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12-21-2010, 07:55 PM
Ok.. long story short. I have a 5 year old english bull dog named willy. He's a great dog with me and my mom. But when it comes to people around me, her, or our house he is very aggressive. Earlier last year h bit my friend in the leg. It was a pretty bad puncture wound. But luckily we are good enough friends that his parents didn't really think much of it.
Now, me and my mom went away to Florida. We left him with my grandparents and he was doing very well with them. He was supposed to be on an anti anxiety medication but my grandparents thought he was acting well enough to not need it. Now we told them not to let anyone in the house unless Willy is locked in a room or on a leash. But because he was being so well behaved they decided to let him roam free and let their friend in the house. As soon as their friend walked in Willy bit him in the hand. The wound got infected requiring IV antibiotics.
Now the hard part.. My mom is having a very hard time with this and a lot of thought is going into this. We have two options.

Option 1.) Keep Willy and train him. We had a consultation today and the trainer said his program could fix this. Only problem is it's $1000+..

Option 2.) Put him down

I don't know what to do and my mom is a wreck right now. She hasn't stopped crying. And all the negative support of my grandparents doesn't help her out either. We love him very much but it's expensive to train him. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thank you

12-21-2010, 09:05 PM
Could train him yourself. I had friend whose dog was very aggressive, several trainers tried and failed, they paid about 3k and were gonna give up when I offered to train him for free cause the dog was always good to me.

What I did was put the dog in a social situation like that guy caesar does and corrected him. It kinda had mixed results, worked so so. Then I called a buddy who trains everything from regular dogs to police dogs. he suggested (and I dont advocate animal cruelty but it worked) that I kinda beat the snot out of the dog every time it tried to go after someone.

He said specifically to smash it on the nose as this hurts alot and after 3-5x the dog will correct itself for fear of what happens when it misbehaves.

I tried it, took 4x and the dog NEVER bit anyone again to this day. Infact if you so much as raise your voice the dog tucks its tail.

Not sure thats really good advice but it worked for us.

main thing is you gotta assert dominance over the dog, if it feels threatened or like its better than yiou nothing will ever work.

12-21-2010, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by exrider12
Ok.. long story short. I have a 5 year old english bull dog named willy. He's a great dog with me and my mom. But when it comes to people around me, her, or our house he is very aggressive. Earlier last year h bit my friend in the leg. It was a pretty bad puncture wound. But luckily we are good enough friends that his parents didn't really think much of it.
Now, me and my mom went away to Florida. We left him with my grandparents and he was doing very well with them. He was supposed to be on an anti anxiety medication but my grandparents thought he was acting well enough to not need it. Now we told them not to let anyone in the house unless Willy is locked in a room or on a leash. But because he was being so well behaved they decided to let him roam free and let their friend in the house. As soon as their friend walked in Willy bit him in the hand. The wound got infected requiring IV antibiotics.
Now the hard part.. My mom is having a very hard time with this and a lot of thought is going into this. We have two options.

Option 1.) Keep Willy and train him. We had a consultation today and the trainer said his program could fix this. Only problem is it's $1000+..

Option 2.) Put him down

I don't know what to do and my mom is a wreck right now. She hasn't stopped crying. And all the negative support of my grandparents doesn't help her out either. We love him very much but it's expensive to train him. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thank you

i have had 2 English Bulldogs and never they never Bit any one. in fact the only Dog i would ever Buy they are such loving dogs. i would Keep the Dog and Train it or Give it away to Some one that can Take Care of the Dog. it's not Fair to the Dog to put him down Due to the Owners Lack of Care. im Sorry to get Harsh but this kind of thing pisses me off when a owner Can't Take care of his dog Right and puts the Dog Down for no Reason. If you Can't Handle the Dog Give it away to Some one that can love it and Take Care of it.

12-22-2010, 04:12 AM
First off... you should have never left an unstable dog with your elderly grandparents!
Second... you should have been on this situation the FIRST time he bit somebody.
My dog growls at everybody, my son, my fiance, strangers. He's a mad dog. But he fears me, he'll growl at someone then go to his cage or cower in front of me.
Like kids... dogs listen out of respect or fear.
So if he's not respecting you, you better make him fear you. Or you'll end up on the receiving end of a bite!

12-22-2010, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by madsmokey12
i have had 2 English Bulldogs and never they never Bit any one. in fact the only Dog i would ever Buy they are such loving dogs. i would Keep the Dog and Train it or Give it away to Some one that can Take Care of the Dog. it's not Fair to the Dog to put him down Due to the Owners Lack of Care. im Sorry to get Harsh but this kind of thing pisses me off when a owner Can't Take care of his dog Right and puts the Dog Down for no Reason. If you Can't Handle the Dog Give it away to Some one that can love it and Take Care of it.

First off I am 100% against putting him down so don't disrespect me like that. We rescued him not knowing his history, then later we found out his previous owner ended up in jail. We think he was abused and we know he was abandoned for along time as every time me or my mom leaves he basically has an anxiety attack. Thus the reason for us leaving him with my grandparents. We gave them specific instructions and they are 100% capable of following them. But anyway, we are keeping him and training him.

It may cost a lot but the thought of putting him down is unheard of in my mind. Hes like my brother and my best friend.

Also I dont think he is 100% bulldog. He looks to have a little boxer in him if thats possible? He's taller than my neighbors english bull dog, has boxer coloring, and even the snout of a boxer. But Im not 100% sure.

12-22-2010, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Could train him yourself. I had friend whose dog was very aggressive, several trainers tried and failed, they paid about 3k and were gonna give up when I offered to train him for free cause the dog was always good to me.

What I did was put the dog in a social situation like that guy caesar does and corrected him. It kinda had mixed results, worked so so. Then I called a buddy who trains everything from regular dogs to police dogs. he suggested (and I dont advocate animal cruelty but it worked) that I kinda beat the snot out of the dog every time it tried to go after someone.

He said specifically to smash it on the nose as this hurts alot and after 3-5x the dog will correct itself for fear of what happens when it misbehaves.

I tried it, took 4x and the dog NEVER bit anyone again to this day. Infact if you so much as raise your voice the dog tucks its tail.

Not sure thats really good advice but it worked for us.

main thing is you gotta assert dominance over the dog, if it feels threatened or like its better than yiou nothing will ever work.

x2. If you show the dog that you are in control and more dominant, then it will respect you and listen for fear of having its *** beat. I love animals and have had them for my whole life, but sometimes it is necessary to smack a dog, its the only way some of them learn.

12-22-2010, 03:43 PM
is he intact? if so first thing is to neuter, won`t be immediate results but after months the testasterone (sp?) will start to diminish.

second there are rescues out there for dogs like that where people who are familiar with bullie breeds and know how to address that problem will be available. putting him down isn`t the right solution

12-22-2010, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by exrider12
First off I am 100% against putting him down so don't disrespect me like that. . But anyway, we are keeping him and training him..

im not trying to disrespect you but as you said. Option 1.) Keep Willy and train him. We had a consultation today and the trainer said his program could fix this. Only problem is it's $1000+..

Option 2.) Put him down

if u were Against putting him down that wouldn't be a Option.not trying to give you a hard time. just saying if you were thinking about putting him down atleast try to give him away to a good home before u did that. i would hate to see such a Beautiful Dog be put down. Sorry for the Hassle. but im glad you decided to keep him they are the Best Dogs in the world. i would try to train him your self before you called some one to save your self some money. i Wish you and Willy the Best of Luck. Dogs are Truly mans Best friend.

and Post some pics of Willy i would love to see him:D ill get some pics of my English bulldog too

12-22-2010, 04:47 PM
here my bulldog his name is loader his 6 years old

12-22-2010, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by pmg8134
is he intact? if so first thing is to neuter, won`t be immediate results but after months the testasterone (sp?) will start to diminish.

second there are rescues out there for dogs like that where people who are familiar with bullie breeds and know how to address that problem will be available. putting him down isn`t the right solution

Haha he is neutered. And we are keeping him but thanks.

And Madsmonkey12, those were the two options we were basically given because if this happens again we have the potential to be sued. Thats all. I would do anything to keep willy. And he is a great dog haha. He has the funniest faces. When he gets excited his ears go up and his head tilts haha. And I will try to get some pictures up. I just gotta remember my photobucket account:scary:

12-22-2010, 04:54 PM
Im getting a picture now. Willy really doesnt look a lot like Loader. Good lookin bulldog though. My neighbor has one. He looks alot like Loader and but his names Bruschi. Willy and him are like bestfriends haha

12-22-2010, 04:55 PM
Exrider, I would say if you can't afford the training the dog needs, then see if you can find a BullDog rescue who will take him. The fact is, he's now bitten TWO people, and no dog should ever do that. The liability of having a dog that attacks people is far too great a risk - what if it's a kid next time?

12-22-2010, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by 400grl
Exrider, I would say if you can't afford the training the dog needs, then see if you can find a BullDog rescue who will take him. The fact is, he's now bitten TWO people, and no dog should ever do that. The liability of having a dog that attacks people is far too great a risk - what if it's a kid next time?

Were doing the training...

And madsmonkey, do you have a cell #? I can only take pics on my phone and their tiny. I could message them to you

12-22-2010, 05:20 PM
Very cool!! Glad you are able to do it!

12-22-2010, 05:56 PM
You must also take into account that some dogs are just more aggressive than others as well and cannot be trained otherwise sometimes.

My grandparents had a shepherd mix that would literally want to eat you alive if it could. He was only ok if my grandparents were near you or he was in the house. It took me over 3 weeks of staying with them once for the dog to understand I belonged there and he let me do whatever I wanted. Other people if he deemed you didnt belong that was it. ANYTIME they had to go somewhere and leave the dog they took him to a special kennel where the dog was not given much human interaction and they knew how to handle dogs like him.

But like I said before, you might not like it smash him on the snout/nose. Dont want to use your hand, use a rolled up newspaper.

12-22-2010, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by CJM
You must also take into account that some dogs are just more aggressive than others as well and cannot be trained otherwise sometimes.

My grandparents had a shepherd mix that would literally want to eat you alive if it could. He was only ok if my grandparents were near you or he was in the house. It took me over 3 weeks of staying with them once for the dog to understand I belonged there and he let me do whatever I wanted. Other people if he deemed you didnt belong that was it. ANYTIME they had to go somewhere and leave the dog they took him to a special kennel where the dog was not given much human interaction and they knew how to handle dogs like him.

But like I said before, you might not like it smash him on the snout/nose. Dont want to use your hand, use a rolled up newspaper.

I get what your saying. If it comes to hitting him to teach him I dont have a problem. But the trainer said he is VERY fixable.

And ya im glad were keeping him:)

12-22-2010, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by exrider12
Im getting a picture now. Willy really doesnt look a lot like Loader. Good lookin bulldog though. My neighbor has one. He looks alot like Loader and but his names Bruschi. Willy and him are like bestfriends haha

thanks man. but i agree i love when they turn their head . my cell hasn't been working im out in the mountains so theres no service really sucks:(

12-22-2010, 08:19 PM
Haha its all good. I gotta find my camera so I can find some decent sized pics

12-22-2010, 08:33 PM
Good luck :)

12-24-2010, 09:13 PM
EVERY dog needs a good smack when they do something they shouldn't (minus the housebreaking stage that should only be verbal...they get the message lol) it shows them its not their territory and they do not have the right to do as they please that they are to respect you and behave the way you ask them to or suffer the consequences. its jut like having kids:blah:

12-24-2010, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by CJM
he suggested (and I dont advocate animal cruelty but it worked) that I kinda beat the snot out of the dog every time it tried to go after someone.

Would work on me :p

In all seriousness, I don't understand how people say things like a dog should never do that. It's an animal and has a mind of its own and it will do what it wants. You just need to teach it when it can and can't do things

12-25-2010, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Zakradu398
Would work on me :p

In all seriousness, I don't understand how people say things like a dog should never do that. It's an animal and has a mind of its own and it will do what it wants. You just need to teach it when it can and can't do things


When we eat dinner the dog would come over and beg. I told everyone NOT to feed the dog but relatives tend to and so does my brother.

I trained the dog to go sit in its bed when I tell her too and she listens much better than the last dog I had. The dog must understand it is not above you in the hierarchy of things and that your the boss-otherwise it will do whatever it wants.