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bostons best
02-18-2011, 12:36 PM
seriousley i have listed this 5 times and hav enot recieved a single bite or message...so here it goes again i have a brand new not even opened pivot works rear axle bearings kit for a 2001 400ex but fits mnay other years....im almost positive it fits a 250r also not sure about to 450 but anyways this item has not even been opned and i got rid of the bike and forgot to give it to the kid that bought it so their for anyone who owns and 400ex and pays at least 60 bucks for the kit on any other website so throw me an offer i would say 40 bucks is fair but noones even tried to negotiate all i really want to do is get rid of them rather than throwing them away......so any real 400ex rider knows it doesnt hurt to have spare axle bearings.....shoot me an offer i gaurentee i wont turn it down unless its 10 bucks....thanks guys i really hope someone takes these off my hands....

02-18-2011, 01:39 PM
Ok I'll give you $15

bostons best
02-18-2011, 05:38 PM
hahaha 15 bucks honestly if i dont get any other offers theyre yours....am i worng though arent they like 60 bucks im pretty sure thats what i paid for them....

02-18-2011, 09:19 PM
sometimes its the way it goes. If all else fails list on ebay and you will get a bite.

02-19-2011, 05:24 AM
I think they are about $45 in rockymountain (but I could be wrong) I just got a set off eBay for $20 for a 450r and they have three bearings. It seems like you need to catch things like that at the right time.

02-19-2011, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by Honda5
I think they are about $45 in rockymountain (but I could be wrong) I just got a set off eBay for $20 for a 450r and they have three bearings. It seems like you need to catch things like that at the right time.

agreed. ive also measured the bearings with the caliper and ordered them from industrial suppliers. last longer as well.