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View Full Version : tightening clutch basket bolts

The Quad Kid
11-10-2010, 06:17 PM
does anyone know how tight to tighten the five bolts on the clutch basket of a 400ex. it's those 5 bolts that have springs on them. thanks!

11-10-2010, 07:31 PM
You have to pull the cover off, tighten them up, lol


11-10-2010, 07:33 PM
like he said.. take off all the small bolts around the outer clutch cover, then once you have that off, the 5 bolts should be "snugged" down. there is no torque specification, and the bolts snap very easily, so hold the socket/wrench near the bolt head so you can't put too much leverage on them. tighten in a star pattern. you'll likely need a new gasket for the cover.

edit: why two threads? did you get the answer in the other one? you can tell when they are good enough. the washers will actually bottom out. once that happens, they're good.

The Quad Kid
11-12-2010, 04:26 PM
ya i somehow posted two threads have no idea how but ya i did. i already had the cover off!! sheesh i'm not that clueless you guys lol i've been working on replacing the clutch lifter pin and i figured i'd better find out how much to tighten them while i was waiting for the parts in the mail. but ya i got the answer thanks everyone.