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11-27-2010, 04:30 PM
i just redone top end of my motor now quad wont open up when ya gvie it gas...just easin around everything runs fine, but when you go to get on the gas she just bogs out. doesnt wanna open on up. thing is it ran fine before the tear down. i dont know a whole lot about 250r motors or carbs...still learning. could anybody give me any idea's or which directions i should go and try? thanks for the help..

11-27-2010, 05:58 PM
Possible air leak ???

11-27-2010, 06:48 PM
piston in backwards?

11-27-2010, 10:56 PM
I checked for air leaks but will check again

how I tell by lookin at piston to see if it's in backwards? Thanks

11-28-2010, 04:54 AM
there's an arrow on top of it that should point towards the exhaust

11-28-2010, 07:22 AM
if its an 86 piston the half moon shape on the bottom of the skirt goes towards the intake and if it is an 87-89 piston with the boost port it goes toward the intake side.

11-28-2010, 09:24 AM
Is it jetted for hot weather and now it's cold?

11-28-2010, 09:31 AM
Thanks for the info guys...

Rusty that's what I was wonderin also, it was alot warmer last time I rode it so I'm guessin that could be a factor also??

11-28-2010, 11:09 AM
Maybe. Another thought, not knowing how much of an issue you're having, is the clip coming out of the needle. I once had that, quad would idle and run on the very low end, but would sputter and die if I gave it throttle. Think I had the original clip in there.

11-28-2010, 05:57 PM
Ok so I started by takin my carb off to inspect it first...went to take main jet out and guess what it rung off up inside the carb!!!! So I just said danm there's another problem to fix and stopped workin on!!

I have another carb that I have with my 265 motor and gonna put it on there for the time bein. So does anyone know what jettin I would need to bump it up too? It has ESR jets with it and they have crazy numbers on them compared to what I'm use to seein lol

also is there anyway to tell if the piston is in correct by lookin through the reed cage?? I took it off and the skirt of the piston has a square hole made in it, dunno if that means anything...

Sorry for all the questions still learnin as I go with the 2 stokes and thanks for your help!!!

Rusty since u close by u wanna fix my carb for me haha!!

11-28-2010, 07:00 PM
how old is the gas in your tank? iv had this problem before and it was due to old *** gas.

11-28-2010, 07:04 PM
Fresh from the gas station ^^

11-28-2010, 07:11 PM
does it backfire on top end or does it just not want to rev at all. and what does it do when you nail the throttle wide open from idle.

11-28-2010, 07:48 PM
not backfire at all....dont wanna rev any at all. nailin it from idle to WOT does same thing picks up and just dies out

11-28-2010, 08:03 PM
my banshee wouldnt powerband once. it ran perfect from 0-band but wouldnt get up on it. Turned out to be a a dirty air filter.

Iv also seen it happen with messed up stators, fouled plugs, and bad cdi box. you can test the stator with a multimeter, fouled plug is easy enough, the cdi you would have to swap out.

Iv broken my main jet inside the other jet thing before, stupid cheap prox jets. anyway I just turned it out with a screw driver. it was loose as a goose spinning around in there. took 5 mins to fix and 2 days to get the jet.

11-28-2010, 08:05 PM
wait how much compression you got? gas station gas is only good until like 160 right? in the states my bikes with 150 knocks no offence but you guys have terrible gas.

11-28-2010, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by sangheraent
my banshee wouldnt powerband once. it ran perfect from 0-band but wouldnt get up on it. Turned out to be a a dirty air filter.

Iv also seen it happen with messed up stators, fouled plugs, and bad cdi box. you can test the stator with a multimeter, fouled plug is easy enough, the cdi you would have to swap out.

Iv broken my main jet inside the other jet thing before, stupid cheap prox jets. anyway I just turned it out with a screw driver. it was loose as a goose spinning around in there. took 5 mins to fix and 2 days to get the jet.

yea im sure its something small like that lol...just put a new filter on there, new plug i got another cdi box i could try also

yea that must have been a cheap jet for me also i was like WTF...
switchin carbs and goin from there i suppose...

its 93oct but yes we have ****ty gas agreed, dont have a compression checker, what should the compression be??

11-29-2010, 12:07 AM
compression depends on your head, dome, gasket, elevation, I strongly suggest investing in a compression tester. Iv had my rm on a stock piston go up to 175 psi and if i had run pump gas it more then likly would have detonated.

I have detonated my rm before though. It ran pretty terribly it was a little loud by the motor (knocking) and it wouldnt go wide open. It blew up and siezed. good times.

i would strongly suggest taking your bike to BDT motorsports so the professionals can take a look and get you back riding ;)

:devil:haha just joking I dont give a rats balls about BDT :devil:

11-29-2010, 02:21 AM
Originally posted by ryanowarrior
not backfire at all....dont wanna rev any at all. nailin it from idle to WOT does same thing picks up and just dies out what mods has been done to the motor such as any porting,stock or modified head,exhaust,carb. size, compression, air box lid on or off? elevation, temperature and elevation all play a part in jetting.do a leak down test. also if you have re-ringed or done a bore job more than likely you are getting blow by on the crank seals. the square hole you see should be the boost port on the intake side and the piston should be in correct.

11-29-2010, 07:17 AM
thanks for all the info ^^ i will look into a compression tester, and gonna try out this new carb and go from there and report back

thank again for all the help learnin more and more :D

11-30-2010, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by ryanowarrior
Rusty since u close by u wanna fix my carb for me haha!!

I might be able to one weekend coming up. Maybe if you don't get it worked out. Do you have some land to ride on? I've got to jet my bike some time as it is, could have a jetting session.

12-01-2010, 09:08 AM
i got about 800 acres lol....we should be able to find a spot haha. but yea that sounds good just let me know, i switched to the other carb last night, gonna see where it stands now and how it responds....