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View Full Version : Looking for Pilots!!!

02-13-2003, 09:28 PM
I was wondering if anyone that checks out this site is a fixed wing aircraft pilot or a helicopter pilot?? I've been looking into getting my pilots license but I'm having a hard time deciding which I should go for Plane or Helicopter??? I'd like peoples personal opinions about which they figure would be the best one to try and get . It's da*m expensive for a pilots license but once you get a job theres a ton of cash available out there . I'd plan on getting on with a Natural Ressources Forest Fire Fighting team . Just wanna see if theres anyone out there with their license. Lataz

DGR Designs
02-13-2003, 09:41 PM
go with your helicopter licence. choppers are easyer to fly i think im 15 and have flow both because my uncle has both licences and i found the chopper to be the most easyest to run. (i think so anyways)

02-14-2003, 03:27 AM
i work on helos in the AF and the pilots have said(having flown both) if you can fly a helo, you can fly anything. i can see that being true,
helos: cyclic stick, collective stick, and yaw peddles. directions: up, down, left, right, foward, back, rotate left, rotate right, turn left, turn right.
plane: yaw peddles and what ever the **** the other thing is called(steering wheel) lol. directions: up, down, left, right

FYI in an airplane the pilot sits on the left, in a helo, the pilot sits on the right.
can you tell me why the helo is bass akwards?

02-14-2003, 03:34 AM
are there a lot of jobs out there for helicopter pilots i was always intrested in that field ?

DGR Designs
02-14-2003, 05:00 AM
you have a god chance at a helo job if you live close to an area that has offshore oil as a big part of their economy. like where i am for instance. theres a ton of oil rigs off the coast of nova scotia andthey fly outta the local airport here everyday with supplies and workers.

02-14-2003, 06:14 AM
I currently have a rating for light aircraft and am working towards my commercial and mutli engine for fixed wing and one thing I can tell you for sure is that it will cost alot more to get a helicopter liscence then say a Private Pilots liscence for fixed wing. When it comes to gettting a job with fixed wing dont be expecting to be getting any thing fancy like an airline position for a few years untill you can build enough hours to get an ATP rating (airline transport rating) then the companys may look at you. Most people first jobs after reciving a commercial rating is as a flying instructor. Havnt had much invlovment with helicopter or jobs for them so cant say to much about them.

02-14-2003, 08:37 AM
My cousin is a pilot for United (757) and the ASAFR (c-141). My brother-in-law is a crop duster. They make good money, but from what I've heard there is no money in flying puddle-jumpers.

02-14-2003, 10:34 AM
Quad18star I never realized you were from Sudbury, you could also look into taking a college program like offered at Sault or Seneca. They are subsidized so you only pay standard tuition fees.

02-14-2003, 10:46 AM
Talk to Wiredcinqmars,,,jumping this high,,I'm sure he's got his pilots license...:o

02-14-2003, 11:05 AM
:D Now thats what I call flying! :eek:

02-14-2003, 11:21 AM
Banshee Pilot , Where abouts do you live?? I'm from Sudbury , born and raised . I go to Cambrian College and wish theyd offer such a program . I've looked into Sault Colege but never took a look at Seneca . I'd like to get on with a private organization for my pilots license and would like to get into the Helicoptors but I think they recommend getting your fixed wing first . Maybe get on with the MNR or maybe with a fly in tourist outfitter if I get my fixed wing . If I get the Heli maybe MNR fire fighting or Air Ambulance . Thanks for the replies guys .

02-14-2003, 01:44 PM
I am from Southern Ontario but going to school at Sault now

02-14-2003, 03:21 PM
my dad's a captain on a 747 400 for northwest (the one with 2 stories). IMO, i'd go with the helo. all the plane companies are going downhill, firing more employees and the number of planes that are taking off. you'll have a better chance with a helo...i'm not just talking comercial either, all air travel jobs are down...best of luck