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10-25-2010, 09:35 AM
Are there any former MP's on here?

10-25-2010, 09:37 AM

10-25-2010, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by Baracudaaa

Okay. Well i am looking for some help. I am a looking into joining the military and becoming an MP. I am wondering how there experiences were while they were performing there duties as MP? Is it worth it? Or should i just continue on to my B.A. Degree and skip the military?

10-25-2010, 03:00 PM
Get your degree first, definately, 100%, absolutely. Then, if you still want military experience, enlist as an officer.

I would take a hard look at what you want, and would love to do for the rest of your life, and enlist as an officer in that field. You will have training that you can carry for the rest of your life, and look awesome on a resume.

I went in as an SP in the Airforce only because the recruiter told me a pile of lies, and I was young and gullable, and fell for it. When you are 17 (I signed in underage) and they start showing you videos of how fun and cool being a cop on base can be, I fell for it.
If you have plans on being a cop after you get out, and want to be on the fast track for heading up the ladder, by all means, join as an MP if thats your thing. I never had any intension of being a cop after my service, so while I did enjoy my time serving, it applied 0% to my life there-after (except for flashing my badge a couple times to get let off the hook by civilian cops). Being an MP, or SP, is filled with 95% boredom, and 5% balls to the walls adreneline, then right back to paperwork and more boredom.
This is just my personel opinion, not to reflect on the law enforcement field in general, and not to upset anyone, but I would have MUCH rather been in an engineering or media relations (my 2 passions) field than an SP.
So, you can take that for what its worth, and hopefully you make a good decision! Good luck!!!

Oh yeah, also, if you do enlist, go for every opportunity you get to receive a medal or award, or promotion, all of them. Even if your friends and peers call you a kiss ***, nerd, or what ever, do it. The more the better. I had a board on my chest as an E-4 that rivaled most E-6's or E-7's, and I still use those awards and medals on job applications. I also found out that I ended up making about $40k more a year than the guys who heckeled me and called me a kiss *** whlie we all were enlisted and are now all civilians.

10-25-2010, 03:53 PM
I am going to pursue a career as a civilian police officer. Are you saying to stay away from the MP field in the military? What was so bad about the AF? I am wondering more about what branches to look into and stuff. What is your honest opinion? to join or not to join?

10-25-2010, 04:21 PM
I think the ONLY branch I would ever consider is the AF. Maybe I just don’t like the Army attitude, or think the AF is easier, I am not sure, but it seemed like the AF tended to have higher educated and more level headed people, but that’s just my observations.

If you are looking at a career in law enforcement, then the best thing to do is set up a time to actually talk with a successful officer, maybe a local police chief or captain. I think that they could lay out a realistic and comprehensive plan that is achievable and that you would be able to do in a timely manner. Remember, you don’t want to fart around, or waste time, or take wrong paths when you are at this point in your life. Get as much done now with as much success as you possibly can so you can create more leisure later in life, when you will have the $$$$$ to do it right!