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02-09-2003, 10:26 AM
i havent been on here for a while,,,

i remember i used to be on here every day of the week but i been looking at houses and all that crap for mom.. trying to be there for here...

but anyways 4 years ago we paid like a 100000.00 for are house
2 bed rooms, central air, also a woood stove, family room, living room ,2 full bath rooms, huge kitchen , barn, pond, 10 acres, shed , tractor all for 100000.00 i thought that was really expensice well picking up adds and looking around its hard to get a house that cheap anymore!!!

the ceapest thing that we seen so far that is something like are house right now is 119000.00 and that for a half acre !!!!!!!
in hardin county...

i am 16 years old i wont be living with my mom to much longer i dont thnk or less something happends to me ... and i am tryhing to talk her into staying where we are at for two reason.....

first reason- i will have a place to ride with all my friends

2nd it would be cheaper on mom if she just goes ahead and pay his share of the house.....

1 reason why i dont want mom to keep it is because its off the main road its 15 miles from town (what if she needs something and she cant get out.., unsafe ..... i would sorta feel better if she moved to a suburb because i believe she would feel safe ... i dont know do any of you all know where i am coming from?

divorces suck....

what would you do if it was your mom and she was asking you for help???

but man i dont want here to waste her money on a little bitty property in a small house for 119 [ grand i rather keep the smalll house we have now

Glow Plug
02-09-2003, 11:29 AM
man that sucks.... if your going to stay with her for a while thne you can keep her safe and then still have all that stuff you were talking about and when you move out she could move into town, city or whatever