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02-01-2011, 09:33 PM
can you open carry a shotgun on a motorcycle like a bobber or a fatboy ect... in a saddle bag, lock, unloaded, legal to own to the owner, in illinois?

02-01-2011, 09:41 PM
im really not sure but i guess you'd be able to ask a police officer :confused: theyre able to carry a handgun on a motorcycle right? so maybe civilians can too.
all i know is youd look like a total BAD*** :devil:

02-01-2011, 10:00 PM
my dad is wanting to put a saddle bag on his hd fatboy for a rem 870 7rd wood sawed stock lol. i think he just wants to scare and piss people off. i read that it has to be in a inclosed container. is inclosed completely closed, mostly closed, holes in it?

02-01-2011, 10:03 PM
i really have no idea hah. but i guess if its inclosed what if its in some kind of material like you said that had holes. your dad must be pretty cool for wanting to do that haha

02-01-2011, 10:09 PM
If that is his reasoning, that is a really bad idea. He's just asking for trouble.

Law Enforcement Officers do not always know the complete law on guns. They are not all gun people. If you call the police station 10 different times and ask this question, you'll get at least 5 different answers.

The problem is Illinois is one of the most restrictive states due to your great socialist government.

Your best bet is to read the laws that you should be able to access online.

www.handgunlaw.us will get you started though.

In a lot of states, a long arm is not the same as a handgun and can be carried anywhere. In Indiana, if you want to walk down Main Street with an AK-47 on your back, its completely legal. You just can't brandish or intimidate people with it, which sounds like what your dad is wanting to do.

02-01-2011, 10:35 PM
his intent has nothing to do with this. maby this is a grey area in the law?

02-02-2011, 04:52 AM
Originally posted by buck440
i think he just wants to scare and piss people off.

his intent has nothing to do with this

I think your dad needs to stay off the guns LOL

Around here, it isnt uncommon to see open carry of handguns by cyclists. It is just normal. I highly doubt that a long gun would get the same reaction, especially if its strapped to a harley. There is no grey area, and as long as the law is followed carrying it should pose no problems in the end, but I would expect to be harrassed over it.

Ofcourse, your post would be admissable in court to show he had intent other then mere transport. You all have no idea how far LEO and teh legal system will go to nail you.....thats why you dont see me posting my weapons:chinese:

02-02-2011, 05:27 AM
Originally posted by jesshamner
If that is his reasoning, that is a really bad idea. He's just asking for trouble.

Law Enforcement Officers do not always know the complete law on guns. They are not all gun people. If you call the police station 10 different times and ask this question, you'll get at least 5 different answers.

The problem is Illinois is one of the most restrictive states due to your great socialist government.

Your best bet is to read the laws that you should be able to access online.

www.handgunlaw.us will get you started though.

In a lot of states, a long arm is not the same as a handgun and can be carried anywhere. In Indiana, if you want to walk down Main Street with an AK-47 on your back, its completely legal. You just can't brandish or intimidate people with it, which sounds like what your dad is wanting to do.

This is the correct answer. In other states you could persue it, but in Illinois, forget it.

02-02-2011, 08:47 AM
Are you talking about him being able to carry a sawed out shotgun ? I dont think your aloud to have a moddififed shotgun but i dont really know.

02-02-2011, 08:54 AM
Any shotgun with a barrle length of 18" and an overal length of 26" barrel end to reciever is legal to own. Once you get under those measurements it becomes a SBS(short barreled shotgun) as defined by the NFA of '34 and may only be owned if registered on a Form 4 through the ATF with purchase of a $200 SBS tax stamp. This process includes fingerprinting, signed approval by local police cheif, a waiting period of several weeks, purchase of stamp, receiving ATF paperwork(permission slip).

02-02-2011, 08:59 AM
All states are different but usually there is an 18 barrel length standard and an overall length standard. An 870 with 7 rd mag tube is going to be at least 18 inches unless the mag tube extends beyond the muzzle. Please check your state laws. It is completely legal to own automatic weapons, short barreled rifles and shotguns, and oppressors with a federal backsound check through the BATF.

02-02-2011, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by Pappy

Ofcourse, your post would be admissable in court to show he had intent other then mere transport. You all have no idea how far LEO and teh legal system will go to nail you.....thats why you dont see me posting my weapons:chinese:

if he chooses to shoot someone then he deserves to go to prison and i hope he gets the chair, but that is not his intention. yes a 870 with 7 round mag, and sawed stock is legal. not sawed off barrel, where the **** did that come from:rolleyes: lol.

BACK on topic...it still seem grey because it mentions nothing about motorcycles. here say says that vehicle gun rules are same as a motorcycles. it has to be in a enclosed container but really what is considered enclosed? can it have a flap on the top for easy access? does it cover most of it? not trying to argue.

02-02-2011, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Pappy

Ofcourse, your post would be admissable in court to show he had intent other then mere transport. You all have no idea how far LEO and teh legal system will go to nail you.....thats why you dont see me posting my weapons:chinese:

I would post mine but I lost them on in a boating accident.

02-02-2011, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by jesshamner
I would post mine but I lost them on in a boating accident.

LOL. You seem...familiar.

02-02-2011, 01:55 PM
If your dad wants to look like the Terminator, he should just buy a Red Ryder BB gun and saw it down like in the movie. That is completely legal. But he's still going to get looks from Cops.

Tommy Warren
02-02-2011, 04:59 PM
strap a 4 inch pvc pipe to your back so you can whip it up and rest it on your shoulder while driving...that will get looks.

02-02-2011, 05:04 PM
Read the following and you'll find your answer:


02-02-2011, 06:21 PM
^^ it freezes when i open it:scary:

02-02-2011, 06:25 PM
PM or post your email and I'll send it to you.

02-02-2011, 07:09 PM

02-02-2011, 07:13 PM
i probably went too far by saying he wants to scare and piss people off but he does like the badass factor of a shotgun strapped to a harley fatboy and if ever needed as a deterant he would get it out. if you don't use your rights you loose them.

02-02-2011, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by buck440
i probably went too far by saying he wants to scare and piss people off but he does like the badass factor of a shotgun strapped to a harley fatboy and if ever needed as a deterant he would get it out. if you don't use your rights you loose them.

Yeah and crap like riding around with a longgun strapped to a m/c makes gun owners as a whole look like wackos....your dad wants to carry? Do it the right way. Throwing it in peoples faces does not help the cause.

02-02-2011, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by usp4u
Yeah and crap like riding around with a longgun strapped to a m/c makes gun owners as a whole look like wackos....your dad wants to carry? Do it the right way. Throwing it in peoples faces does not help the cause.

it's just as open as open carry hand guns. and legally it's not open carry if it's not on the person.