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02-13-2011, 02:40 AM
i still want to know........if i paint my motor black like everyone else and on here and go to lil sahara or glamis and ride and it like 80 outside and it feel like 90 to 100 on the sand and my motor black and oil cooler would that make my motor run even hotter bc it black...just asking.......but if u live some where else and it stay around 70 or 80 outside thin maybe i would do it 2.........but not all of it thou..........

02-13-2011, 09:59 PM
I for one would never really go through all that too paint it black...and I would think so sense sun loves black things, I just would never chance it or give that kind of energy for something so un important! make it fast I wouldnt worry about the color so much.:)

02-14-2011, 01:31 AM
ok thin why do ppl do it thin if the sun love black

02-14-2011, 07:43 AM
It probaby dosent effect the motors heat all that much since many people have done it and havent had any issues. Also some 2 stroke motors came black from the factory such as yamaha blasters so im sure its not an issue. I couldnt imagine it holding up all that well with a pressure washer and such but if you like the look then give it a try.