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View Full Version : Screw Fedex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-19-2010, 12:58 PM
FEDEX just lost my +4 Protrax front end I just bought from 312R1! I can't believe it... This absolutely freaking blows!!! Its not like there are +4 protraxes growing on trees, especially in good condition. Aarms, spindles, rebuild kit, tie rods, stem...

Scratch the Elsinore project, I sold all my other Laeger parts for the front end to try and get this protrax...

I'm at a loss for words right now... unbelievable... I'll never ship anything FEDEX ever... worthless POS company.


11-19-2010, 01:12 PM
that sucks!!!!! its amazing how they can lose items. what explanation did they give you? what good are tracking numbers if stuff still gets lost? its was insured?

11-19-2010, 01:18 PM
They said it was lost and that the were investigating it. They wouldn't tell me much on the phone since Steve was working it from his end. Yes it was insured but I'd rather have the front end... I waited for 3 months for that front end to come up for sale and passed up a +3 knowing that the +4 would be available now I have nothing..

11-19-2010, 01:20 PM
HOLY..........FREAKING..........****. I'm at a loss for words FOR you.

11-19-2010, 01:24 PM
i would also have the protrax instead of my money back. i bet you can't find another one like for the price and condition. sorry to throw salt on an open wound.
this is the stuff that scares me. high ticket items lost. reason i'm picking up the 275 motor from him and not shipping. good thing he is only 4 hours from me. hope you guys find it. good luck

11-19-2010, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by croat1
i would also have the protrax instead of my money back. i bet you can't find another one like for the price and condition. sorry to throw salt on an open wound.
this is the stuff that scares me. high ticket items lost. reason i'm picking up the 275 motor from him and not shipping. good thing he is only 4 hours from me. hope you guys find it. good luck

Thanks Joe, I should've had you pick it up and then I drove to Ohio to get it from you... it would have been worth it to me! It was only a matter of time before I'd get burned on something...

11-19-2010, 01:47 PM
That really suck bro, I hate to hear this. Ain't nothing worse than loosing a part that can't really be replaced.

11-19-2010, 02:47 PM
Damm, man thats horrible, I was looking forward to seeing that project get off the ground. I enjoy watching other peoples builds. It gives me ideas on what I should do for mine. Don't give up, you'll come across another one, it may take a little time, but it will happen. Keep the faith bro. The Elsinore Project will live on.

11-19-2010, 03:32 PM
I shipped a billet adjustable link to a guy in St Paul MN a couple years back and he never got it.
I thought he was trying to pull my chain and to prevent him from leaving bad Ebay feedback I gave him a full refund (still thinking he was full of it and out to get a free part)

Well exacally 1 year later to the date I get a envelope from USPS with the original packing envelope that I had shipped the link in. It was what appeared to me as being torn open and was pretty trashed.
"We are sorry for your loss" stated a generic letter can you please describe the contents to us via 1-800 #....yeah right! Try describing a 3 pc billet link to someone who KNOWS quads much less to someone who doesnt.

Long story short....the guy was telling the truth and Im out a link and the $80.00

I will say a little something to the shipping gods for you tonight Troy.

D Bergstrom
11-19-2010, 03:53 PM
That sucks Troy. Lets hope it is not lost, just misplaced. (How can you loose a box of that size?!?!) Hopefully it just got put on the wrong truck and it wil be found.


11-19-2010, 04:52 PM
Hopefully nobody found out what was inside it that box, or you'll NEVER see it.

11-19-2010, 04:55 PM
That really sucks, I'm always worried about that happening. It will probably be found, try to be patient.

11-19-2010, 05:11 PM
Sad, but at least i hope you can recover your funds !

11-19-2010, 06:58 PM
I'm as pissed off as Troy is!!! I hate to see that front end lost! When we get this all straight through fedex I'll pull some strings and try to find you another.


11-19-2010, 07:35 PM
Ask them where the heck their lost item room is and you will go find it yourself.

Your box is sitting at the end of a conveyor belt with no tag on it. Lonely lonely unrecognizable box. Sitting all alone.
Very sad.

Stuff just doesn't disappear. Tell them to xxxx off and find your stuff. Get a hold of the freaking manager. You gotta keep the pressure on or you'll never find it.

11-19-2010, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by 312R1
I'm as pissed off as Troy is!!! I hate to see that front end lost! When we get this all straight through fedex I'll pull some strings and try to find you another.


Thanks Steve... I was really looking forward to that setup. I'd been dreaming about it ever since you said you were going to part you're bike. I spent several weeks, months, taking stuff off my bikes that I could live without, my XC motor, IMS pegs, Sparks pipe, Laeger stem, aarms, etc... so I could sell them to buy that front end. Wifey told me I couldn't spend any of the house funds, but I was determined to come up with the cash... that's part of the reason why I'm so depressed about it, I really put my mind to it and did it...

11-20-2010, 07:27 AM
That really sucks. Have faith, FedEx may find it.

Honda 250r 001
11-20-2010, 09:00 AM
I would be rippin some fed ex *** for that. Thats just bull ****... SORRY BRO.

11-20-2010, 01:48 PM

they just had a segment on kiro channel 7 about fedex and lost packages. kiro was called and now the news station is involved.

Look up kiro on the web and check the story its under the investigation segment. This might help?

Sorry for your loss

11-20-2010, 03:16 PM
I bought a +4 axcaliber axle from fleebay awhile back with the antifade hub, stainless sprocket and all. Fedex lost that for me too. I got my money back. Here's what was funny, about three months later the same axle was on ebay. The guy selling it was in the same town as the fedex dc that lost my package. I contacted ebay for them to investigate. The auction for that axle was cancelled by ebay but I never heard anything else about it. I knew it was the same axle because not many people have an anodized purple axcaliber with chrome billet hubs and an anodized antifade. My guess either that person or someone he knew worked for fedex. All it would take would be for someone to recognize what's in the package, scan it to a false destination and then load it into an accomplices truck. Then while on lunch break, meet the truck somewhere and grab the box. If done right, the camera's in the warehouse wouldn't even pick up any irregularities.

Oh and that reeeeeealy sucks!!!, I feel for you.

11-20-2010, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by MANIAK 88R
I bought a +4 axcaliber axle from fleebay awhile back with the antifade hub, stainless sprocket and all. Fedex lost that for me too. I got my money back. Here's what was funny, about three months later the same axle was on ebay. The guy selling it was in the same town as the fedex dc that lost my package. I contacted ebay for them to investigate. The auction for that axle was cancelled by ebay but I never heard anything else about it. I knew it was the same axle because not many people have an anodized purple axcaliber with chrome billet hubs and an anodized antifade. My guess either that person or someone he knew worked for fedex. All it would take would be for someone to recognize what's in the package, scan it to a false destination and then load it into an accomplices truck. Then while on lunch break, meet the truck somewhere and grab the box. If done right, the camera's in the warehouse wouldn't even pick up any irregularities.

Oh and that reeeeeealy sucks!!!, I feel for you.

i would say that this might happen but not in this case. the seller is a very respected member (a true honest person). i have dealt with him personally.

11-20-2010, 08:56 PM
I wasn't talking about the seller, I was stating that a dishonest employee at Fedex could steal items fairly easily.

Fedex person sees the internal scan and wants the item, they scan the tracking number to go to a certain area to be forwarded to the next distribution center. Instead of putting the package in that pile, it ends up in the back of a delivery truck though it is scanned to be on its way somewhere else. Then the employee meets the driver out on his route where there are no-cameras and grabs the package that is hypothetically not on that truck.

Presto, free stuff. Fedex marks it as a claim, pays for it, and nothing ever happens after that.

I knew a guy that worked for UPS that used to get free stuff when the shipping labels get destroyed, the stuff ends up going out the back door of the warehouse.

Also for packages that don't require signatures, I've seen a UPS driver throwing packages in the dumpster when he couldn't find the address.

Hopefully the package didn't get flagged as suspicious? I wonder if the extra security now might have stopped the arms for a better look and maybe that doesn't get tracked?

11-21-2010, 07:21 AM
Originally posted by MANIAK 88R

when the shipping labels get destroyed, the stuff ends up going out the back door of the warehouse.

To often you use a certain shipping company and you get so used to your package getting delivered on time in good condition you never consider that an option.

I sent a cr 2001 CDI to a member to help him diagnose his problem. The package never showed up. The $100 insurance did not cover it.

Hey Troy keep your fingers crossed. Say a few prayers. Hopefully someone finds it and you get your precious parts.

11-21-2010, 07:48 AM
Never ship anything in a box identifying whats inside. Be vague about what it is in the description label. Always make an extra label on the outside of the box and inside of who or where its getting shipped to if it does get the shippers label ripped off.
One other thing is when at the shipping center stay there until you actually see the counter person stick the label on the correct box. I have heard of many cases where they just throw the labels if there are multiple on the counter and forget which one went where and just slapped them on any box.
Hope this helps.
Blaming company "X" for losing stuff is pointless. Every shipper loses /steals packages. Ive shipped thousands of items over the years using every body and only USPS has ever lost a skid plate I shipped.
But it sure sucks when it happens .

11-21-2010, 08:16 AM
Funny thing is of all places the slow and cruddy post office has never lost anything I ever sent. But I always use the paypal/ebay shipping labels and I use clear plastic tape over them.

11-21-2010, 08:26 AM
I hope everything works out Troy and you get your package. Sorry to hear..

11-21-2010, 09:20 AM
Keep your fingers crossed and be patient. I have had a few lost packages that turned up. They were just sitting in some warehouse and people over looked the package (dont ask me how).

I never use fedex and hate when i receive packages fedex! But the same goes for most shipping companies.... fed ex is just #1 on my crap list.

11-21-2010, 12:23 PM
I started using USPS with delivery confirmation and since then, I've had no problems. I've used USPS to ship to belgium, UK, Austrailia, Guam, UAE, Japan, and Ireland. I've never had a problem with them. The other two have bit me in the butt more than once. I am a firm believer in that rain, sleet, snow, or hail slogan.

Good luck with the arms.

11-21-2010, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by MANIAK 88R

Also for packages that don't require signatures, I've seen a UPS driver throwing packages in the dumpster when he couldn't find the address.

I can be very sure that this is not true. If you saw this happen, you were watching a guy lose his job. He could not have gotten away with it, unless it was several years ago. Ups knows exactly where every truck is at all times. They know how fast they are going, they know if the seat belt is on, they know if the door is open. They have the technology. They know where every package was left. GPS anyone? Where the system breaks down is when a barcode becomes unreadable for whatever reason, or the label comes off the box, or theft. Theft happens. It is part of our society. It is almost impossible to use too much tape to secure your lable to the package. Be patient and pursue your claim. If it is lost, it is lost, and you should get paid. UPS and FedEx and the USPS are just people, and most of them are trying their damnedest to make customers happy. Really.

11-22-2010, 08:17 PM
Check this out... I shipped out a $2600 vintage twin roots supercharger one time using FEDEX and according to the tracking it was delivered to the address but it actually wasnt. The guy I sent it to wasnt there so the FEDEX guy scanned it as delivered and went and gave the package to the bartender at a bar across the street from the guys house and just told him to give it to him but didnt leave a note on his door or anything saying he did this. Well the bartender "forgot" about it but luckily like 4 days later the guy it was meant for went to have a beer and the bartender saw him and "remembered" and he got the package. What kind of dumb *** employee gives someones 100lb $2600 package to a freaking bartender to give to the person!!!!!!!! the bartender and the guy werent even friends, thay just knew eachother because he drank there!!!! I called up my local fedex headquarters and rang them out, I hope the dumbass got fired.

One other time I bought a Banshee on ebay and the guy shipped it fedex cargo. Well I go to get from the loading bay and its nicely packed in a wood crate with HUGE letters on it that said "FRAGILE DO NOT STACK" low and behold there was a huge crate on top of my quad. Smashed the bars, all the controls and bent the stem. Now fedex tells me they only pay like 15 cents a pound on damaged cargo shipment insurance claims so they gave me like $65 and that was is. Fedex are a bunch of *******s and I too will NEVER use them again.

Jonny B
11-22-2010, 09:27 PM
Everytime this thread bumps up I read it and HOPE to see Troy saying that he found his arms...I hope justice is found or better yet, these arms. Keep the faith...

11-22-2010, 10:27 PM
Thanks guys... I'm not as depressed as I was a couple days ago when I learned of the bad news. Tomorrow will mark 3 weeks since the items were shipped and I haven't seen or heard a peep from FedEx. At this point I don't think its coming.

You guys keep an eye out for a +4 protrax aarms, etc... all chrome, I've only seen one or 2, +4 all chrome protrax since I joined 3-4 years ago... its bound to pop up somewhere, last seen in Duncansville, PA.

Well I might have another plan, I'm considering selling/trading my Laeger frame/swingarm etc, and picking up a MX Lobo chassis instead. That's a BIG if... also depending on the refund from FedEx and when it arrives. I heard these claims can take awhile...

11-23-2010, 08:47 AM
My +4 pro-trax is all chrome too

11-23-2010, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by pdxbigfoot
I shipped a billet adjustable link to a guy in St Paul MN a couple years back and he never got it.
I thought he was trying to pull my chain and to prevent him from leaving bad Ebay feedback I gave him a full refund (still thinking he was full of it and out to get a free part)

Well exacally 1 year later to the date I get a envelope from USPS with the original packing envelope that I had shipped the link in. It was what appeared to me as being torn open and was pretty trashed.
"We are sorry for your loss" stated a generic letter can you please describe the contents to us via 1-800 #....yeah right! Try describing a 3 pc billet link to someone who KNOWS quads much less to someone who doesnt.

Long story short....the guy was telling the truth and Im out a link and the $80.00

I will say a little something to the shipping gods for you tonight Troy.

Wow that is un freaking believable.

11-23-2010, 01:52 PM
That sucks man. I have a +4 t pin and i love it so i know how you would feel about loosing it.

11-23-2010, 02:06 PM
hey troy if you want to do a trade, I have a Lobo MX chassis that I could maybe trade for your laeger's!

If you're interested email me yfz_racer42@hotmail.com


11-24-2010, 01:22 PM

11-24-2010, 01:30 PM
Glad to hear everything worked out Troy!

11-24-2010, 01:31 PM
That puts a smile on my face. GREAT NEWS!

11-24-2010, 01:35 PM
woooohooooo. now thats something we can be thankfull for.

11-24-2010, 01:36 PM
Troy, when your having your turkey tomorrow you'll be giving thanks for many different reasons, the pro-trax being one of them. Glad to here you got it.

11-24-2010, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by troybilt

Awesome to hear. So the Elsinore project is still on?

11-24-2010, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by troybilt

I just got a call telling me it was delivered...How is it everything ok? Man I so happy.


Jonny B
11-24-2010, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Jonny B
Everytime this thread bumps up I read it and HOPE to see Troy saying that he found his arms...I hope justice is found or better yet, these arms. Keep the faith...

Wow...sounds like today is your lucky day!!!:D

11-24-2010, 03:50 PM
FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-24-2010, 04:14 PM
i think you should change the title of the post now!LOLJK

11-24-2010, 06:29 PM
Thats good to hear bro. I bet your Thanksgiving is gonna be a whole lot better.:D

11-24-2010, 07:04 PM
thats great to hear Troy.

11-24-2010, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by 312R1
I just got a call telling me it was delivered...How is it everything ok? Man I so happy.


Yea it is absolutely perfect, not a blemish or scratch on the chrome... Steve, you're an awesome dude!! Thanks for your help!

I'm sooo excited, you have no idea even my wife was excited cause she knew how depressed I was...

Yep I'll change the title to FEDEX is the BOMB!!!

Project Elsinore is back on schedule!! and I've got a few tricks coming... haha!!!

Thanks to all the 250r guys on this forum!! definitely the best group of enthusiats on the web!!

11-24-2010, 08:52 PM
That's AWESOME news! I'm happy for you!

11-24-2010, 09:39 PM
Great News!! Did they tell you how they finally found it or where it was this whole time?

Im so glad you dont have to sell your project!

11-24-2010, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by troybilt
Yea it is absolutely perfect, not a blemish or scratch on the chrome... Steve, you're an awesome dude!! Thanks for your help!

I'm sooo excited, you have no idea even my wife was excited cause she knew how depressed I was...

Yep I'll change the title to FEDEX is the BOMB!!!

Project Elsinore is back on schedule!! and I've got a few tricks coming... haha!!!

Thanks to all the 250r guys on this forum!! definitely the best group of enthusiats on the web!!

Good to hear bro...Now you need the Axis shocks..:p

11-24-2010, 10:47 PM
golf claps all around!!

great to hear!!

11-24-2010, 11:26 PM
Glad to hear everything worked out for you Troy!

11-25-2010, 01:12 AM
i think we were all hoping it would show up for you man glad to hear it finally did

11-25-2010, 06:38 AM
Now that's a Happy Thanksgivng for you Troy! Glad to hear you got it.

11-25-2010, 07:10 AM
packages are like herpes you might think that its gone, then all of a sudden there it is!!!!

great news you got it back!!!! the package that is! not herpes