 05:16 PM
a head stud broke off my 250r cylender, where can i get this fixed. im guessing they will just drill it out and put a new stud in. Beerock suggested to me to bring to a local motor shop.
any thoughts?

02-15-2003, 05:23 PM
It will probably need to be drilled out and removed.
How did you go about doing that?

DGR Designs
02-15-2003, 05:26 PM
well you could drill it out and put in a helicoil maybe. we have one in our rancher and it is working great.

02-15-2003, 05:27 PM
owner befor me did it somehow, he clued the broken stud to the head and but the bolt on it, so when all togather it had all the bolts in so it looked like it was never broken. grrrr :grr

02-15-2003, 06:39 PM
if you have a welder just tack a nut on the end of the stud and turn it out with a wrench or socket. worked for me but depends how much bolt you have to weld a nut to