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10-24-2010, 11:45 AM
anyone have experience in more than 1 branch? what is your opinion of each branch compared to another? entertaining the idea of joining the army or the airforce and just looking for some insight. what you liked/disliked, what to expect. i am living on an army base right now so i have gathered some info on daily life outside of work, but what is the work life like? i would be doing something in the supply/shipping/recieving type stuff. maybe even some of the small arms/gunsmithing type stuff. i dont know, just thinking out loud, maybe somebody can help, thanks in advance

10-24-2010, 01:22 PM
do something that will be of value outside of the military. small arms repair will land you in any hotspot that pops up around the world. and supply has little value outside of the military. army treats you like crap, you'll have people telling you what to do that have no common sense, because time in has way more clout than intelligence. i was a machinist for 5yrs in the army, hated every day of it, but took advantage of opportunities and never had trouble finding a job when i got out.

10-24-2010, 04:08 PM
thanks for the insight, i hadnt thought about that on the gun smithing jobs, and the supply stuff i do already, so it made sense. i am open to any suggestions tho, and any insight or personal experience you guys have

10-24-2010, 07:42 PM
I have many friends in the military: At this current time in the world it is not a good idea to join anything besides the coast guard. My buddy whose there is the only one who is happy-rest of them all say it absolutely sucks-the worst being the marines followed by the army then the air force and navy.

I was gonna join but totally quit that idea after I learned just how bad it can be from several of my friends who got screwed over by the military.

10-24-2010, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by CJM
I have many friends in the military: At this current time in the world it is not a good idea to join anything besides the coast guard. My buddy whose there is the only one who is happy-rest of them all say it absolutely sucks-the worst being the marines followed by the army then the air force and navy.

I was gonna join but totally quit that idea after I learned just how bad it can be from several of my friends who got screwed over by the military.

What do you mean when you say they got "screwed over"?

10-24-2010, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Exrider434
What do you mean when you say they got "screwed over"?

My buddy is a former force recon marine, he had to fight tooth and nail to get sent home from iraq b/c he injured his feet so bad (tendinitis) that he could barely walk-they sent this poor guy on patrols for WEEKS while they decided if he was fit for duty-and no Im not making it up. When they finally did agree to send him home he had to still further convince them he was hurt and finally they didnt pay him for a solid YEAR. to get them to finally pay him he had to get a JAG officer, complain to every single person who would listen, phone in favors to a few high ranking officers, and even contacted his senator and rep in his state! Believe it or not I aint making any of that up. This guy served for a solid 6 years and is a tough SOB and highly trained operator, but apparently they only give a crap if your able bodied. Trust me this guy is military thru and thru and tells people to avoid it like the plague.

Another friend was in army and had issues with pay. Failure to amend backpay and such due to promotion, failure to pay covered expenses, failure to pay benefits, etc. He was also passed over for promotion several times too before he finally got it (yes he did deserve it too!)

My other friends dad served his whole life. 1st in the actual regular army in intelligence and then in tanks, then he left and came back to nat'l guard and was in finance. Since his job is so in demand he was sent to iraq for a TOD (no big deal its expected) HOWEVER if he had not had his retirement papers in (how you can send 50+ yo guy there who is fit but quite old compared to everyone else IDk-think cause he was in a non combat role but still) they were going to force him to re-up due to the fact his job is needed and even then they fought him on it.

Only one friend I know is happy, he started as a cook in the coastguard, got bored with that, swapped to machine gunner, got bored of that and last I heard was in some kinda SWAT like unit that raids boats and stuff. he is the only one I know who has had no issues-but perhaps his non Caucasian skin tone has helped him (as he puts it)?

10-25-2010, 07:09 AM
I honestly think the military is different for everyones. Its one of those things you dont know or understand till you do it. My best friend comes home on the oct 7th from his first tour in afghan. He is mountain infantry and he says the same thing about the army that you can have complete morons commanding you. Then my cousin who is in the marines and has been since 08 has not seen 1 second of action, he has been stationed in japan and does electric work on f-18s and loves every minute of it.

10-25-2010, 07:33 AM
The military is not for everyone but many find it fun and rewarding and you can take advantage of a lot of opportunities that they can offer.
I have never served myself but I have many in my family that did and some are still in at this time.
My nephew has been in the army now for a year and he loves it and he is having fun doing it.
Do your research and even take the test they give you before you join to see how well you can do and if you do well on the test you can generally pick what you want to do.
It won’t guaranty that’s what you’ll get what you want but it will give you some idea of what you are capable of.

Good luck.

remember, untill they sware you in you are still a free man and can back out if you want.

10-25-2010, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
The military is not for everyone but many find it fun and rewarding and you can take advantage of a lot of opportunities that they can offer.
I have never served myself but I have many in my family that did and some are still in at this time.
My nephew has been in the army now for a year and he loves it and he is having fun doing it.
Do your research and even take the test they give you before you join to see how well you can do and if you do well on the test you can generally pick what you want to do.
It won’t guaranty that’s what you’ll get what you want but it will give you some idea of what you are capable of.

Good luck.

remember, untill they sware you in you are still a free man and can back out if you want.

good advice here brad.

Like a lot of people said, Sometimes you will get some real *********s for a comandor. They usually don't stick around long and it really isn't that big of a deal anyway. You just have to do what you are told. Just like any other job.

go into it open minded and everything will be fine. go into it scared to death with an attitude and you will be missrabale.

Like he said...score high enough on your GT test and you can right your own contract. I could have went in as an electricain with E3 rank. I gave that up for guranteed station at Ft Campbell. It was in my contract when I left for basic. I was guranteed one year.

Best advice I can give is....don't be the one who crys and complains....they are the ones that catch all the BS.

10-25-2010, 04:47 PM
the military is extremely rewarding, mostly the pride you get from realizing why you are overseas, i was stationed in Afghanistan for 2 years, and the best part about it was leaving.. I've been through quite a few friends, and have always had a good time showing up the tank mechanics because the ones in our company didn't know the difference between a carburetor and a gas tank (not literally). My advice, unless you have an unbarring love for this country, stay out of the marines or navy.

10-25-2010, 04:56 PM
well i talked to a recruiter today, took a practice asvab and got a 53. outside of that they werent real helpful, answered a few questions but in the grand scheme of things they womt let me take the real asvab until i am ready to commit. sounds backwards to me. i want to take the asvab, see what all is available and what i can do and get a solid plan in place and then decide yes or no. they want the opposite. idk, might go to the air force recruiter next and see what they say, or maybe a diffrent army recruiter will just let me take the test

10-25-2010, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by bradley300
well i talked to a recruiter today, took a practice asvab and got a 53. outside of that they werent real helpful, answered a few questions but in the grand scheme of things they womt let me take the real asvab until i am ready to commit. sounds backwards to me. i want to take the asvab, see what all is available and what i can do and get a solid plan in place and then decide yes or no. they want the opposite. idk, might go to the air force recruiter next and see what they say, or maybe a diffrent army recruiter will just let me take the test

That’s my suggestion; find another recruiter that may be of more help to you. Don’t give up just yet keep looking into it and see what happens.
You said you were still working on your BA so keep working on that because the more education you have going in the better for you.
Don’t let the recruiter give you a “hard sell” take your time and keep looking into it.

10-25-2010, 07:58 PM
Are you looking at Active, Reserves, or Nat'l Guard?

Most recruiters aren't going to send you to MEPS for your ASVAB/Physical until you show that you are VERY interested. (Costs money.)

I was in the DEP for the Air Force (Active Duty) and was waiting for a job in Fire Protection. My recruiter was shoving Security Forces down my throat, which I respectfully declined and told him that I wasn't budging off of Fire Protection, and was even willing to wait as long as it took to get it. Long story short, he wasn't to happy (Most recruiters have a kiss 'em and ship 'em attitude. They have a quota, and are sometimes even penalized for someone leaving the DEP.) and I ended up backing out. He swore I would never be able to get into the Air Force again...

Another long story short, I am now in the Reserves, and much more happier. I have been given Fire Protection and am waiting for my ship date (1/11/11). The Reserve recruiters are much different with you then Active Duty, it's hard to explain and I won't get into it; but definitely look into the Reserves as well.

If anything just remember not to accept any job UNLESS it is what you really want. Be sure to ask every question that you can think of, and like said you can leave at any time prior to swearing in. (And the swear-in at MEPS is not official until your leave date.)

10-26-2010, 04:52 AM
im looking at active duty airforce or army. the reserves is an option i geuss but at this point in time active will pay my bills and im not sure i could survive on what the reserves pay. i would even consider the national gaurd but at this time i really just dont know enough about it. if anyone has any insight or experience with the gaurd i would love to hear it.
i know everyone says the airforce is treated the best and has the best quality of life, so thats attractive.
i know so little about the military anyway that i am not even sure what all questions i should be asking so if anyone has any insight im all ears

10-26-2010, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by ktmkid1
\ My advice, unless you have an unbarring love for this country, stay out of the marines or navy.

Why do you say that? I'd think that would be true for Special Forces. Ie, SEALs, DELTA, Rangers and various other elite units.

10-26-2010, 09:31 AM
what ever i do will be non combat (or at least as far from the front lines as i can get) so you wont see me post about my seal or green beret training anytime soon, lol i have seen the mountain warfare training on the military channel tho and have to say it looks interesting. might be interested in that if only for the experience of doing it.

anyway, what questions do you guys wish you would have asked before you joined? what kind of things (good or bad) popped up once you got in that you werent expecting? i really dont know what questions to even ask at this point.

10-26-2010, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by bradley300
what ever i do will be non combat (or at least as far from the front lines as i can get) so you wont see me post about my seal or green beret training anytime soon, lol i have seen the mountain warfare training on the military channel tho and have to say it looks interesting. might be interested in that if only for the experience of doing it.

anyway, what questions do you guys wish you would have asked before you joined? what kind of things (good or bad) popped up once you got in that you werent expecting? i really dont know what questions to even ask at this point.

what the hell is an 11B.....:D
Just make sure you know for sure what you are signing up for.

10-26-2010, 11:55 AM
def wouldnt sign up for 11B, just commenting that the mountain warfare stuff does look fun. my geuss is doing a non combat mso, i wouldnt get cleared to do the mountain warfare training anyway

Family Guy
10-26-2010, 12:43 PM
OK, Heres my 2 cents. I have been in the military 16 years now. I spent the first part of my career in the Army and now in the Navy. Just be sure of what you want then be honest with the recruiter. Just tell them up front exactly what you want, yes some recruiters will say whatever to get you in. Not all recruiters are that way. You have to tell them what you want and ask the right questions. The military is not for everyone. It is however a great place for some. It is what you make it. If you moan and groan all day because you dont want to be told what to do then your life will suck while serving. Do some real thinking and decide what you want from the military then stick to it.

10-26-2010, 01:16 PM
well my biggest problem right now is not knowing what are the right questions

10-27-2010, 04:19 PM
thanks for all the help so far guys, i think i am gettin close to doing this!
my only concern right now is signing up for the job i want and then during the physical or asvab something happens that unqualifies me (dont think there would be anything but i think im just being paranoid) and i just get stuck in a job i REALLY dont want (infantry for instance). so when am i 100% commited? once i sign my contract? once i show up at basic?
btw, i am looking at unit supply (92y). it seems to be nearly identical to the civilian job i have now, but of course with better pay and benefits. no its not as macho and tough sounding as ranger or spec ops but survivability is much better, i still get to work with the small arms, and everything i have seen says everyone likes the supply guys since they control the goodies :-) lol

10-27-2010, 04:21 PM
and oh yeah, i am scared to death of basic. probably dont need to be but endurance has never been my thing. ive also never really had to push myself physicly.i think i could adapt quick to most of the pt quickly but the running really has me worried. im not overwieght or anything (5 ft 8, 145 pounds) but running has never been my thing. i think the last time i ran a mile was 8th grade, and it took me nearly 11 minutes. on top of that all i know about basic training, i learned from the movie full metal jacket lmao. so if anyone has any words of wisdom or encouragement i would love to hear it! if anyone remebers the pt routine from basic i woudnt mind hearin it either so i will know what to expect and maybe try some of it on my own. i am living on fort campbell (with a friend, im 100% civie still) think i could sneak into a units pt drill one morning and try it out? lmao

10-27-2010, 05:12 PM
Dont worry about basic, army is piece of cake vs marines apparently.

Friend of mine prepared by hitting the gym 3x a week and working out. 30 mins cardio and an hour or two weight training. he did fine in army basic. and no its not like full metal jacket, they woulda locked that drill sarge up for the treatment if he did it today.

I was in and they disqualified me based on an injury I had cause I have pins holding it together. You can get waivers but meh I said F it and moved on. I was gonna be a mechanic.

10-27-2010, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by bradley300
thanks for all the help so far guys, i think i am gettin close to doing this!
my only concern right now is signing up for the job i want and then during the physical or asvab something happens that unqualifies me (dont think there would be anything but i think im just being paranoid) and i just get stuck in a job i REALLY dont want (infantry for instance). so when am i 100% commited? once i sign my contract? once i show up at basic?
btw, i am looking at unit supply (92y). it seems to be nearly identical to the civilian job i have now, but of course with better pay and benefits. no its not as macho and tough sounding as ranger or spec ops but survivability is much better, i still get to work with the small arms, and everything i have seen says everyone likes the supply guys since they control the goodies :-) lol

If you are going active you will take the Physical/Asvab and then you will choose your job at MEPS. They will tell you what jobs you qualify for and you will make a list of about 4-7 jobs that you would like to have. (Listed in order of what you really want, down to your last resort.) After you pick your jobs you will go do a swear-in. (No this does not mean you are officially in.) After your swear in, you are now in the DEP (Delayed entry program). Basically means you are waiting for your job to open up... At any time while waiting for your job, you can back out, or decline a job offer. (WAIT for the job you TRULY want, unless you are wanting to leave ASAP.) After your first swear in you now report to your recruiter, and he will update you periodically. You are only OFFICIALLY in, only when you are shipping out to basic. (You will swear-in again at MEPS before you leave, and this will be your official swear-in.)

As far as which questions you should ask? I can't really give you an idea there... Just don't be afraid to ask anything that comes to mind. Ask about education, daily life, etc, etc..

Edit: This is how it worked for me in the AF... I can only assume that it is the same for the Army.

10-27-2010, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by bradley300
and oh yeah, i am scared to death of basic. probably dont need to be but endurance has never been my thing. ive also never really had to push myself physicly.i think i could adapt quick to most of the pt quickly but the running really has me worried. im not overwieght or anything (5 ft 8, 145 pounds) but running has never been my thing. i think the last time i ran a mile was 8th grade, and it took me nearly 11 minutes. on top of that all i know about basic training, i learned from the movie full metal jacket lmao. so if anyone has any words of wisdom or encouragement i would love to hear it! if anyone remebers the pt routine from basic i woudnt mind hearin it either so i will know what to expect and maybe try some of it on my own. i am living on fort campbell (with a friend, im 100% civie still) think i could sneak into a units pt drill one morning and try it out? lmao

As for basic, most recruiters give you a packet of what to expect, and it sometimes gives you a week-by-week breakdown of what to expect....

Also, most people don't want to be yelled at. Realize that it is for your own good, and that they will try and break you down only to build you up stronger... Plus, they're not just yelling at you, they're yelling at everyone... Ultimately they're there to help you, so give it your best and you shouldn't have a problem.

10-27-2010, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by miller821

Also, most people don't want to be yelled at. Realize that it is for your own good, and that they will try and break you down only to build you up stronger... Plus, they're not just yelling at you, they're yelling at everyone... Ultimately they're there to help you, so give it your best and you shouldn't have a problem.

ive always known that, but i geuss hearing it from someone else really makes it sound like its goig to be alright :-)

10-28-2010, 12:35 PM
IMO, supply will be a mistake. if your unit has a big tech supply system you could be looking at long hours and weekend work. also the people in it aren't the brightest. it's not the movies, people don't like supply guys, they have no control over who gets what and will get lots of flack when things don't show up.

more pay in the military:huh unless you're an officer, you're way below minimum wage if you count from the time you have to show up for pt till you get back to the barracks in the afternoon.

better get use to running cause it's the #1 thing you'll be doing. you're also going to get punished for when some dumb *** does something wrong. also not going to get a lot of sleep. road marches, days of classroom training thats boring as can be, but don't you dare fall asleep during it. scrubbing the bathroom, toilets and showers especially, having only minutes to eat your food, shining your boots every night(hated that!), GI parties, hurry up and wait... OH!!! and never pass up the opportunity to go to the bathroom!!

you need to make sure you go to ft jackson for basic, easiest one. also you tell them what mos you want, if they won't give it to you just get up and leave, you'd be suprised what opens up then. supply doesn't need a big gt score and people aren't waiting in line to get into it, so that shouldn't be an issue.

10-28-2010, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by bradley300
and oh yeah, i am scared to death of basic. probably dont need to be but endurance has never been my thing. ive also never really had to push myself physicly.i think i could adapt quick to most of the pt quickly but the running really has me worried. im not overwieght or anything (5 ft 8, 145 pounds) but running has never been my thing. i think the last time i ran a mile was 8th grade, and it took me nearly 11 minutes. on top of that all i know about basic training, i learned from the movie full metal jacket lmao. so if anyone has any words of wisdom or encouragement i would love to hear it! if anyone remebers the pt routine from basic i woudnt mind hearin it either so i will know what to expect and maybe try some of it on my own. i am living on fort campbell (with a friend, im 100% civie still) think i could sneak into a units pt drill one morning and try it out? lmao If I lived trough basic after I hit my Drill Sargent in the chest with a tent peg on the first day. Any body can make it. I hope you love push-up I think I still owe him about 500.

10-28-2010, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by OutlawBill
If I lived trough basic after I hit my Drill Sargent in the chest with a tent peg on the first day. Any body can make it. I hope you love push-up I think I still owe him about 500.

you need to share this story, it sounds like one hell of a day!

10-28-2010, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by CJM
you need to share this story, it sounds like one hell of a day! Ever try to do push-up with 100+lbs duffel bag on you back. We had just got issued all our clothes and field equipment we will need for Basic. After inventory I had one extra tent peg. The Drill Sergeant ask if any of us recruits had any extra equipment I yelled yes Drill Sergeant I have one extra tent peg Drill Sergeant. He yells give it to me. That was the trap no matter what I do I will be wrong. I tossed the peg to him and I notice at the half-way point with a very accurate flight the the Drill Sergeants arms had not moved. It hit him dead center on the chest and on a button then fell to the ground now I am going to die. have to get back to work more later.

10-28-2010, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by cdrookie
IMO, supply will be a mistake. if your unit has a big tech supply system you could be looking at long hours and weekend work. also the people in it aren't the brightest.

more pay in the military:huh unless you're an officer, you're way below minimum wage if you count from the time you have to show up for pt till you get back to the barracks in

you need to make sure you go to ft jackson for basic, easiest one. also you tell them what mos you want, if they won't give it to you just get up and leave, you'd be suprised what opens up then. supply doesn't need a big gt score and people aren't waiting in line to get into it, so that shouldn't be an issue.

like i said, supply is comfort to me because j do it anyway. as for the pay, im not out for the high dollar per hour as much as a steady check.

10-28-2010, 04:37 PM
and if the supply guys arent the brightest, i should move up quick, lol

10-28-2010, 06:03 PM
sounds like the DS was a tough, mean sob..