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View Full Version : mx vs. economy

12-13-2010, 08:49 PM
I just wanted to ask WHY everyone is so UP TIGHT on how ATV racing is going down hill and how there is NO future in it by the way people are talking.

If its soo bad no over the past WHY back in 04, 05, 06, We had barley 15 riders per class? Pro-am had sometimes 10-15. Looks like its WAY different now because you got 20+ 30+ 40+ racing 1 class and racing multiple classes at that. It looks like they didnt even have a qualifier meaning no one had to try to make it to the MAIN event. Now they have 1-2 heats sometimes 3-4 heats because they have soo many riders trying to qualify.

Some guys might be quitting because of money and cant afford it but 1,2,3,4 or even 5 riders take a break for a year dosent mean we have NO future and Yeh companys might be stuggling to stay open but the way i see it is theres more racing today then then.

12-13-2010, 10:11 PM
its a family sport. idk why people try and make it a job. just go out get fast and have fun.

12-13-2010, 10:32 PM
this is going to be the worst game in the series yet

12-14-2010, 11:15 AM
I agree. Let the games begin

12-14-2010, 09:30 PM
There were way more ppl racing 05-06,07 08. last yr died off
at certain tracks. A class used to have 80 guys show up to try an qualify like back when wpsa was around. This yr at GNC
nationals half the time in a few A classes barly had 15 riders
leave the gate. But its just the economy man Like I said time an time again Its money. Ya maybe if economy turns around itll get better. But as for the sport it wont grow until economy comes back an there is money that they will be willing to give up out of there pockets to get the exposure we need. Ya i would love to race nationals again, Ya its a blast for sure I love it an miss it. But for what it costs an the pay back u get its most deff not worth it at all. An thats how alot of other ppl feel to. Theres alot of Forgotten talent that vanished all becuz of the same reasons
Growing up an Money. If things ever get better Im sure there would be a ton of riders that would come back an race again without a doubt That have hung it up. I'm Sure I'm gona hear it for this one to haha owell its true an Its more then just me that think this also. Just my two cents.

dan harris
12-15-2010, 05:51 AM
I know alot of racers that have stopped racing, but not stopped riding. Seems following a series - weather its the nationals or a local district series Has gotten too expensive. 12 - 13 - 14 or more races usually in a couple different states - gets very expensive - Fuel - parts - time off work - entry fee's etc... Alot of racers are feeling its not worth it to only be able to ride for a few laps. At the Proving Grounds I'm seeing more and more racers who are now coming out to the park just to be able to ride and enjoy the sport, the comraderie and RIDING !

I only raced for 2 or 3 years, I enjoyed the competition of it - but hated the fact that I'd be at the track all day and only get to ride 4 or 5 practice laps, then two 4 lap moto's - all day !!! I'd much rather just go and Ride Ride Ride !!

Thats why we started our own Outlaw Racing Series - No ama or district cards to buy. The races are in the evening - start at 5pm or later - so you can come out and ride the park all day, then at the end of the day if you want competition you can sign up and race a class or two. Its only one moto format so we can fit it all in and not tire everyone out ! Its alot of fun to ride all day then do a moto at the very end of the day !!! Hope everyone will check out our schedule. www.breezewoodprovinggrounds.com

12-15-2010, 07:01 AM
Not that i want to get caught up in this, but i know personally about 7 guys from my hometown are all gonna race next year. Thats nearly an entire class.

12-15-2010, 08:38 AM
from what i've noticed quad racing seems to be losing the small amount of popularity it gained in the last few years. I think the most important thing to remember is that it will more than likely NEVER reach the population that MX does. So really who cares? as long as their is a series that you can go and ride it doesnt really matter if hundreds of people show up anymore.

Nobody has ever made a decent living off of Quad racing alone and im sure nobody ever will, its always always always going to be a second rate sport to regular MX, get over it.

dan harris
12-15-2010, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by trick450r
from what i've noticed quad racing seems to be losing the small amount of popularity it gained in the last few years. I think the most important thing to remember is that it will more than likely NEVER reach the population that MX does. So really who cares? as long as their is a series that you can go and ride it doesnt really matter if hundreds of people show up anymore.

Nobody has ever made a decent living off of Quad racing alone and im sure nobody ever will, its always always always going to be a second rate sport to regular MX, get over it.

Not so sure about that ! Anyone thats ever watched a pro quad race knows they are way more entertaining then to watch a pro bike race ! Once quads get a decent TELEVISED series that is on a main stream channel I believe it will steal the show. I'm sure everyone that enjoys watching the bikes will at the least enjoy watching the quads just as much - probally more ! Just look at the Nuclear Cowboy show - they have a dozen guys on bikes doing all kinds of back flip tricks - yet they bring out one quad that does a back flip twice - and he steals the show - EVERYONE leaving the show says "man did you see that quad flip !"
Exposure like that will fuel our sport like nothing ever before.

12-16-2010, 01:28 PM
Its all about the economy thats it ,theres lots of people out of work and others worried about there jobs so people are saving there money and not spending on luxurys like racing! once this economy picks up people will get back to the way it was two yrs ago its just gonna be awhile . Then honda and others will come out with new models to spark interest its just are economy is so bad now.