View Full Version : Any Military guys here?

01-25-2011, 08:24 PM
Anybody here in, or have been in the military? I'm going through the process of enlisting right now. Just took the ASVAB yesterday, still gotta do MEPs and all that first. Don't really have an idea on what I would want for a MOS.

So post up your MOS's and experiences.

01-25-2011, 08:31 PM
Im not in but know the following is very true!

Make damn sure whatever branch you choose you get your mos written into the your contract-they can and will screw you.

01-26-2011, 05:27 AM
I was in the army for 6 years, 11b (infantry) 19d (cav scout), dont sign anything until you feel 100% comfortable and its 100% what you want, make sure everything is in writing. If you want something just ask for it. if they say they cant offer or give it to you tell them you wont sign until they give you what you want, trust me they will find a way to get it to you. Dont be afraid to tell them how it is. THEY NEED YOU and are working for you until you sign that paper. Dont hose yourself, GET IT IN WRITING OR THEY WILL SCREW YOU

Good Luck Hope this helped

01-26-2011, 07:58 AM
22 years U.S. Army
first I was a 63B Tank mech (now 63H) then I was a 96D Imagery Analyst in Military Intelligence; (now 35G) I loved both mos 63 heavy work outdoors in all weather and long hours, M.I. indoors long hours and clean police record needed and can not tell any body out side of work what you did today.

01-26-2011, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by -TheDude-
I was in the army for 6 years, 11b (infantry) 19d (cav scout), dont sign anything until you feel 100% comfortable and its 100% what you want, make sure everything is in writing. If you want something just ask for it. if they say they cant offer or give it to you tell them you wont sign until they give you what you want, trust me they will find a way to get it to you. Dont be afraid to tell them how it is. THEY NEED YOU and are working for you until you sign that paper. Dont hose yourself, GET IT IN WRITING OR THEY WILL SCREW YOU

Good Luck Hope this helped

Thanks for the advice, deff going to keep that in mind. I'm more than willing to wait a few months for the MOS I want than just picking something I don't want to ship out faster.

Quick question about picking your MOS... How exactly does it work?
You pick it at MEPs right? Do they just give you a list of MOS's and you have to pick it right there on the spot?
I was told with my ASVAB scores that everything is pretty much "open" to me. I have a bunch of MOS's that I'm interested, but if I could chose it would either be 14E or 14T.

Thanks for any help. My recruiter hasn't explained too much about the job process yet. It's all been about the ASVAB and MEPs so far.

01-26-2011, 11:45 PM
11b infantry spc 4 years.... keep a folder with every recept they give you(and theres alot) watch out what you sighn for cause they will charge you even if you didnt recieve it...never back down when you know your right, nco's will respect that but u will get punished for it.. be prepaired to sit around and wait, be respectfull get everthing in writing and make sure they give it to you,***** and cry if you have to i hated my time in because i got the shaft alot but i miss my guys and we had alot of fun plus i got to do things most people only in vidio games...... ur time in is what you make it...

01-27-2011, 05:27 AM
Originally posted by feuerstack411
? Do they just give you a list of MOS's and you have to pick it right there on the spot?

you will pick your MOS with your recruiter, Be sure to get what you want. if he says its not available tell him you want to wait till it is and end it there. recruiters are used car salesmen, they will sell you on what will benifit them and what they need to fill. dont even agree to go to MEPS until you have your MOS in writting, Be firm and you will get what you want, Ask him if there is a signing bonus and kicker available too. Dont take no for an answer, people get scared to say that because your dealing with the army and a man in uniform, but dont be, i saw to many people get screwed cause they wouldnt say what they were thinking

01-27-2011, 05:53 AM
some mos's


put any thought into the marines? if your going to go, go all the way:)

01-27-2011, 05:57 AM
i just seen your from italy? is that true? if so i dont think you can be in the u.s. military unless you put italy for the same reason i put antarctica...just because lol.

01-27-2011, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by buck440
some mos's


put any thought into the marines? if your going to go, go all the way:)
im not going to get in an arguement so if you respond to what i say you will not get a response from me....

Marines are not going all the way, i was in fallujah for almost two years running missions off a marine base that the ARMY took over for the marines to come in. i ran many missions with marines and became friends of alot, so i do have tons of repect for anyone that volunteers to put on a uniform. so i will not talk bad about any branch as a whole, but to say that to go all the way and join the marines is foolish, i was away from my family for two years between pre deployment and deployment and i had so many marine buddies crying like babies cuz they had to go to iraq for 7 months. alot of the marines that went out on missions with us came back to base and told me that they would never do what we did, and this was coming from hardcore usmc tatted up infantry guys, if your gonna join the service do it smart . get as much education and benifits as you can. Marines have really no bonus, its hard to advance in rank, and no good programs for paying for a good education. be smart and join what you want, but to say that joining the marines is "going all the way" is foolish the air force has the best programs and better money

with that said buck, i will not respond to what you say to this, i am not looking for an argument just voicing my opinion and personal experience

01-27-2011, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by feuerstack411
Thanks for the advice, deff going to keep that in mind. I'm more than willing to wait a few months for the MOS I want than just picking something I don't want to ship out faster.

Quick question about picking your MOS... How exactly does it work?
You pick it at MEPs right? Do they just give you a list of MOS's and you have to pick it right there on the spot?
I was told with my ASVAB scores that everything is pretty much "open" to me. I have a bunch of MOS's that I'm interested, but if I could chose it would either be 14E or 14T.

Thanks for any help. My recruiter hasn't explained too much about the job process yet. It's all been about the ASVAB and MEPs so far.
The recruiters job is to get you hot about the Army, tested, qualified and get you to MEP, the recruiter at MEP job is to get you in the Army. At MEP they will show you what is avalable for you to enlist in based on your scores, if the MOS want is not open they will try to get to sign up any way. they have a mission to make each month and you may be the one that makes there number. The latter in the month the harder they will push you to sign up to make there mission.

01-27-2011, 08:17 AM
Solid advice here.....and I 110% agree, do not rush things and make sure you get in writting everything you can. Read teh small print and do not just take a recruters word for anything.....they may be military but at that point they are a salesmen!

I dont know if they have changed things, but my lord do you sign what seems like a million papers!

The military can be an exciting a fullfilling career if you make the most of it. I wish my hearing did not go bad or I would have made a career out of it in a heartbeat!

And I will thank you in advance for your service, it is a big step and it doesnt go unnoticed!

01-27-2011, 04:48 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by -TheDude-
[B]im not going to get in an arguement so if you respond to what i say you will not get a response from me....

Marines are not going all the way, i was in fallujah for almost two years running missions off a marine base that the ARMY took over for the marines to come in. i ran many missions with marines and became friends of alot, so i do have tons of repect for anyone that volunteers to put on a uniform. so i will not talk bad about any branch as a whole, but to say t...

hay man i do agree that any other branch is without a doubt better bennifit wise but i meant training wise. wasn't trying to offend anybody. i even have some respect for the army, wasn't down talking nobody. your all in it together the accomplish the same goal and i respect most of you guys. the same can be said about being scared to any branch. i know you are/were in the army and you had to step in and say something but what i said still stands.

01-28-2011, 08:02 AM
Was watching a thing on NATGEO last night about gang activity in our armed forces...thats some scary ****.