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01-16-2011, 04:49 PM
Principles of Sociology class, your the worst decision i've made in a long time. First week of class Chapter 1 = 9 page outline, 9 page study guide that i've already got 4 hours into and counting, 77 page powerpoint, 7 page food stamp assignment and CH 1 Test that i'm sure i'll fail with flying colors. and what does this have to do with a welding degree? nothing...

Where i will find the time for Algeba, Government, Oral Communications, and Blue Print Reading classes, i have no clue.

FML for the next 3 months

01-16-2011, 04:52 PM
I'm glad im still in high school :eek2:

01-16-2011, 04:54 PM
And now I'm even more scared of college.
I feel for ya man.

01-16-2011, 05:17 PM
The purpose for am education is to prepare for the future. I know that sounds cliché but sometime down the road an opportunity will present itself and if you are prepared you are ready to make the most of it. The more qualifications you have the more opportunity’s you will have.

Who knows.... you may end up on a game show someday and they may ask a sociology question, and knowing the right answer may win you a million dollars!!!!!

01-16-2011, 05:55 PM
That is quite a bit of work for what I assume is an intro class.

Have you talked to the professor yet, perhaps gone above them and talked to the dept chair? I had a professor who basically jerked us around for an entire semester and when half the class complained that he failed them they had to give us all C's at least.

Try that approach first, then move up. If your SOL drop the class if you can. All of that work your doing does seem like alot compared to the many sociology classes I took over the last few years.

I feel for ya tho, I only take 3, maybe 4 classes cause I just cant juggle (well when I had one) a fulltime job and 4 or more classes.

01-16-2011, 07:22 PM
Its rediculous. I had 5-6 hours wrapped up in just the study guide for the text. I just got done taking the test, it took me an hour to complete and i MAYBE knew 3-4 questions out of the 51. I think i'm going to drop it tomorrow.

01-16-2011, 07:28 PM
incase you dont know about it, http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/index.jsp is a site where you can check on reviews of the prof before you even take the class. i always use it to be on the safe side and only got burnt a few times.

01-16-2011, 08:55 PM
blue print reading is fairly simple. they can get complex but its easy to remember. i had a mechanical engineering manual drafting class my first semester. we went through three chapters a class with no time for lab. it ate most of my time that semester. all three de drawings, scaleing, hidden lines, crossectional veiws, plus top front and right side views all on one sheet for each part. line weights had to be close so if you messed up you had to basically start over. all dimentions had to be lettered in 1/8th inch text. borders, lables, and bill of materials had to be drawn in and lettered. learned a ton, but in the end it seemed pointless because everythigns done in CAD, Master Cam, and solid works

01-17-2011, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by 250x_kyle
blue print reading is fairly simple. they can get complex but its easy to remember. i had a mechanical engineering manual drafting class my first semester. we went through three chapters a class with no time for lab. it ate most of my time that semester. all three de drawings, scaleing, hidden lines, crossectional veiws, plus top front and right side views all on one sheet for each part. line weights had to be close so if you messed up you had to basically start over. all dimentions had to be lettered in 1/8th inch text. borders, lables, and bill of materials had to be drawn in and lettered. learned a ton, but in the end it seemed pointless because everythigns done in CAD, Master Cam, and solid works

I did the same thing, took the drafting for my ME degree. Next semester took cad 2d, then cad 3d then solidworks. Realized immediatly that the first semester with drafting was a ginormous waste of my life.

01-17-2011, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
Principles of Sociology class, your the worst decision i've made in a long time. First week of class Chapter 1 = 9 page outline, 9 page study guide that i've already got 4 hours into and counting, 77 page powerpoint, 7 page food stamp assignment and CH 1 Test that i'm sure i'll fail with flying colors. and what does this have to do with a welding degree? nothing...

Where i will find the time for Algeba, Government, Oral Communications, and Blue Print Reading classes, i have no clue.

FML for the next 3 months

welcome to real classes.....i take test that take 2+ hours. . . . and study till weeee bits of the morning for some classes, and write tons of business proposals and yadadadadadadadadadada.....but i wanna job when i graduate so ill do it.

01-17-2011, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by bens250ex
welcome to real classes.....i take test that take 2+ hours. . . . and study till weeee bits of the morning for some classes, and write tons of business proposals and yadadadadadadadadadada.....but i wanna job when i graduate so ill do it.

Just cause the class makes you do tons of work it doesnt mean its gonna be worth a darn in the real world. Pushing you like that only makes the students dislike the professor and class. There is something to be said of bad professors who try and teach say an intro course like its a masters course-BTDT and trust me the class doesnt like it at all and complains alot and gets the prof in trouble.

Alot of what you learn at college really doesnt apply to the outside world either. What the classes do is make you think and apply yourself-this is good for people who dont have any real common sense or street smarts. For those who have the sense already its just a rehashing of what you already know. 20 years ago I woulda already had a real job, problem is now they dont want to even give you a chance without the degree cause the world is geared towards thinking that if you have a degree your somehow smarter and better equipped to do the job.

Course without a degree not to many jobs will hire you these days and its precisely the reason Im going to college myself.

Just my opinion. But having been going to college on and off for close to 7 years now and trying to get by finding a quote unquote real job..well life just dont work that way anymore without the stupid degree.

My grandfather is living proof you dont need a degree to make it-but he also made it at a time that degrees werent the norm and werent needed. All you had to do was show up and be willing to learn, if you could learn and perform the job you were ahead of the game.

01-17-2011, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Just cause the class makes you do tons of work it doesnt mean its gonna be worth a darn in the real world. Pushing you like that only makes the students dislike the professor and class. There is something to be said of bad professors who try and teach say an intro course like its a masters course-BTDT and trust me the class doesnt like it at all and complains alot and gets the prof in trouble.

Alot of what you learn at college really doesnt apply to the outside world either. What the classes do is make you think and apply yourself-this is good for people who dont have any real common sense or street smarts. For those who have the sense already its just a rehashing of what you already know. 20 years ago I woulda already had a real job, problem is now they dont want to even give you a chance without the degree cause the world is geared towards thinking that if you have a degree your somehow smarter and better equipped to do the job.

Course without a degree not to many jobs will hire you these days and its precisely the reason Im going to college myself.

Just my opinion. But having been going to college on and off for close to 7 years now and trying to get by finding a quote unquote real job..well life just dont work that way anymore without the stupid degree.

My grandfather is living proof you dont need a degree to make it-but he also made it at a time that degrees werent the norm and werent needed. All you had to do was show up and be willing to learn, if you could learn and perform the job you were ahead of the game.

i have been there and done that, i have had my share of professors who do nothing but make your life a living hell b/c they can. I like to look at from the stand point it weeds out the weak. Usually it comes down to applying yourself. If you want it bad enough you can have it. If it was easy every person would have a doctors degree or some other highly paid graduate degree.

01-17-2011, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by bens250ex
i have been there and done that, i have had my share of professors who do nothing but make your life a living hell b/c they can. I like to look at from the stand point it weeds out the weak. Usually it comes down to applying yourself. If you want it bad enough you can have it. If it was easy every person would have a doctors degree or some other highly paid graduate degree.

I totally agree with all of that but you gotta understand-just cause you can do the work and grad and be a dr, lawyer or whatever doesnt make you a smart or tough hard working personjust means you can survive it.

FWIW I know plenty of smart people that dont have a clue how to even do simple stuff. They pay to have people do the most mundane stupid things, if the people who did the work werent there they would about crap themselves in fear of not knowing lol.

Just cause your smart doesnt mean you got sense.

Sorry to rant a bit, just hit a nerve.

01-17-2011, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by CJM
I totally agree with all of that but you gotta understand-just cause you can do the work and grad and be a dr, lawyer or whatever doesnt make you a smart or tough hard working personjust means you can survive it.

FWIW I know plenty of smart people that dont have a clue how to even do simple stuff. They pay to have people do the most mundane stupid things, if the people who did the work werent there they would about crap themselves in fear of not knowing lol.

Just cause your smart doesnt mean you got sense.

Sorry to rant a bit, just hit a nerve.

no it deff doesn't mean you will be a hard worker/smart. i didn't mean it that way. My grandad did not even graduate high school and he worked his *** off and came out good, its all in the persons work morals, some are lazy and some work there *** off no matter if they have a degree or not. I know plenty of lazy F'ers who have a degree but suck at working

01-17-2011, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by bens250ex
no it deff doesn't mean you will be a hard worker/smart. i didn't mean it that way. My grandad did not even graduate high school and he worked his *** off and came out good, its all in the persons work morals, some are lazy and some work there *** off no matter if they have a degree or not. I know plenty of lazy F'ers who have a degree but suck at working


Totally agree with ya now, good post!

01-17-2011, 06:31 PM
guess i could have explained it better. i tend to not explain things well lol

01-17-2011, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by bens250ex
guess i could have explained it better. i tend to not explain things well lol

Its alright :)

01-18-2011, 02:30 PM
well I don't really care about "real" classes. the easyer the better and the easyer I get my degree the better. If it had to deal with the field I am in, I would care. but the ***** got dropped. I dont have time for Karl Marx and what he thought about the reason why people act the way they do. Because it mean nothing when I'm rollin pretty dime beads on aluminum :blah:

01-18-2011, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
well I don't really care about "real" classes. the easyer the better and the easyer I get my degree the better. If it had to deal with the field I am in, I would care. but the ***** got dropped. I dont have time for Karl Marx and what he thought about the reason why people act the way they do. Because it mean nothing when I'm rollin pretty dime beads on aluminum :blah:

Most people don't get hired without having some kind working morals/experience. i don't know what to tell you hunter.....hopefully somethin will come your way but the welding certificate is going to be tough to get a job like you want. Basically your only option is pipeline welding which you said you didn't want to do or you can get a job in some kind of industrial welding at some kind of plant but you will be welding the same line over and over and over and over. No creative designing and such. I don't mean to bust your balls man but you need to get it figured out. your not a kid anymore, and in your fast approaching future circumstance you really need to find a secure job/something that will be able to support a family or you and the gal will be in over your head. Take it for what it is but but i hope it will work out for you. call me if ya need me

01-18-2011, 11:48 PM
quit'cha stressin benny boy. There is ton's and ton's of work outside of the pipeline. If I want i could work towards getting my AWS D17.1 certification. There are only 3 people in the Memphis area with this certification. Basicly writing your own checks. Rail Road, medical, Nascar, services, custom, Pressure vessles, ect. OR the pipeline is a choice. I could go certify in 3G Flux tomorrow and have a nice job by the end of the week building pressure vessles if I wanted. But for now I'm working at Sportmans warehouse so I can load up and plenty of Guns and Ammo before I have to face the zombie apocalypse.

01-19-2011, 09:36 AM
:p or before Oretard takes away all the guns and stuff. Did sportsman warehouse open back up?

01-19-2011, 12:54 PM
Within the next month. We have to build the entire place beginning in Feb

01-20-2011, 11:45 AM
I think college is one of the biggest scams in America, i had to take 50 credits of GE that i prob took atleast half of the same in HS. so at 900 a class figure 10 classes i had already taken i paid 9k to learn nothing.

But i wouldn't have my job that i do now if i didn't have that piece of paper.

Wish i would have gone to a tech school instead of a university but hind sight is 2020.

There was many nights i was in the lab till 3 or 4 am, but its what you have to do.

You might not like it but you just have to rough it out and it will pay off in the end. In my case college gave me the knowledge i needed to get a job, but its on the job training is where you really learn.

01-22-2011, 12:00 PM
Find another class that fill this requirement. I went to college and dropped courses because of TA's and proforors.

01-22-2011, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by 79400ex


Yeah, I know what you're saying one bad 400. I took an online astronomy class to fill my science credit thinking it would be easy. I was wrong, and had to suffer through the stupid thing. Gen Eds are a necessary evil if you want to have a degree opposed to certificates. Plus is sounds better on the piece of paper and it will be worth it in the end. Find a different class that fills the requirement and move on.