View Full Version : hitler/stalin

11-18-2010, 07:39 PM
hey guys,this is not realated to atvs or dirtbikes,but HOMEWORK!
i know,i know....
no one likes it,but i need help!
i'm doing a paper on Stalin's and Hiler's childhood,rise of power and similarites and differences.
Can anyone help..?
thanks guys!:)

11-18-2010, 07:44 PM

There is just to much for one person to write about them without writing a essay.

There is also a lot of books on them as well.

11-18-2010, 07:54 PM
thanks for the fast reply!!!!
im doing three pages and a half,but im skipping someparts and doind mainly the rise ofpower,childhood and differences and similarites

11-18-2010, 08:52 PM
both: genocide, mental illness', paranoia

diff: hitler-fascism stalin-commy

hitler- austrian born jewish, fell in love with his cousin but couldnt have her because of incest so he had her killed.

Stalin: killed anyone who got to close out of paranoia.

basic summary.

11-18-2010, 09:58 PM
Honestly, don't take any of these posts for actual information, I've already seen some false information in this thread.

I'm reading the book he wrote, Mein Kampf, here's a little summary of his childhood/young adult life.
Hitler was born and raised in Austria.
His father wanted him to be a politician of some sort, while Adolf wanted nothing more but the be a painter. He "rebelled" against his father, and purposely failed out of Realschule in hopes for his father to recognize that the life his father had planned for him, is not the life he wanted. He then moved to Vienna Austria to apply to the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, where he got rejected for the painting school, and was recommended for the Architectural school. His life in Vienna was terrible. He was very very poor, and even homeless. Thats where a lot of his ideals of a socialist state started to begin.
Hitler was NOT Jewish. In fact, his time spent in Vienna is where a lot of his hatred began, since Vienna was full of Orthodox Jews at the time. Although his childhood friend August Kubizek said Hitler was a "confirmed anti-Semite" before Vienna.
He then fought in WW1. After WW1 was his rise to power.
Honestly, go do some research, even wikipedia will be a million times better than anything anybody says on here.

Heres some fun Hitler facts:
Hitler hated being Austrian. He always dreamed of a unified German state (which he obviously succeeded in doing.)
He never originally planned on killing the jews, but instead wanted to just "send them away to Madagascar"
Hitler was afraid to invade the U.S because a lot of Germans immigrated to the U.S and he felt that the "cream of the crop" Germans had came to the U.S, so he was "afraid" to fight us due to his belief of Germans being the superior race. Also, the whole citizens having guns thing (:macho)
Contrary to popular belief he was NOT Jewish. He was raised a Roman Catholic.

Theres a really good German movie called "Der Untergang" (The Downfall) about the last days of Hitlers life. It really shows how sick he was in the head. Saying that German soldiers deserved to die because the weren't strong enough to defeat the allies, etc. Its really a good movie, and gives you a good view of how crazy he was. Although its all in German, so its all subtitles unless you're fluent in Deutsch.

And, k4f5x0r, "fell in love with his cousin and killed her" Where the hell did you hear this? Link to a reputable source?

Ich weiß nicht. I never really did any studying into Stalin and Soviet Russia yet.

11-18-2010, 10:26 PM
Stalin completely believed in marxist leninism. Don't know much about his rise to power, probbaly alot of backdoor happennings, but i know in WWII he was a prick to everyone and a complete snake. His goal was for russia to do as little as possible then take as much as it could after USA and GB kicked the nazi's and jap's asses. wikipidea would probbaly have some good stuff, but dont use it on your your works cited, becasue it's not looked at as a reputable source...

11-18-2010, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by tbrackman84
Stalin completely believed in marxist leninism. Don't know much about his rise to power, probbaly alot of backdoor happennings, but i know in WWII he was a prick to everyone and a complete snake. His goal was for russia to do as little as possible then take as much as it could after USA and GB kicked the nazi's and jap's asses. wikipidea would probbaly have some good stuff, but dont use it on your your works cited, becasue it's not looked at as a reputable source...

yeah NEVER use wikipedia as a works cited.

11-19-2010, 09:23 AM
thanks for all the help guys.
i got the paper done in time!:)
u guys are great

11-19-2010, 12:51 PM
i remember when i had to do reports, library and encyclopedias... school is easy these days.