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View Full Version : This is getting scary guys!!

02-12-2003, 01:01 PM
In school today,the super anttendent got on the speaker, and he said we may be in a full scale nucler war with in the next 2 weeks,He said that the world has'nt seen such a threat scince the cold war, but this time there is alot more at steak,They are sayin that we should get food water and stuff the board the houses up...I hope bush knows what he is doing,and I hope our army is as good as they say they are...and the jets are as fast as they say they are...cuz there gonna need it...its gonna be the middle east againt all the axis and allied powers of WW2...Its startin to freak me out ya know...this is no joke anymore...

02-12-2003, 01:03 PM
Your Superintendant is a flaming *********. He had no business saying that stuff, and freaking all the kids out.

02-12-2003, 01:06 PM
i agree with quadfather.... yeah right when we start doing bomb drills then ill start to get scared... i say throw a crapload of those bombs that blow up 20ft b4 they hit the ground and suck all the air out of a 1 mile radius..... then we wont be starting a nuclear war.:D :eek:

02-12-2003, 01:10 PM
Thats what my mom said...

02-12-2003, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Quadfather
Your Superintendant is a flaming *********. He had no business saying that stuff, and freaking all the kids out.

No doubt he had no right to come out and say that there is nothing to back that statement :mad:

02-12-2003, 01:17 PM
Now everyone freakin out....see I live in a air force town...we have rickonbacker air force base..they fly F 14's and stealths outta there...with bombs...we are the closest town to there...besides ashville...

02-12-2003, 01:18 PM
Here is what I don't understand...why are people stocking up on plastic and duct tape? Its not going to completely seal your house from the outside elements... and all the crap that would be in the air if they dropped a nuke or whatever else.:confused2

DGR Designs
02-12-2003, 01:19 PM
man! well then, if i never see ya'll again then well. i bid ya'll adoo cause i need some time in a hole with my 400 **** wiat a second... ima storm into that hellhole of a place and murder saddam! whos comin!

02-12-2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by DGR Designs
man! well then, if i never see ya'll again then well. i bid ya'll adoo cause i need some time in a hole with my 400 **** wiat a second... ima storm into that hellhole of a place and murder saddam! whos comin!

right here.... sudam is gonna say "su--DA**":devil

02-12-2003, 01:35 PM
Your super is an Idiot. We are not going to let those little #@$$ers get to the US before we eliminate them. Believe me when I say when we get the chance to go in we are going to level Iraq. N. Korea just wants attention is my true thought on that.


02-12-2003, 02:03 PM
You seem to have quite odd stories every day for some reason:confused2

02-12-2003, 02:06 PM
i think if we do it is going to affect the people living on the coast. that mean me. im in CT. From Maine to Florida is where to problems might be in my perspective.

02-12-2003, 02:14 PM
i personally dont see why ppl fear the middle east so much. Sure they have nukes, but so do we. And we could prob. blow the things up b4 they even got a chance to fire them. Im sure we have every nuke they have pinpointed and watched very closely. Sure its gay that we pay so much in taxes. But i honestly feel VERY VERY safe under the US govermnet. We have the best, and are the best. The others are just toilet wads. And guys like DESDAK4 you guys kick ARSE, and i pray for u guys everynight!!

02-12-2003, 02:20 PM
i wouldent be worried about them coming with planes and blowing us up with bombe or what not but im more worried about the terrorist attacks that they say could happen this week

02-12-2003, 02:27 PM
This is scary and it is on your side, so see no worries:D

02-12-2003, 02:29 PM
HAHA, that will wipe out sodumb insanes house and all of his lackys with one swoop!

02-12-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by DESDAK4
This is scary and it is on your side, so see no worries:D

saweet! rapid fire bombing..... thats a good idea:D

02-12-2003, 02:39 PM
Yeah and we just keep filling them up and sending them back:macho


Glow Plug
02-12-2003, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by DESDAK4
Yeah and we just keep filling them up and sending them back:macho


well i thikn that will make everyone feel better :devil

02-12-2003, 02:46 PM
I've already filled my basement up with 40 cases of keystone light..i'm ready for whatever they have to offer.. Beer and the protective shell that beer comes in has over 5000 uses and I know every one of them....:eek:

02-12-2003, 02:51 PM
screw it....if its gonna happen worring wont help it none.

if i see a terrorist, i will shoot him...end of story

if i get killed in a terrorist attack...oh well...life is a b!tch...welcome to the 21st century.

rico...40 cases sounds like a plan.....i think i will get a hooker or two and just die a natural death:devil

DGR Designs
02-12-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
rico...40 cases sounds like a plan.....i think i will get a hooker or two and just die a natural death:devil

beer eh'...... hookers eh'....... natural death eh'...... (in homer simpson voice) lol go kenny!

02-12-2003, 03:50 PM
I could be wrong but even if they had nukes chances are they don't have good enough of icbm's or nukes stationed close to us. I don't think we have anything to worry about.

02-12-2003, 04:12 PM
i thought if a country used a NUC all countries would turn on them?? I think we will be ok. We just need to whip IRAQ and suk up to NKOREA and try to keep peace!

02-12-2003, 04:19 PM
My dad just got back from survice in October,Now he has gotta go back :( ...I am sure some of you read the time he whooped the 2 guys who tried and steal my EX,I had stated he is a navy seal,Well he is going soon :(....I was'nt even old enough to understand what was going on the last time he went,And he can't call us he can't tell us where he is going,I only got to ride with him a few times,:( ....I am stressed out I guess...

02-12-2003, 04:23 PM
It may not happen next week or even next year But i do think that WWIII is comming.Its just a matter of time.And all this BS is the start of it.And if it does WTF .My town has one of the largest gas storage farms on the east coast and ive heard it would be around 7th or 8th on the bombing list.But again WTF it would just but me out of my missery.

02-12-2003, 04:24 PM

02-12-2003, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by luvmyex
It may not happen next week or even next year But i do think that WWIII is comming.Its just a matter of time.And all this BS is the start of it.And if it does WTF .My town has one of the largest gas storage farms on the east coast and ive heard it would be around 7th or 8th on the bombing list.But again WTF it would just but me out of my missery.

im sure your town wouldnt be 7th or 8th on the bombing list. i everyone could list one reason that there town could be bombed. they could destroy oil but why when they could go for big cities and kill a million ppl with one shot? jmo and rookiex that sucks tell your dad we got his back in a couple years:macho

02-12-2003, 04:38 PM
im not really that scared because we have over 100,000 troops sittin there with crosshairs on all of em. the second they anounce war i think iraq will just be demolished before they could fire a missile. But if they did shoot a nuke or antrax bomb or wutever at us, our pilets could surely shoot it down or do somethin to it. besides the troops over there already, we have a whole army here just waitin for the go signal. and think about if they sent troops here, just about every american has a gun or 2, it would be he!! for them, no where to go without gettin shot at.

02-12-2003, 04:42 PM

02-12-2003, 04:45 PM
no gas=no movement Poupulation isnt what they would be after.Goverment,manufacturing,gas,Big business,communacations,is what would cripple a country.Not a few millon people.Not talking about terroist now.Im talking about war.

02-12-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
stealths.... :macho

02-12-2003, 05:00 PM
Now thats funny!

02-12-2003, 05:01 PM
LMAO!! Thats funny as ****. I think this whole thing is really more about oil than anything else. I have faith in our armed forces and love this country to death! God bless America man!

02-12-2003, 05:13 PM
our local news just told us to go out and buy batteries and duct tape. i'm getting scared. Bush can't do anything if we get bombed. it's then in the air what's he goin to do about it? i just wish it didn't come to this. hopefully none of those stinky whacks on crack don't bomb us. :rolleyes:

02-12-2003, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Quadfather
Your Superintendant is a flaming *********. He had no business saying that stuff, and freaking all the kids out.

02-12-2003, 05:37 PM
this will make you feel better, im sure jay will enjoy it :D


02-12-2003, 05:46 PM
There will be terrorist attacks within the U.S again but it will not be anything big... and no even if they did try and invade there are hardly ANY U.S citizens who do not own a gun! If they did that the U.S Militia would be bigger than the U.S Armed Forces!! Hicks with shotguns would be killing Arabs!.........IT WOULD KINDA BE COOL!

02-12-2003, 06:15 PM
I have seen so many of those ragheads blown up by my bombs on video from the aircraft dropping them you would think I would be numb to it but I get the same warm fuzzy feeling every time just like it was the first time:devil


02-12-2003, 06:19 PM
Just let em try to invade KY, I bet they have never seen a redneck in action. It wouldn't be pretty.:o

02-12-2003, 06:37 PM
Man, F- the arabs bomb the whole friggin country and get it over with.

02-12-2003, 06:40 PM
haha! lucky for me, i live out in the middle of nowhere. so just stay the heck away from my neck of the woods and ill be fine.
the beer and hooker thing sounds good anyway:D

02-12-2003, 06:43 PM
your superintendent is a retard

i myself dont wanna live if thier is no one else, ill go down with the ship if we go down

02-12-2003, 06:47 PM
The scary question is. Does everyone on here fully understands the implications of a nuclear war ?

Who ever shoots first, and it can be garunteed they can hit us from where they are and they won't miss, are just getting nukes shot at them in return. From this alone the majority of the earths population would be destroyed from nuclear fallout, these bombs they'll be using are so big and intense that the likes of them have never been tested before, because testing itself would bring about fallout. That principle had no reason to say those things though because its not true, Iraq has shown no intention of USING their nuclear weapons to date, the biggest threat from them is biological and chemical weapons like Anthrax, etc. Which they have an abundance of, we are by no means at the stage that the cold war reached yet...although we are staring down the barrel of the second Gulf War. This is by far the most unpopular war in history, protests have broken out world wide before the war has even started (1st time). Hussein is a gigantic threat but war isn't the solution because it only gives him a reason to use the weapons that he has. Bush doesn't know what he's gettin himself into, hes just looking to get written into the history books. The U.S. gov. hates Saddam Hussein so much now but he's the same person he was back in the 80's when the United States government supported him, while trying to over-throw the Ayatollah Khoemeini in Iran.

02-12-2003, 06:51 PM
lol, today my mom bought jugs of water and duct tape and plastic wrap for some reason:huh

02-12-2003, 06:51 PM
war is so pointless and crude, killing thousands or millions of innoncent people over nothing....were suppose to be a advanced civilization, were just a bunch of smart animals, if we wanna settle this it should be hand to hand combat , blowing up the whole world isnt gonna settle a thing, bush is a total retard if hes gonna start a war, he should be very very very cautious before he messes with a bunch of suicidal indians with big bombs, they can blow the whole world up 3 times but we can 10 times:eek:

02-12-2003, 06:52 PM
Hey everyon just make sure you have enough bottled water and food for a few days. You will use it regardless. Maybe keep your cars filled with gas. It won't hurt.
These people would have wiped out Israel if they could so I don't think they can do much here. The U.S. went over and slapped Iraq around once and they can do it again.

02-12-2003, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Quadfather
Your Superintendant is a flaming *********. He had no business saying that stuff, and freaking all the kids out.

your right,,, who does he think he is... the presidient? :huh

02-12-2003, 06:56 PM
Iraq is like this kid i know, He runs his mouth constantly, And he gets his *** kicked almost weekly, It seems no matter how much he gets his *** kicked he still keeps mouthin off.....
The only way around it is to ignore him , tho that may not be possible with Iraq.

02-12-2003, 06:58 PM
keeps gettin his *** kicked gets some freinds comes to school with a gun and does some shootin:o

02-12-2003, 06:59 PM
I guess if you are scared of death then yea i;d be scared too. Yes, i am a little worried, but whatever happens......well happens, worrying does no good. Baton Rouge here is like 2nd or 3rd on hte bombing list becuase of our oil supplies and such

02-12-2003, 07:02 PM
The scary question is. Does everyone on here fully understands the implications of a nuclear war ?

Who ever shoots first, and it can be garunteed they can hit us from where they are and they won't miss, are just getting nukes shot at them in return. From this alone the majority of the earths population would be destroyed from nuclear fallout, these bombs they'll be using are so big and intense that the likes of them have never been tested before, because testing itself would bring about fallout. That principle had no reason to say those things though because its not true, Iraq has shown no intention of USING their nuclear weapons to date, the biggest threat from them is biological and chemical weapons like Anthrax, etc. Which they have an abundance of, we are by no means at the stage that the cold war reached yet...although we are staring down the barrel of the second Gulf War. This is by far the most unpopular war in history, protests have broken out world wide before the war has even started (1st time). Hussein is a gigantic threat but war isn't the solution because it only gives him a reason to use the weapons that he has. Bush doesn't know what he's gettin himself into, hes just looking to get written into the history books. The U.S. gov. hates Saddam Hussein so much now but he's the same person he was back in the 80's when the United States government supported him, while trying to over-throw the Ayatollah Khoemeini in Iran.

You don't know what your talking about.........thank god you live in Canada........... do us all a favor and stay there!!!!!!!!!!!!

Geoge Bush knows what he's doing, so your either with us or your against us!!!!!!!! thank GOD that I live in America, because if I lived in Canada I would be scared as ****, cause you military is a joke and couldn't even fight off the Flu..............so shut up and stay in Canada....

02-12-2003, 07:05 PM
why would anyone bother canada then? hmmmmm canada oh canada......freestylexrider....we must go riding soon

02-12-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by markeg192
Hey everyon just make sure you have enough bottled water and food for a few days. You will use it regardless. Maybe keep your cars filled with gas. It won't hurt..

everyone is saying "go out and buy all this useless crap" then everyone does, it makes me sick. can you say y2k? jmo

02-12-2003, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Max400

You don't know what your talking about.........thank god you live in Canada........... do us all a favor and stay there!!!!!!!!!!!!

Geoge Bush knows what he's doing, so your either with us or your against us!!!!!!!! thank GOD that I live in America, because if I lived in Canada I would be scared as ****, cause you military is a joke and couldn't even fight off the Flu..............so shut up and stay in Canada....

Wow, I love your ignorant confidence in your government, everything I stated was True. So how do I have no idea what I'm talking about ? Only thing you can't agree with is my oppinion on George Bush, I mean I split 50/50 on weather or not the US should go in, maybe they should. But half the world and half the united states, thinks another war is not a good idea right now. As well the United States is close to getting themselves in the history books anyway, Iraq isn't the only threat you know ? North Korea has announced that they have Nuclear Weapons capable of hitting the West coast of the US, and they are threatening war. So history will be set for fighting 2 potentially nuclear wars. at the same time. Israel is now in on this insanity too saying that they will retaliate with nuclear weapons if attacked.

I can't belive you can possilby feel safer in America right now more so than Canada. Your military is going to do anything to stop a bombardment of bombs aimed at every capital in your country.

02-12-2003, 07:29 PM
right now i wouldnt mind living in canada too awful much...mostly because noone really gives 2 $hit$ about Canada. so in the event of nuclear war, canadians would be pretty safe.

02-12-2003, 07:31 PM
lol buying duct tape and plastic rap and bottled water..... that is about the dumbest thing i have ever heard. If you are in a nuclear fallout duct tape $hit isnt gonna do jack crack lol. Face it, if you are anywhere near a nuc explostion you are bacicly dead. period, end of story.I did a report on this **** a year ago and found a book that showed the range of the intencity of the bomb from where it went off im michigan. It was cool if you are 30 miles away from the explosion youll get 2nd degree burns and the wind will be strong enough to blow you out of a window. thats ****ed up if you ask me. If a nuc goes off in America a am prepaired to die. I will be in a far better place.

02-12-2003, 07:34 PM
damn, ive had my entire body wrapped in duct tape for almost a week now, well see whos laughing when u guys dont have any skin cuz it got burn off, shiiiit ill be fine it will burn off the duct tape not my skin:huh i think

if i think were gonan get nuked, im gonna shave my head into a nice mullet get butt naked and run through school screaming profanities, if i die im dieing in the funniest way possible

DGR Designs
02-12-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
damn, ive had my entire body wrapped in duct tape for almost a week now, well see whos laughing when u guys dont have any skin cuz it got burn off, shiiiit ill be fine it will burn off the duct tape not my skin:huh i think

if i think were gonan get nuked, im gonna shave my head into a nice mullet get butt naked and run through school screaming profanities, if i die im dieing in the funniest way possible

lmgdmfao. man im rollin over rite now lol. if i knew i was gonna die id drive around smashin people in the face that have done wrong in my life lmfao (my principle "Tokin' Joe Fisher" for one):D

02-12-2003, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
damn, ive had my entire body wrapped in duct tape for almost a week now, well see whos laughing when u guys dont have any skin cuz it got burn off, shiiiit ill be fine it will burn off the duct tape not my skin:huh i think

if i think were gonan get nuked, im gonna shave my head into a nice mullet get butt naked and run through school screaming profanities, if i die im dieing in the funniest way possible


02-12-2003, 08:14 PM
I dont know why so many ppl are worried about getting "nuked".. none fo the countries besides canada and mexico are evn close enough to drop a bomb on us.. and they sure arnt gonna fly over here cuz they would ge shot down before they even got here... If i were worried id be worried about chemical terrorist attacks from terrorists that are already in the US right now.. but i guess if sopmthing does happens im not gonna worry about it to much cuz ***** happens and plastic and duct tape sure as he#& arnt gonna save you

02-12-2003, 08:26 PM
My dad says theres no turning back now,Bush has already spent billions on this war just by shipping everything out already,My grandpa was a captain in korea,He knows ALOT about it,He says we should be more worried about them than Iraq,He says they are sneekie,they got money,and have nothing to lose,On top of that they have a crazy leader,And in Korea you never know whos on your side and whos not,People will just walk outta the bushes and blow themselfs up,They are not afriad like americans,They have no value.

02-12-2003, 08:30 PM
for some reason im not seeing the reason there is gonna be a war, sounds like bush is a lil cocky after 9 11 since everyone is backin him , ahh well when he screws up he can always say the cocaine made me do it

02-12-2003, 08:33 PM
whats the point of winning a war when you have nothing left in the end?

02-12-2003, 08:33 PM
1. this sucks
2. who is threating us?
3. i was watching tv and they just north korea has nukes that range in a 9,300 square mile radius...
4. this sucks
5. why does bush say he wants piece yet he still wants to go to war with everybody...:confused:
6. this sucks
7. it gonna be a real bad war
8. if we get nuked,,,,were ****ed
9. this sucks
10. this really ****in sucks

02-12-2003, 08:35 PM
We aren't going to get much outa it ne ways are we?

02-12-2003, 08:36 PM
i figure we're all gonna die somtime and rather then being scared of it im just not gonna worry about it.. if it turns out its my time then its my time i guess...jmo:ermm:

02-12-2003, 08:37 PM
from what i see and read , bush seems to want this war to make him more popular, have they said thier gonan nuke us or use those weapons against us? if they have i havent heard it, bush is just gonna provoke them more and more and kaboom, bush is all for war becuase hes a texan redneck chimpanze ,clinton was the man

02-12-2003, 08:39 PM
yea i think ur right, bush i thought was koo now he is a dic*, clinton I didn't like to much tho.. I hope this war thing ust gets cancelled.. i dont think it makes much sense to go to war..

02-12-2003, 08:39 PM
No 11 years in the Air Force tought me nothing about Nuclear War:rolleyes: I do believe we are going and we will destroy Iraq and it Gov this time.


02-12-2003, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by MNmxblaster37
I dont know why so many ppl are worried about getting "nuked".. none fo the countries besides canada and mexico are evn close enough to drop a bomb on us.. and they sure arnt gonna fly over here cuz they would ge shot down before they even got here... If i were worried id be worried about chemical terrorist attacks from terrorists that are already in the US right now.. but i guess if sopmthing does happens im not gonna worry about it to much cuz ***** happens and plastic and duct tape sure as he#& arnt gonna save you

While Iraq aren'y fully functional with their nuclear weapons "Yet", the CIA announced today that North Korea have a 3 stage missle capbale of crossing the pacific and striking the entire weastern seboard of North America, from the Youkon Down. Their leader is a madman who wants war so that his communist governmint can overthrow the US back democratic government of the southern peninsula which is seperated by a US base of 30,000 soldiers. They don't have to be close to blow us all sky high !

02-12-2003, 08:41 PM
war does not determine who is right, war determines who is left

02-12-2003, 08:42 PM
come on guys what are you thinking!? if we die, most of us will go to heaven and get all the $hit we want.

am i the only optimist here. :blah

02-12-2003, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Lathers
We aren't going to get much outa it ne ways are we?

I belive the United States wants control of the Oil Fields in Iraq, because 70% of all the worlds oil comes from this area alone. It was a large part of their motiviation in the Gulf War and its the same today.

02-12-2003, 08:44 PM
Ohh, well we are low on oil as it is aren't we.. So if thats the only reason i still dont agree haha.. maybe more reason's

02-12-2003, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by schism_rhs
While Iraq aren'y fully functional with their nuclear weapons "Yet", the CIA announced today that North Korea have a 3 stage missle capbale of crossing the pacific and striking the entire weastern seboard of North America, from the Youkon Down. Their leader is a madman who wants war so that his communist governmint can overthrow the US back democratic government of the southern peninsula which is seperated by a US base of 30,000 soldiers. They don't have to be close to blow us all sky high !

yea right after i posted that i seen it on the news... hopefully it doesnt happen:rolleyes: :confused:

02-12-2003, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by 2003TRX250EX
come on guys what are you thinking!? if we die, most of us will go to heaven and get all the $hit we want.

am i the only optimist here. :blah

exactly.. for the most part we all would go to a better place anyways

02-12-2003, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Lathers
Ohh, well we are low on oil as it is aren't we.. So if thats the only reason i still dont agree haha.. maybe more reason's

Well we are only low on oil because trade negotiations are tense between North America and Iraq due to the threat of war, the oil is still there but everytime Bush mentions War or Saddam Hussien the prices skyrocket and it becomes more difficult to get.

02-12-2003, 08:49 PM
oo, well there should be other reasons than oil to attack..

02-12-2003, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by schism_rhs
Well we are only low on oil because trade negotiations are tense between North America and Iraq due to the threat of war, the oil is still there but everytime Bush mentions War or Saddam Hussien the prices skyrocket and it becomes more difficult to get.
we arnt even getting our oil from iraq.. we're getting it from venusuali (SP) and the reason the price is going up is cuz they're on strike

02-12-2003, 08:49 PM
the oil prices are high mainly because of the strike that going on in south america...and fears of a war

besides...this is what bin laden and hussien need:devil

02-12-2003, 09:06 PM
don't take this personaly anyone.. it's a joke (I don't mean Bush)

02-12-2003, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by spincr4hire
Here is what I don't understand...why are people stocking up on plastic and duct tape? Its not going to completely seal your house from the outside elements... and all the crap that would be in the air if they dropped a nuke or whatever else.:confused2
Thats what I was thinking until this morning on good morning america they showed what your suppose to do. They say you pick a room in your house with as few windows and doors, preferably an interior room, and seal yourself in that one room for a couple of days if there was a chemical weapon attack.

02-12-2003, 09:19 PM
were all scared but lets just quit talking about it cause there aint nuttin we can do about it...

02-12-2003, 09:28 PM
im still cracking up over this lol!

02-12-2003, 09:30 PM
that right there is proof we evolved from apes lmfao!

02-12-2003, 09:35 PM
Thats classic, that just made my day!

02-12-2003, 09:41 PM
For the guy bashing the canadian army. Excuse me. But the last time i checked your population has quite a bit higher then canada. ANd the last time I checked we were not arguing the stregth of our military forces. all he did has try to unbiased this little thread you got going. the fact is many people in america don't now half the facts. and I don't blame them for that. the american media is to blame for that. that fact is what happend on sept 11 is complete bull**** and is totaly worng. and someone should pay. but The U.S.A is far from inocent. The people in afganistan were held down by the afgani government. and up untill sept 11 the American government supported the afgani gov' and other eastern governments in order to keep oil prices low. The United states did some pretty low things. although its no excuse for what they did in return, its something to think about. I hate to say this becuase i love america and its people but many americans are ignorant to such isues as this one. that just true. But when your the most powerful country in the world you should be able to do such things. But history repeats itself. Rome was once a great economy. Some believe they got to cocky. and thats what brought them to their end. Lets hope the same thing doesn't happen to the USA. because if it does it will effect everybody. bombs are just to big now a days. and with people that don't fear death (afganis) it makes things that much scaryier. lets just leave such topics alone. Because its realy has nothing to do with quads and it causes arguements. I love a good arguement but over the internet is'nt the same.

02-12-2003, 09:46 PM
I don't even bother argueing if the person is gonna say some stupid pig headed ignorant coment.
I just ignore it forum , Just chill out , Don't waste your time gettin all fired up cuz it ain't worth it

02-13-2003, 05:12 AM
he does relate to looking like a ape doesn't he lmgdao

02-13-2003, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by oj250r
5. why does bush say he wants piece yet he still wants to go to war with everybody...:confused:

02-13-2003, 01:45 PM
You guys need to calm down. It seems like many of you are getting all worked up and worried about what could happen. Dont think about it. We will not get nuked.
And for those bashing bush, you think you could do any better?


02-13-2003, 02:08 PM
it is better to be proactive and stop evil leaders in thier tracks before we do get blown into a big dust pile.

If we do nothing then are kids will suffer for it.

It only takes one crazy leader with nukes to ruin the world.

If you think war is only about oil then you are sadly mistaken. Our way of life is at stake these ********* would like nothing more than to destroy America. So lets let them have nukes so it will make it easier for them to do. we are not protected by our borders anymore guys they can and will get to us if we do nothing. I dont like war but to keep america safe then i am all for it. We are the strongest nation the world has ever known and we use our might to help others all the time we donot try to conquer them and keep thier countries for ourselfs we rebuild and try and provide freedome for the citizens. do we always do a great job of it? no but we try.

If your going to run our president down then get the facts straight first and try and sound like you know what your talking about. everyone is just repeating bits and pieces of what they have heard.

02-13-2003, 02:14 PM
War gets results. I am sick of all the crybabies on this site saying we shouldn't go to war. Well there is nothing else possible to do to get results. If they ever brought back the draft and i got drafted i would go without a doubt. I would not turn my back on my country and the thousands. Thousands died fighting for the rights we have today (which is ever shrinking), if you died in was you would have nothing to worry about, you'd be in good company.


02-13-2003, 03:45 PM
damn, ive had my entire body wrapped in duct tape for almost a week now, well see whos laughing when u guys dont have any skin cuz it got burn off, shiiiit ill be fine it will burn off the duct tape not my skin i think
lol..the tape would burn into your skin! have you ever heard of Hiroshima? ya...people's shadows were frozen onto walls cuz they were basically vaporized by the blast, so i doubt the duct tape is gonna solve it:D

02-13-2003, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by rookiex
In school today,the super anttendent got on the speaker, and he said we may be in a full scale nucler war with in the next 2 weeks,He said that the world has'nt seen such a threat scince the cold war, but this time there is alot more at steak,They are sayin that we should get food water and stuff the board the houses up...I hope bush knows what he is doing,and I hope our army is as good as they say they are...and the jets are as fast as they say they are...cuz there gonna need it...its gonna be the middle east againt all the axis and allied powers of WW2...Its startin to freak me out ya know...this is no joke anymore...

he should concentrate more on trying to teach you how to spell.

02-13-2003, 07:04 PM
jeez cut him some slack

02-13-2003, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
jeez cut him some slack

I am thinking about cutting YOU some slack.

02-13-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by 4punksdad
I am thinking about cutting YOU some slack.

come on now.....dont blow this outta porporstion(im pretty sure i spelled that wrong....sorry)

02-13-2003, 07:12 PM
This whole deal is gay.. Bush needs to wake up a little more in my opinion from what people have been saying..

02-13-2003, 07:14 PM
yeah what exactljy ares we goin to war for