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View Full Version : Suspended from work.... Quick question

10-12-2010, 08:15 AM
Alright so currently i am a manager of a detail shop and long story short, i had another employee pull a car in and he sideswiped the wall and caused damage to the vehicle..

My boss was not there at the time so i immediately called him and explained to him what happened, obvioulsy he was upset about it but did not say too much. This happened saturday.

Now i drive into work Monday, and he wants to talk to me, so he ends up telling me that he holds ME fully responsible for what happened, basically says that i am nothing to him. He ends up telling me that i am suspended for a week, and thats that.

Come to find out the employee who actually crashed the van is getting no punishment at all, while i lose a weeks worth of pay. Now i greatly depend on this paycheck every week, and my question is.......

Can i collect money for the days of work i am missing, because i am being forced to take time off without pay, while the other employee who caused the problem is still there and working?


10-12-2010, 08:59 AM
call the gov and find out, sounds to be about the same as a layoff so you may be able to get something. bummer on the suspension though! steve

10-12-2010, 09:20 AM
No, you arent unemployed. Thats nothing to do with the government just your employer.

10-12-2010, 09:21 AM
That is absolutely rediculous! I would tell him to shove some turtle wax up his a** and find another job! sounds like a complete dick

10-12-2010, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by chucked
No, you arent unemployed. Thats nothing to do with the government just your employer.


10-12-2010, 02:42 PM
We are missing one detail, were you supose to be pulling in the vehicle? If you and only you are supose to be pulling in the vehicle, and you let somebody else do it and they hit the wall, then I can see why your boss did what he did. But if any employees are entitled to drive in customers cars, then this is BS

10-12-2010, 03:19 PM
Sounds like his a dick, so use the week off to find another job. Then call in sick for a few days so it will cost him money. Then you can laugh in his face and tell him to shove it.

Or call your local work force center and see if he can be suspended for wrongly punishing you for something someone else did.

10-12-2010, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Sounds like his a dick, so use the week off to find another job. Then call in sick for a few days so it will cost him money. Then you can laugh in his face and tell him to shove it.

Or call your local work force center and see if he can be suspended for wrongly punishing you for something someone else did.


he obviously is a jerk, how is it your fault the employee damaged the car? Were you supposed to be directing him, helping him pull it in or something?

I would call every single person in the govt that will listen, thats totally wrong what he did to you.


10-12-2010, 09:46 PM
You probably cannot collect unemployment for that week, as you aren't truly unemployed. A suspension isn't the same as a layoff. It's a disciplinary action.

The issue of blame is another situation entirely, and that's between you and your employer. However, I'll give you a small bit of advice for a worst-case scenario.

Generally, you cannot collect unemployment if you are fired for misconduct (sleeping on the job, no call-no show, stealing, ect ect). However, if you DO get fired, you might be able to use the questionable circumstances to collect unemployment, since you weren't truly at fault.

10-13-2010, 07:23 AM
Originally posted by Jim417mx
We are missing one detail, were you supose to be pulling in the vehicle? If you and only you are supose to be pulling in the vehicle, and you let somebody else do it and they hit the wall, then I can see why your boss did what he did. But if any employees are entitled to drive in customers cars, then this is BS

nope, and i work at a dealership, with its own body shop, and this was not even a customer car, it was a used car that was traded in and getting ready to go out on the lot.

10-13-2010, 07:57 AM
Unfortunately **** rolls down hill. You being the supervisor were in charge while the boss is not there. You are ultimately responsible for what goes on.

10-17-2010, 06:50 AM
I dont want to put you on the spot or put your employer on blast, but what dealership was it? Im from north tonawanda and work in the car industry as well

Btw. Going riding today from sanborn with a bunch of people. Always love to have more riders in the group. pm me if you wanna meet up

10-17-2010, 06:57 AM
I would look for another job. Dude sounds like he hates his life and work so he needed to take it out on you. But I dunno if you can collect unemployment or not, since you are not officially laid off. I know of people that have collected it when they worked a few less hours a week, but hey, if you need the money you might as well give it a shot.

10-17-2010, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by supraloud84
I dont want to put you on the spot or put your employer on blast, but what dealership was it? Im from north tonawanda and work in the car industry as well

Btw. Going riding today from sanborn with a bunch of people. Always love to have more riders in the group. pm me if you wanna meet up

I work at West Herr Toyota on Main St. in Clarence, they actually outsource to a small company called Wrights Car Care for their details and thats who im officially employed by, but the business is basically run by West Herr.

Where do you guys ride out of Sanborn? Thats a 5 minute drive from my house, i was just out on the Escarpment 2 days ago actually

10-17-2010, 04:59 PM
I take it your not in any union then?

10-17-2010, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by stoopidbot
Unfortunately **** rolls down hill. You being the supervisor were in charge while the boss is not there. You are ultimately responsible for what goes on.

If that were true then shouldn’t he have been able to pass down the punishment to the employee that made the mistake?

10-17-2010, 06:33 PM
the biggest thing i want to know is if he is going back to work tomorrow or tuesday with the issue resolved or at least able to start working again. steve

10-18-2010, 12:22 AM
headin back tomorrow, have not resolved the issue with my employer at all, depending on how it goes tomorrow will ultimately effect whether i stay with him or not. I'm still rather upset that the employee who caused the incident got no punishment, and continued working the whole week i was off.

I have talked with a few other places regarding jobs as a detailer, but im just weighing options at this point. I'd rather not start off new, after having seniority at my current job. Although there is a possible better paying, closer job opportunity that may be my choice, however i just dont know what to do at this point.

Alll depends on how the day goes tomorrow i suppose. BTW he refuses to fire anyone, as he does not want to pay unemployment, ALSO he refuses to pay overtime....

From what i have been told, thats a pretty major violation. He will allow us to work over 40hrs, however he will only put 40hrs on one weeks paycheck and spread the "overtime" throughout the next few weeks. Not sure how to handle that situation, all i know is that it aggravates me when i work 55hr weeks and he refuses to pay any overtime when he knows he should.

10-18-2010, 04:30 AM
Refusing to pay overtime when he needed you or called you in is illegal. If you dont stay with him report it :scary:

10-18-2010, 12:28 PM
i have a boss that does a similar thing with over time. He would pay 40hours on the paychecks but that then he had some sort of system in his head that he incorporated our overtime in with our regular pay....idk it was bull****, I never said anything because I was making quite a bit to begin with as well a hidden surprise in the envelope from time to time.

10-18-2010, 02:04 PM
each state is different but if Your a supervisor then he doesn't have to pay you any overtime.

Ky law defines supervisor as anyone with at least 3 reports.