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02-08-2011, 08:31 PM
Well I got a ticket as you all know a couple weeks ago and I suppose I'm going to give in and pay it.

Except I've never gotten a ticket before and I have no idea how to pay it.

How do I pay my ticket?!

02-08-2011, 08:43 PM
they should of gave you a fine schudele and/or a court date. If they gave you a fine schudele then look up the pentaly sign the ticket and send it in.
If they just gave u a court date then go to court and plead guitly and pay the fine they set. Or call the court where the ticket from to see what needs to be done.

02-08-2011, 08:46 PM
Well there is a court date on there but there is an amount to pay if guilty.

And I just wanna pay it and get it over with. Paying it = being guilty.

Can you just go to the court house and whip out some cash?

02-08-2011, 08:54 PM
Take the time and go to court. Usually they will knock down the points and the fine. But if you just want to pay it, usually going to the clerk @ the courthouse is what you can do.

02-08-2011, 08:59 PM
I would go to court but if I get pissed and say something stupid, they could raise it to $500 because I didn't have it registered and didn't have any insurance on it so really, he let me off "easy"

02-08-2011, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Honda4LifeWes36
I would go to court but if I get pissed and say something stupid, they could raise it to $500 because I didn't have it registered and didn't have any insurance on it so really, he let me off "easy"

then go to court act like the adult that you are supposed to be and see what happens. If you can't hold your trap shut in court, you shouldn't be given the privelage to drive. Just my .02.

The cop let you off easy because you were respectful right? The judge works the same way. I gotta out of ,Apprehension and arrest on criminal charges, Vehicle impounded for up to 30 days. All it took was being respectful to the officers. Lets say i grew up since then and haven't raced anywhere except the drag strip at Gateway International.

02-08-2011, 09:23 PM
1. Pay the fine, there is an address and a fine amount either on the ticket or on the website the ticket directs you too.

2. Go to court. If the ticket says court appearance required-you gotta go. Otherwise its just your day in court. They cant really raise the fine to much, if anything you might be able to get off on a lesser charge-but pay more sometimes.

Whats the ticket for?

02-08-2011, 09:25 PM
lol yeah... ya gotta go, last thing you want is a warrant for failure to appear... that'll only screw up your life a little bit,

02-09-2011, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by trailrider894
then go to court act like the adult that you are supposed to be and see what happens. If you can't hold your trap shut in court, you shouldn't be given the privelage to drive. Just my .02.

The cop let you off easy because you were respectful right? The judge works the same way. I gotta out of ,Apprehension and arrest on criminal charges, Vehicle impounded for up to 30 days. All it took was being respectful to the officers. Lets say i grew up since then and haven't raced anywhere except the drag strip at Gateway International.


Here is how it works around here. You get a ticket, it has a court date on it. You can ether pay the fine any time up to the court date. If you don’t pay the fine, then you have to show up or a warrant will be issued for you.

If you want to fight it then you show up at the time and date they request ( you usually have to take a day off work )
They will ask you how you want to plead. If you say guilty then the judge will ask a few questions and then tell you what your fine is.
If you plead not guilty then the judge will ask you if you want a jury trial or a judge trial and then set another date for the trial. Then you have to take another day off work to come and fight the ticket.
If you chose a judge trial you almost always will be found guilty. (Chose a jury)
A jury will consist of six regular people and they will be easier to convince of you innocence and or will reduce the fine if you are found guilty.

Remember you can always fight a ticket (it is your write) and if you do fight it, the fine can never exceed the maximum amount, no mater if you fight it or not. The only way it can be more then the max is if you piss off the judge and he hits you with a contempt of court. That’s another charge all together.

02-09-2011, 09:50 AM
If its regular municipal court it has been my experience you dont get a jury trial very often-just a judge trial. Usually you talk to the prosecutor who makes the call and he/she and the judge agree on the fine or whatever.

Least everytime Ive ever been thats the way it worked, never seen a trail jury over traffic, etc fines. They tend to reserve the juries for more serious offenses.

02-09-2011, 09:59 AM
Not here, it's a big hastle to fight a ticket, thats the way they want it so you will just settle and not try to fight it.

The officer that saw the offence has to be present in order for the trial to take place.
If the cop is not there then it ruled a miss trial and you get a free pass.

I had a cop pull me over one day for dropping dirt on the highway, he left the seen and a deferent cop wrote the ticket. I showed up and asked for a trial and the cop showed up.
But it was not the cop that witnessed the offence. It was the one that write the ticket.
A asked him if he witnessed the offence and he said no, so they through it out.

Also remember in a trial the prosecutor gets the last say before the verdict so make sure you cover all your tracks when you present your case. You will not be able to object to what the prosecutor says so be mindful of that.

02-09-2011, 10:06 AM
That really sucks. Like I said around here there are so many cases they just want you in and out without an issue. most of the cases are drug related anyways it seems.

02-09-2011, 12:05 PM
No, I don't wanna go to court.

I just want to pay it. It's not court required so I was just wondering where I pay my ticket so I don't have to go to court.

I don't think I can beat it so I just want to pay it.

Accept it, learn from it, and move on!!

02-09-2011, 12:47 PM
whats the ticket for anyways? spill the beans man, we all been there (its for getting stopped by the popo isnt it).

02-09-2011, 01:03 PM
There's a number on the ticket somewhere. Call them, and they will tell you exactly where you need to go to pay it.

02-09-2011, 06:05 PM
A couple things I have learned over the years...

1) Watch how/when you pay. I paid a ticket and moved on with my life. Months (about a year I think) after I got pulled over for speeding and found out my license was suspended for "not paying the ticket" before. I thought I was being careful and paid with money order via mail, but I had no cancelled check or anything. I paid the fine again, got my license back and a few weeks later I get a check from the court for overpaying. They found the original payment.

2) The value on the ticket I could less about. It is the hit on the insurance rates for years. I usually try to go to court, and be honest with the DA. I tell him that I was speeding and have no problem paying the fine, but I would ask to have the offence changed to something the insurance company does not care about. One time they changed it "Failure to obey traffic control device" which ended up not affecting my rates.

I had a bad couple years traveling and got a bunch of tickets (all within 15 mph of speed limit on highway). When my wife and I shopped for a new insurance company, she had more "insurance rating points" with one ticket, than I did with 5 tickets.

02-10-2011, 02:56 PM
The ticket was for riding ATV on public roads (through town)

Nothin big. Just got fined and now I needed to know how to pay it lol!

02-10-2011, 03:19 PM
By all means then pay it lol. I would go to the town hall/PD and see if you can pay so you get a receipt.

02-10-2011, 03:33 PM
Does not matter what you did to get the ticket, it matters what the ticket is classified as.

So...if the ticket was for "operating an unregistered vehicle" then that could cause your insurance to go up.

Insurance companies use a 3rd party company to get the ticket classification for their rate increases. (I used to write software programs to calculate auto insurance rates) That is why the classification of the ticket is important.

For example...
My wife got into an accident (not her fault) and her license was expired. She got a ticket for "driving without a valid license" which she paid. As I mentioned, at the same time I had a bunch of speeding tickets, most I got changed for something other than "speeding". When I called for a quote with an insurance company, the premium was sky high. My wife thought it was all my tickets, but when I talked with the agent, it was because her one ticket was worth "4 insurance rating points" where my 5 tickets were only worth "2 insurance rating points".

Just trying to give you information and others.

02-12-2011, 10:35 AM
Yeah lol I got a week to get it paid! I better get on that!

02-12-2011, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Honda4LifeWes36
Yeah lol I got a week to get it paid! I better get on that!

GET ON THAT SON!!!!!!!!!

02-12-2011, 01:29 PM
If you really are having a hard time figuring this out.. Go to the municipal building in the town the offense happened and tell them you want to pay your ticket.. You can pay right then and don't even have to worry about mailing it in and having it get lost..


02-12-2011, 11:56 PM
We just have a city hall in the town that the offense happened.

The court house is in a surrounding town.

Probably just have to go to the court house Monday morning..

02-13-2011, 01:19 PM
there is nothing scarier then paying a late ticket which is usually when i pay mine lol. walking in a court house with a warrant for you with cops everywhere telling them your late. you never know if the'll call andy and barney up to arrest you. i just hand them the ticket and money and haul *** out!