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10-10-2010, 10:27 PM
today out riding at one of my usual spots, after several laps me and my friend started to pick up the speed, coming into a blind corner at about 35mph all of a sudden some poor 10 year old kid came into the same corner at the opposite direction

from what his father said was about 30mph, we were able to not do a direct head on , but we hit hard from what I was told he spun like a top in one spot about 3 full turns and he almost landed on his feet.

I went over the bars and did a barrel role. thank god he didnt fly off like I did he would have hit a tree! he was a little banged up and Im having flashbacks of his scared little eyes as we were about to hit, at that point I would have done anything to not hit him!!!! I feel terrible and Im just glad it wasn't worse It could have been much worse turn out!!

so keep your eyes open out there you never know when the unexpected might happen!! when it does you have no time to react

10-11-2010, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by DnB_racing
today out riding at one of my usual spots, after several laps me and my friend started to pick up the speed, coming into a blind corner at about 35mph all of a sudden some poor 10 year old kid came into the same corner at the opposite direction

from what his father said was about 30mph, we were able to not do a direct head on , but we hit hard from what I was told he spun like a top in one spot about 3 full turns and he almost landed on his feet.

I went over the bars and did a barrel role. thank god he didnt fly off like I did he would have hit a tree! he was a little banged up and Im having flashbacks of his scared little eyes as we were about to hit, at that point I would have done anything to not hit him!!!! I feel terrible and Im just glad it wasn't worse It could have been much worse turn out!!

so keep your eyes open out there you never know when the unexpected might happen!! when it does you have no time to react
Wow man that sucks, its just good that everyone was ok

about 5-6 weeks ago i was flying down this straight stretch and a rzr pulled out of a blind corner right in front of me, last thing i remeber was being in 4th still acceleration then seeing him pull out in front of me and hitting my breaks
No one was seriously hurt, the guy in the rzr was fine but i broke my femur and both my 03 crf450r and his brand new 2010 rzr were totaled

10-11-2010, 07:25 AM
ya it happens so quick!! when I saw that little boys eyes...I did everything I could not to hit straight head on, if it wasn't a little kid I probably wouldn't have been as lucky, I thought in my mind "I got to sacrifice myself to help him" and by doing that we just were able to hit foot-peg to foot-peg, his quad was lighter then mine and it spun him in his tracks, if not for that if he went over his bars he would have got hurt real bad!!
from what his father said his quad spun one way and he hovered over it spinning like a top the other way

10-11-2010, 10:49 AM
I have had too many close calls and accidents riding in open areas / trails

Now this is why I stay to the tracks.

MX MaNiAc 06
10-11-2010, 02:17 PM
Good thing kid's bones are made of rubber at that age!

10-11-2010, 02:24 PM
It was that kids fault though! I am sure your bike is loud as hell.. and you can probally hear it is mile away.. so the lil r-tard shoulda moved out from your path! Even with a stock 400EX, I could hear it a few hundred feet away! If I heard something comming balls to the wall around the corner, I'm going to move -DUHHHHHH!:rolleyes:

10-11-2010, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Brauap
It was that kids fault though! I am sure your bike is loud as hell.. and you can probally hear it is mile away.. so the lil r-tard shoulda moved out from your path! Even with a stock 400EX, I could hear it a few hundred feet away! If I heard something comming balls to the wall around the corner, I'm going to move -DUHHHHHH!:rolleyes:
Thats sorta what i thought about my accident to, my bike had a jardine pipe and was crazy loud, how could u not hear it tearing down a trail over the light plub plub of a stock polaris rzr that was pretty much idling out of the blind corner right in front of me

10-11-2010, 04:06 PM
That’s a big problem with open riding areas; there are no one way trails. We have a national forest trail system down here and there marked one way so you don’t have that kind of thing. To say it was the kids fault is not right, he had every right to be there as you did. In fact it was your fault for blasting around a blind corner where there was the possibility of two way traffic. If you’re going so fast around a blind corner that you can’t avoid on coming traffic then you are going to fast for the area you are riding. The kid was probably going slowly so he wouldn’t run up on head on traffic to fast, so he was right and you were wrong. But I’m glad everyone was fine, you feel bad now but if he had gotten hurt then just think how you would feel. Be careful and be aware of where you are riding and who is around you, just like driving a car you have to ride defensively and you can’t expect every one to see you.

10-11-2010, 04:26 PM
Glad everyone involved is ok. In my opinion both parties were at fault. I don't care how old you are, what skill level you are or how loud your bike is. Everyone needs to reduce speed at blind corners. 30 mph is 3 times to fast imo.

10-11-2010, 07:08 PM
Its the way it goes sometimes, I find myself in a habit of slowing down to near stopping at intersections because of things like this happening.

Today I took a spill (own fault) and bent the bars a bit (seems all that happened) and later on riding back I cut off one of the other riders that was with us (granted she doesnt pay very good attn usually anyways) coming from another path. We were fine, I stopped.

In your case, thank god everyone was ok.

10-11-2010, 08:22 PM
I had this hapen to me at my Dads place i was 17 and the kid going the wrong way was 6-7 and didint have permision to ride and i ran over the kide ..well the kids dad kicked my ***...

10-11-2010, 09:40 PM
You did the right thing buy doing what ever you could do to miss the kid. Open trails can be tough we all want to fly around corners, just dont know whats on the other side. Good thing it wasnt a truck.
Rember what you learned today.
I had a close call like that while riding my horse. A rider on a 400ex came up behind us on a corner fast and I did not hear him untill he was right there. He slid to a stop allong side of us. My horse reared up spun almost 360 deg and kicked at him with both back legs. The right hoof missed his face by no more than 3". Both of us were freaked out and had to stop for a cig. lol. Open trails are used by everyone.

10-12-2010, 04:06 PM
You did the right thing to try your best to avoid the head-on with the young kid. fortunately no one was seriously hurt, or even worse.
Now the IMPORTANT Thing is, that you never forget this for the rest of your life, as I'm sure neither will he or his father.

Last year some friends of mine were out on a weekend riding/camping trip.
Exactally the same thing as you described happened to one of the group.
One of the group was riding around close to camp, getting warmed up, waiting for the rest of the group to get suited up to go on a big ride.

It happened only about 100 yards from camp, and they heard the crash.
Unfortunately it was a direct head-on collision.
My buddy ran as fast as he could to the crash site.

The kid was ok with just a broken arm, and was pretty dazed and confused.

My buddies friend did not get so lucky.
He died in my buddies arms, minutes later.
Without getting into the details of the injuries, He didn't have any chance of survival.

The man who died, had a wife and very young daughter back at the camp.
She will never get to know her Dad.
She will never get to ride with him.

It does NOT matter to ANYBODY,
who's "fault" it was.
He is still Dead.

PLEASE GUYS !, use your heads out there.
Think about what you are doing.

I've had enough close calls to know better than to take the chances in a blind corner, or in ANY situation where you can not see well.
It can be another bike, it can be another quad, it can be a truck, or a kid, or a Mom, or a Dad.

You don't need, to ALWAYS be going, Balls to the Walls fast.

We are ALL out there to have a good time,
to enjoy our toys,
our families, and our friends.

The very best parts of a great ride,
are the memories and stories we get to share time and time again,...
around the future campfires, and dinner tables, with those same friends and families.
These memories will last forever, and will be equally enjoyed, each time the story is told.

Also equally and forever remembered,
are the Horrors of a downed rider, from a stupid mistake,...
that could have easily been avoided,...
that can never be erased,...
and will change the lives of their friends and families for the rest of their lives.

Tommorow, I turn 50 years old.
I've been riding the open desert since I was 8 years old.

I've seen alot of people get hurt,
and MOST of the time it is due to them not using their heads, and going too damned fast, in a vision limited situation.

I will be doing another Daddy / Daughter ride in two weeks, with my 9 year old little girl.
We will be meeting with a new group of riding families, and are very much looking forward to making some new friends, and having a great time.

When I am riding with my little girl, I am having the time of my life.
Watching her, and teaching her, is better than ANYTHING I can possibly describe.
It just dosent get any better than that.

Please think about that, and don't do anything that could take that away.

I have installed strobe lights on both of our quads, and I highly recommend using them.
It's cheap and easy to do. and they can help save yours or somebody else's kids life, so that they can share the good stories, of a great ride, with THEIR families and friends, as well as yours.

These are available at Harbor Freight tools, and I have them on all 4 of our quads. I run them even in the daylight anytime there is limited line of sight. You would be surprized how well they can be seen even in the daytime.


If you would like to see how well they work I have some pics of them, as well as some other strobes that I got from Pep Boys.
I'll be glad to share them for anyone who is interested.

I am even working on a new Mod, to incorporate them into my stock headlight housings. I may be able to complete it sometime next week.

Ride hard, BUT RIDE SAFE, and keep the rubber side down.

10-12-2010, 06:49 PM
Its a lesson that is forever burned into my mind,I still see his scared eyes in my mind,

Ive gone over it so many times in my head. I will never forget the felling that I could have seriously hurt or done worse to some poor little boy. He was out having fun with his father, It really could have been much worse, going as fast as we both were we are lucky!!!!It wasn't his fault or mine but it was both of our faults!

he did everything right no indecisiveness, picked his route and I picked mine! we almost cleared each other.

I dont ever want that felling again !!!