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View Full Version : which pipe would help more in selling my quad

12-01-2001, 11:47 PM
i am thinking of trading pipes,i have and lrd adjustable now but am think of trading for an fmf,would trading for the fmf hurt resale value of my bike or not

12-02-2001, 01:27 AM
Putting an FMF fatty on your bike will not hurt the resale. It is not as good as the LRD that you have but I doubt it would cause someone to not want the bike or haggle you to a lower price. Most people would be happy that it has an aftermarket pipe on it at all.

12-02-2001, 09:57 AM
i highly doubt the brand of pipe would hurt the sale at all even if it was stock.

Red Rooster
12-02-2001, 11:56 AM
Even peeps that don't ride know about fmf. They think they are the best. If you get a newbee interested it will help. My $0.02

12-02-2001, 12:25 PM
A trick I have learned is keep 1 of the pipes a secret & dont tell the buyer about it & when he gets close to buyin it tell him that just to close the deal you'll throw in a whatever type pipe taht you have as a bonus or whatever.

12-02-2001, 03:27 PM
the reason i did this poll is cause someone on this board wants to trade me pipes and i was thinking that a newbiw or a stupid person would see lrd and be like what the heck is that cheap crap (even though it's a $275 dollar pipe) and want to haggle me,and i want to hook this exrider up but not sure if i should,so please tell me what you think

12-02-2001, 04:17 PM
A dealer by me will refuse any trade in if it has an after market pipe. They say most people add the pipe without jetting correctly or at all and that this causes engine damage.

12-02-2001, 11:39 PM
please keep your comments coming. I'm having trouble deciding on my own

12-03-2001, 12:43 AM
I will trade you my fatty and powercore and $100 for your lrd!!! that does include the lrd silencer right? You are right, newbies think FMF is like the god of pipe makers! i did whe ni first got into the sport and i though R's were king (they kinda are thought, lol). ESR is the best though! I kinda need an adjustable pipe cuz i do all kinds of riding! You name it i probably do it! Let me know if you want to trade or are interested!

12-03-2001, 12:49 AM
You underestimate people. Many people know what an LRD pipe is. It is popular in the MX and Dune world

12-03-2001, 01:12 AM
It depends on who you are selling it to, if its a newbie thats only knows the basics of the sport the FMF will be best, but if they know alot about the sport and have researched alot then the LRD would be best! It wont effect the person buying alot on the exhaust. But if you trade me you get $100 anyway! You have almost nothing to lose if your gonna sell it anyway! What condition is the LRD in?

12-03-2001, 08:20 PM
alomost like new but i don't have the silencer.at the time i bought the pipe i had a fmf silencer and was hoping pro curcuit would make one since they just started to get into atv but i was disa pointed when they didn't

12-03-2001, 08:24 PM
Are you interested in trading? My full FMF exhaust for only your pipe? maybe money too?

12-04-2001, 09:57 PM
is that turbine core coming with it or not,i will consider the trade and let you know soon

12-04-2001, 10:07 PM
Yes, the turbine core comes with it