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View Full Version : Anyone here have a telescope?

11-22-2010, 06:23 PM
So I'm thinking about getting a telescope but have no idea where to start or what to even look for... Does anyone on here have one or know anything about them?

I don't want a crappy, cheap one, but don't want to spend $1000 either :p ...

I've always been a little interested in space and always try to catch anything major that I can see in plain sight (meteor showers, etc...) so I figured a telescope would be a cool way to expand my horizons and check out some cooler stuff that I'd never be able to see otherwise.

Any help is appreciated! :cool:

11-22-2010, 09:52 PM
search for a forum im sure that would help or.

click me (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=telescope+buyers+guide)

11-22-2010, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by 250x_kyle
search for a forum im sure that would help or.

click me (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=telescope+buyers+guide)

im sorry dude but he asked a question on a forum to probably get some first hand knowlage off someone. maybe to back up some internet research. but has kool guys like you that respond with somthing dumb..... thanks for contributing to this forum

11-22-2010, 10:58 PM
Optics are not my forte, but I did read something awhile back when I was looking for a spotting scope. It was very interesting and had a lot of information. The site I was on was a Bushnell site I think.
Until someone post up that knows what they are talking about try looking up optics for telescopes and do some reading, you may fine some useful information.

That’s the best I can do for ya.

11-23-2010, 09:37 AM
Kyle must be 12.
try some of these sites:
www.telescope.com <== great optics for the price.
www.cloudynights.com <== great site for help & forums.

I have a 10 inch meade Reflector, with goto capabilities and tracking. prob way more than you would want just starting out.

Cheapest bang for your buck would be a Dobsonian type scope. They are cheap.. great optics and easy to setup. Great first time scopes. Remember also that the bigger the mirror,, the more light it gathers, hence the more you will be able to see.

Below is an example of what a 10in scope can see with a CCD imaging camera used to capture the photo. Remember, also that your eyes are not as sensitive as a cameras "eye" would be. So dont expect to see this kind of details with just your eyes.

11-23-2010, 09:40 AM
dont know why a 640x480 pic will not post here. seems kinda small. should post.. ive seen bigger posted. what gives?

this one is 300x200 or so..? come on, now,, must they be this small?

11-23-2010, 09:45 AM
lol well apparenty it knows its not an atv pic and its not letting me post it.. lol. im gonna try and make it soooo small.. it has to be posted.

lol nope.. i made it as small as a thumbnail.... still will not post here.

STRANGE?!? sorry, i tried to give an example.. but as usual... i always seem to have issues here on this site ONLY. posting small pics. no problems anywhere else posting.. but here.. always.

Anyone got any ideas as to whats going on? the pics were .jpg and def small enough. with no naked ladies... heh.. so why no post?


11-23-2010, 10:01 AM
try tiny pics and up load them there and copy/past the url to your post. it should work. here is a link.


11-23-2010, 12:17 PM
Woo Thanks for the help guys! Like 440racer said, I was looking for some guys like Grimzella that have some experience with them so I at least know where to start looking and what a beginner should look for.

Thanks again and I'm checkin out those sites now! :cool:

11-23-2010, 01:00 PM
Grim, I'm checking out this one:


It seems to have good reviews everywhere I look and from the description, seems relatively simple in terms of use and setting up, etc...

With that scope is there anything else I need to buy? It seems like that link is a beginner package sort of deal so I think it includes everything to get started. I see they have cooling fans for some of these things :eek2: ...At what size telescope do you have to start using one of those?

11-23-2010, 08:12 PM
thats a perfect beginners scope. an 8inch mirror should show some good details in star clusters and some deep sky objects. not to mention planets and the moon, you should get great results from that scope. The cooling fams you mention, is for larger mirrors mostly.. its not that they get hot or anything.. its just used to cool down the mirror to the current outdoor temp. If you were to bring a warm scope from inside your house, then took this scope outside.. to like say 32deg for example. You image within the eyepiece would look like it was not very clear.. look fuzzy maybe or just plain ugly.. one the mirror is up to temp.. you images and views will be CLEAR. look much better and more details ect. this is really noticeable in astrophotography. and somewhat noticeable in visual. its best to leave the scope outside for about an hr or so.. then "use" it.

i love my telescope as much as my kfx400... so feel free to ask any more questions. i will try to help out as much as i can.

thanks slightlybent47 for the tiny tip... heh i will try that and see if i can repost that pic.

11-23-2010, 10:04 PM
I like space to. For like I think $13,000????? you can have some of your ashes sent to space.

Funny thing in my cities paper here I read today was some guy warning every one that in 10 years a bunch of asteroids are going to come hit us and then the paper thanked him. LMAO. Well guess that meens were gona be here after 2012 after all cause the crazy man talked to the paper makers. :devil: :rolleyes:

12-09-2010, 12:56 PM
OR.... 2012 will still happen, but maybe the asteroids in ten years are here to "clean up" what got left behind!! yikes.

12-10-2010, 01:54 PM
Grimzella's photos

12-10-2010, 01:54 PM

12-10-2010, 01:55 PM

12-10-2010, 05:49 PM
thank you scro for the kind help. they look beautiful. yellowzo3 can now have an idea of what a camera can see compared to the naked eye.
(once he gets his scope)
good luck and most of all have fun.... like quad riding.

12-10-2010, 06:28 PM
Thanks Scro!

Grimzella, I see what you mean about the detail being so crisp with the camera :eek2:

I was watching some vids on youtube with people just recording what they saw (Saturn and other planets) and it was much more blurry than the pictures you posted.

Having a camera must make it that much cooler, being able to take a snapshot of what you were looking at and having so much more to look at detail wise. Man I'm getting all excited and I don't even have one yet! :p